Show matte y artho fic finger nails of the chief priest of the chinese joss josa house at san franeisco francisco oare 10 are actually longer than his angers fingers andare abid arid are twisted like an augar philadelphia has just voted one ono million for new schoolhouses school houses the moneys to be raised by a loan the theare 01 arenow now about miles of railway in the world these have consume d tons of iron aw indeed must down the I 1 ige me we go t we can do so with the wheel troll cocked ap treet railroad has been opened at louisville lAuis ville kentucky ZA A stupid and military tyrant is a lamp of clay kneaded with blood when there is a spanking breeze bad had children might be put out to take the air do you choose to chew if you do and you chow only two inches of piu plu plug ll 11 every day and do so for 30 years you will have consumed more than a third of a mile of such plug A bar of iron valued at five dollars corked into horseshoes is is worth ten dollars and fifteen cents needles three hundred and fifty five dollars penknife blades three thousand two hundred ind and eighty five dollars shirt buttons twenty nine thousand four hundred and mid eighty dollars balance springs for watches two hundred and fifty thou gand land dollars A woman ass found dead in her bed led ted lately at bordeaux and the doctors mert assert that she died from the effects of the smell of quinces a large basket of chich was found in her room A commendable resolution I 1 ploughs hs I 1 bows sows I 1 reaps I 1 mows I 1 gets tp up wood w for winter I 1 digs I 1 hoes and baters gr grows aws and dor lor for what I 1 knows I 1 owes the printer I 1 do suppose all know Inow knowledge ledge fload hows right 0 from the printing press so off I 1 goes in these ere clothes to settle up 1 guess the population of san francisco is III in iSep temper 1848 the number of inhabitants was pat was helping mr blank to get safe in his office one day and not being acquainted with the article inquired what it was for to prevent papers and other articles that are placed in it from being burned burneil in case ease of nire fire said B an sure will nothing iver bum burn put ut in that thing no I 1 well thin tb in your honor better be leafther getting into hito that same thing ye die 11 blank biank wilted dylr eyer ver meet troubie trouble half way but let iet him bim in have the whole walk for his pain perhaps he lie will give up his visit in sight of your sour house bev I 1 preparations of paper have been mauei lately which promise to dri veiron velron out of use even for plating ar but the last announced is the mo lar kable kabie very thin sheets are dip dippe dl in the oriental gum called rolissa nop rop issa issa ata asa n d then put to together ether plates of this par dar arb an ine inc inch li thick are bullet U proof 0 0 f imp imd 1 ious lous to water indestructible by b ya inset incombustible and have the ad being lighter than any known substances 8 possessing these qualities an unheard oi thing has occurred in europe king victor 1 etor emanuel Emanu elthe eithe the ee re Galantuomo d as his subjects fondly call him ei 0 evinced odthe of the necessity ne ity for great e colomy in the PU poolie y I 1 lle lie le administration ad 1 I lul nd desirous of co inting ain aln eting pe personally onal in the task V th tie lie ie italian ministry have to en ra r has voluntarily renounced 85 S ancs anes of ills his civil listin hsun list in favor oft rh t what other ind irh in he e IV i Js uld aid do so much agave his subject taxation T thea the assof 8 of europe havea have total of or n costing annilly 5 ahas the largest larges army numbering men that of france prance numbers men valuable lead mines have just been til oil discovered sc in the mountains of the province v of munster prussia the boer ien fen hatle halle of hamburg says say that the ore is so abundant and so rich that it would gould sui suf suffice mee uee for the supply of all ail europe he who goes forward with energy and force avoids many annoyances when a railroad train is at its speed th the e conductor has no occasion to whid whip behind how to go mad bean editor let the devil be waiting for copy sit down dow n to write an article and ana get a few sentences done then let an acquaintance drop in n and keg beg begin i n to tell you stories and I 1 gossip of the town and let him sit and sit thesis this is the quickest way we can think of to go raving distracted mad S F puck A frenchman has in invented vented a process whereby from a photograph a clay model may be mechanically and accurately cut from which a plaster cacis produced which is a lifelike life ilfe like ilke resemblance of the sitter the photograph is taken in a circular room every every eveny part of the person being photographed at the ame same instant A statuette or half sized bust bust is produced at the will of the sitter the name given to this new art is photo sculpture A london house has attempted the thing but as compared ared to the french the works produced ed are poor and clumsy the expense of the first cast is fifty doll dollars ars each duplicate being five dollars harry turn tarn recently married his cousin of the same name when interrogated as to why lie he did so lie he replied that it had always been a maxim of his thavone that one good turn deserves another 11 an english lieutenant has invent 1 ed a new style yle yie of engine which ihde is designed to be exceedingly compact and in its details I 1 it t is is a cv linder cylinder fitted with a very deep piston this piston has a cylinder inside of it running at right angles with the bore of the main cylinder there are two pistons in the cylinder which connect by rods toa ton crankshaft crank shaft running through the large cylinder the deep piston also connects to this crank shaft so that when it has made one stroke carrying the crank shaft part of the stroke the small cylinders in the main piston act on the shaft and also impel it the whole bole engine is no larger than the dy linder everything being enclosed in it steam ia is used on the smaller cylinders first and then let iet into the larger olne oine ine wi within thin the past eight months upwards ataras of papers papers have died in consequence of the exorbitant price of printing paper the reformed french and lutheran LutI lufi feran dhur hurches ches are mak makine making in g rapid progress ress in france ranee rance they are aro recognized by bv gov coment and ind their pastors liberally paid b by the state A ner nervous irous individual entered the ctr cir and commence commenced I overhauling the bug big cage sage the baggage c magar after eyeing him a moment accosted him rather gruffly with cantine wa wanti ntine nir s sr im looking look inar for my trunk 1 I demurely answer answered edthe the nervous man a lil lii ill take care of your trunk sir that 1 is my burines 1 11 retorted the agag e master 0 im aware of that sir but always much rather keep my trunk under my eye sir y you n should have been born an elephant and d then you could have your trunk under der your eye the whole time i t the following statement was made in 16 the confederate just prior t tp its adjournment of the number of broo troops P s furnished by the several states since the beginning of the war alabama hary baly Florida georgia Loui loul louisiana selna setna Missi ippi north carolina ai texas tennessee I 1 virginia Arkansas kentucky maryland massou 0 0 total I 1 A little boy had s a colt and nd a dog ard and his generosity was often tried by i v alforsa tors asking king ring hing him just jurt to hear what b hp would say to give them one or both of his pets one day lie tolda gentle ni nan an present that ha might have the colt resen reserving inc ing the lox dog ing much to the surprise surn rise of his mother who wiio asked why Jacl jaci jackey cey why you give him the doz dog say bay say sav nothing mother when wilen he goes to get goit the colt ill se set t the dor dof dog on him 11 i new now york kelty keity city eity pays 1000 per annum salary salar v to poli poll policemen emen amen st louis cincinnati new now orleans 1000 1 and buffalo 7 50 0 il in each of the tho cities named the police are uniformed ledtke the uniform beino furnished them at t public cost in addition to their pa puy 7 in Chi chicago eago caZo the common counci council I 1 has as hist indrea ed the pay of bf policemen from I 1 to per annum an emigrant who wilo had been somewhat roughly dealt with by the wildcat gentry of virginia city thus expresses his opinion of that lively town if gabriel happens to light at virginia city therell be no resurrection for swindle him out of his horn born before he can make maken a single toot the philadelphia press of dec 1864 announces in its report of operations of the the tho th commencement of coage coinage in 1797 the value of gold coined h has been of silver |