Show REMARKs MARKiS RE r JC J lylor jor LOR iliou baele naele febi P b ioui Rn 0 BY G D WATT I 1 have felt fell much impressed with the beautiful hymn which our choir has just sung peaking of our heavenly father and our return again into his presence we frequently talk about our fattler father who wilo is in heaven and wo we delight liht lihz ii light bt to dwell upon our relationship with him and anticipate with pleasure the time when we shall behold his face regain his presence and rejoice with him with the savior and with the apinis of the just made perfect in tile the eternal world the lord has revealed a great many good and great things unto us but yette yet we seem scarcely to appreciate tile the privileges with which we are surrounded Bur sur rounded and blessed nor to comprehend exactly our true relationship to our heavenly father I 1 was very much pleased with some remarks made by president young in relation to our father two or three torce weeks ago wherein lie he describes him as being beim like ourselves and possess possessing the power to associate with us ana and that if we were to gaze upon him we should see a person like ours ourselves elvos elves yet he is spoken of as being able to read th the c though thoughts LS of our hearts and that a sparrow cannot fan fah to the ground without his notice there are some peculiar expressions in the scripture and in the revelations that we llave have had given to us which we may term s scripture crip ture if you pleam please pertaining to our F father ather who is in heaven we are told in one place that thit lle lie ile he is the light that eneth every man that elmeth into the world we are told also that every good and perfect gift proceeds from the tile father of ligh lightsie tsin whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning we are told in some of our revelations which the lord has given to us in these last days dabs that he is 19 the fl light lit that is in the sun run and the tile power the thereof licon by which it was made that he is the light that is in the moon and the tile power by which it was made that he is the light 1 that is in the stars and the power whereby they were remade we made and that it is the same light the understanding of mana man according to some of our tem j 1 f and the ideas idem that would entertain in belati relation on to tit matter theae thee l remarks would appear stran agea il hi congruous wo we have been led generally to suppose sun sur pose that the tile light which eneth the understanding of oshian anan is what is termed of an intellectual character and di differs frens frers materially from the solar light or the light of the sun but butia if we examine these things critically we shall find that there is mixed up with the philosophy of the heavens and the tile earth things that have llave been altogether out of the reach of human philosophy that all true intelligence all true wisdom I 1 all intelligence that is of any use or benefit to the human family proceeds from the lord that he is the fountain of tal truth uth the source of intelligence and the developer of every true and correct principle that is known to mail man upon the earth that th there ere is no branch ot of wisdom of science of philosophy of good sound common sense but what proceeds from him and we shall furthermore learn when we come to be acquainted more particularly with heavenly things than we are at the present time that tha every thing associated with god and with his econ economy orny whet whether lier iler upon the earth or in the tile heavens is strictly reasonable and pill philosophical and that t the ic only reason wh why we do not comprehend many thin things s that are revealed to us and that have been revealed in former times is because we are not acquainted with the hil hll philosophy of the heavens nor the laws that govern the in the eternal worlds The philosophy of moan roan of the file earth and ind of the things with which we are surrounded is deep it is abstruse it is difficult of comprehension even by the most enlightened mind and the most comprehensive and enlarged intellect one ono great reason why men have stumbled so frequently in many of their researches after philosophical truth is that they have sought them with their own wisdom and gloried in their own intelligence and have not sought unto god for that wisdom that fills and governs the tin universe iverse and regulates all things that is one great difficulty with the philosophers of the world as it now exists that man claims to himself to be the inventor of everything he lie discovers any new law and principle which he ho happens titi discover lie he claims to himself instead of giving glory to god there are some ideas that have occurred to me nic lately in relation to man if f I 1 could only express them thein which I 1 consider lon son sider have been revealed by listening to 0 the comm communications un eat cat ions lons of f others and ana through the tile inspiration I 1 of the spirit of the lord there is something peculiar in the organization of man particularly in regard to his mind we can think we can reflect we can conceive of things we can form forai our judgment of events that are transpiring around but hut it is datil difficult for ua us to perceive or to comprehend how those things are accomplished complis hed and by what process they arc are brought about A mail man for instance can store up in his memory thousands and tens of thousands of things A good linguist for example can retain in his memory thousands of words cords in his liis own language and thousands chou sands and tens of thousands in other languages and he can draw upon these when lie he pleases and ren rep remember lember their significations I 1 can heinem remember ber the time some years ago when no person could tell me ine a passage in the bible but what I 1 could turn to it I 1 could not remember every passage but I 1 knew their connections and could tell others where they could find them president youngs memory is remarkable in to names and persons I 1 lia ila have 0 traveled with him throughout the length and breadth of this territory and I 1 do not know that I 1 have ever yet seen liim him come in contact with a man roan whose name he did net not remember and the circumstances connected with him there is something remarkable in this again on theological ical leal subjects a man will remember not onay alithe all ail the doctrines which lie he himself believes but also the tile doctrines of various systems of religion that exist in tho the world and bo be enabled to separate to describe or denine define them now the question is where are all these things stowed away what book are they written in where are they recorded A man mail may travel over the tile earth ii lie ilo e may visit towns cities and villages and gaze upon oceans seas rivers streams mountains valleys ani and and plains plain upon landscapes and different kinds of scenery and make himself acquainted quain ted with all the vegetable world and these pictures and this intelligence is carefully laid away somewhere he may study chemistry botany geology astronomy geography natural history mechanics the arts and sciences and everything in creation which man is capacitated to receive and store it away in his liis memory from the time of his youth id iga there is something very remarkable in and anil thenh b lue luc eul evl aik fit on arises ax sa da W we judge af those things if a man mau ses a thing how doche see ic ie there is something very remarkable je in the construction st of the human eye it is something like these photographic instruments that receive impression lie lle hegaz gazes estpon upon them and his eye takes them in and the scene lie he gazes upon is actually imprinted on what is called the retina of tile the eye and one thin thing after another is recorded until thousands and tens of thousands and millions of things are laid away through that medium and lie he is enabled to see any of these thines things whenever lie pleases his will can call call them forth and they pass in panoramic form before his vision from some source where they are deposited and registered all those things that he has gazed upon that lie ho lias has handled with his liis hands or felt by the tile sense of touch lie he ean zan call up at his pleasure there is something remarkable in this when we reflect upon it men talk about this registry being in the brain but mens heads do not get any larger when men get what is called the tile bighead big head it is because there is nothing in their heads the heart gets no bigger the body no larger and yet all these records are laid where let us examine the scriptures in relation to some things and see what they say concerning man but there is a spirit in man and thein the inspiration hatlon of the almighty it ung understanding artand in 11 we learn from this that there is a spirit irit arit in man in addition to this outward frame to these hands these eyes this body with all its powers and appliances and members there is a spirit an essence a principal of the almighty if you glease please a peculiar ep essence sence senco that dwells in this body that seems to bo be inseparably ac drably connected therewith we ve are told in a revelation which the lord has given unto us that the body and the spirit is the soul of man that the two when combined form what is termed in scripture the soul now then according to this man would be what may be termed a natural and a spiritual being a being connected with tile the tabernacle that is associated with this tilis earth and earthy and another being that is connected with tile the heavens or heavenly some would term it a temporal and a spiritual organization it is difficult however to find cords words to convey ideas correctly ill in relation to these matters our language is meagre when we speak of heavenly things lings ti because it is made for earthly beings and not for the heavenly and therefore it does not embrace with that distinctness and clearness those heavenly forms of speech which might convey thour to our 1 intelligence intelligence intelli telli felli genee gence more clearly those ideas we can better reflect upon than we can express but suffice it to say that there are two natures if you please mixed up in the human body the one is what wo we term material and the other some would call it immaterial but hut then that ia not a right phrase the one is earthly or pertaining to tile the earth eartle that is liable to decay the other is heavenly more spiritual an essence or being that cannot be destroyed and hence sacs says bays jesus in ill speaking concerning this and I 1 say unto you my friends be not afraid of them that kill the body and after that have no more that they call can do but int I 1 will forewarn you whom you shall fear fear him which after lie he hath killed hath bath power to cast into hell liell yea I 1 say unto you fear him the body itself is a very remarkable 1 structure or machine let me refer to some few items associated with it to the mediums through which we receive the intelligence of which we speak i for instance the eye how is it that you receive impressions into the eye byc just in the same way as impressions are received by a daguerreotype instrument and they are planted there in what is termed the retina of the eye there are placed there a number of small nerves which receive these impressions and convey the intelligence somewhere in some manner that it is laid away ill in some place where it can be called up whence when we reflect upon and witness their peculiar powers we discover operations that are very remarkable comprehensive accurate and mysterious you u can see a mountain to the distance 0 of f fl nifty fifty miles and your eye will take it in an and receive the impression you can gaze upon a thousand objects and your eye will register them all nil and will convey an exact likeness of them so that you call can describe by language if you have the power to use it a true resemblance of the objects yo your u r vision takes in BO so nice and so precise are the figures conveyed to the human mind through the instrumentality of the eye so acute so impal palpable so fco etherial and refined is its action and power that its ties approach very near to tile the s spiritual although it is temporal so callet called tu u aguin th of smell is very pe t euliar culiar perfumes of various arlou agiou s kinds 11 a will last for years und and their y ari arl tra U dors can be distinguished by au you take taue e for instance a tonquin bean or a hobe hose the former is very small and yet it continues to emit or exude year after year myriads of small particles without any sensible diminution all of which are charged or ted with its own peculiar aroma and convey this delicate impalpable matter to the organs of tile the nose and so sit ively sensitive are the nerves associated w with th th the e n asal nasal organ tb that at the imi minuteness n of this touch and the peculiar odor of the tonquin bean the rose eose or any other peculiar aroma is conveyed as distinctly to the understanding aa as words or signs of any kind can convey impressions to the human bunian mind this thia is indeed mysterious yet strictly demonstrative although like the tile capacity of tile the eye it approaches tile the spiritual or etherial herial ct our sense of hearing is also another remarkable instance of the peculiar pecullar sensitiveness siti veness of the organs of tile tiie human system while I 1 a am speaking to you there is not in this vast assembly a man woman or child that does docs not hear my voice at this tinia timy all present can distinguish ting every word I 1 say how do they hear it my Bly voice volee causes a vibration in the atmosphere the same as when a stone is thrown into the water he water undulates anda and a succession of waves arc are produced which if undisturbed spread in contin continuous dous increasing circles until the disturbing dorco is exhausted so in like manner the me action of the voice operates or vibrate vibrates a upon the atmosphere which is full of impalpable atoms or globules glo bules that undulate vibrate and iu rush sh against each ach other with grgat great rapidity above below around carrying wit with great accuracy and distinctness an and d conveying tho the sound so correctly tha that t every man and woman hears alike t the e sound iscon Is keyed in ail an inexplicable manner to the drum drugof of the ear the nerves are ed and those nerves convey intelligence to the congregation I 1 am now talking to to the understandings of those who hear me 11 I 1 we are made in the linage 0 of f god wo we were designed by the inte into intelligence 11 bened of god and the organ organs we lia lla have rire tire anre the tilo same kindol organs thattie gods themselves POS possess SeES that and the spirit are arc connected together in some inscrutable indefinable and intelligent manner that if we wo edudd comprehend would be a greater wonder and mystery to us than anything that we have already referred to now then thon let lek me speak ot another subject immediately connected with this president young remarked and we are informed in the scriptures orthe things that led me to reflect about somo some jal jat at these matters as well as in our awil revelations something like this that god sees and knows the ants acts of all men we vc read something like this but I 1 say unto you that eve every ry idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof inthe bay flay of judgment now this is ls a remarkably declaration cl ej look at millions the of human littman beings that eliat inhabit this earth and that bacr inhabited it from the creat creation loh ion up to the present time it is supposed generally by tile the best authorities that from eight hundred to a thousand millions of people live upon this earth at the |