Show box toX HARA rara I 1 went next hidding hid ming by hadji Sal sai salih lhand and four others athers of our friends to view the tho olty city bazaars and although tile the wretchedness of the streets and houses bouses far exceeded that of th tiie Q meanest habitations in persian cities and the dust a foot deep gave but an ignoble idea of the noble bo khara I 1 was nevertheless astonished when I 1 found myself for the first time ill in tile the bazaar bazada and in the he middle of its waving crowd these establishments iti fri bok boi ham hara are indeed far from splendid and in magnificent a like those of Tc teheran herall herail and Is but still by the strange and diversified intermixture of races dresses and customs they present a very striking spectacle to tb tile the cy eye of a stranger in the moving multitude most bear the type ofir of Iran and have t their heir heads leads surmounted tn by a turban white or blue the former color bell beli being g distinctive of the gentleman or the the latter the appropriate ornament of tro tho merchant inan ivan anase arvant after the Pers persian lari larl 1 it la i tile the tartar that predominates we meet it in all its ita degree from the amongst whom we nind find a great intermixture of blood to the Kirg ilis lils who have preset preserved ved all ail all nil the wildness of their origin no need to look the latter in the hace face sheavy hi firm tread suffices alone to distinguish him from the and the irani then imagine that you see in the midst of the thiron throng of the two tyro principal races of asia ash sowe some indians as they are here called and jews both noth wear a polish cap for tiie tile the sake of distinction and a cord round their loins the former with his red mark on his hia forehead and his ills yellow repulsive face might well serve perve to scare away crows from rice fields the latter with ills his noble preeminently eminently pre liand lland handsome souie sonie fe features and arid his ills splendid eye might sit ait to aily any olour of our artists for a model of manly beauty there were also Tur komans distinguished from all by the superior boldness and fire of glance thinking perhaps what a rich harvest the tile ceno seene t before alleg them would yield to one 01 their alonians Aln ain ians lans of an ahans but beware few are feen fe seen en the meaner sort with their lol iol long iong lirty shirts inc unc and inq still dirtier hair bairs streaming trea whig down throw a cloth in itoman rowan fash lop around thein their r shoulders but this does not prevent their looking like persons who ho rush for safety from their beds into the streets when i their houses are oil on fire this tins diversified khorsandi Kho kandi kandl Kir ghis koptchak turk omalis omans indians jea jeu jews and is represented in all the principal bazaars and although everything is unceasing movement up and down own I 1 am yet unable to detect any trace of the bostl bustling life so strikingly characteristic of the e bazaars in persia nam berys travels in central asla asia A aia 1 |