Show UNION unton PLATFORM adopted by the baltimore convention revoked Resol Reao hed ked that it is the hights bights duty of every american merican C to mahila maintain 01 in against all their enemies the integrity cf of the union and the par paramo alno arno nt authority of the tion of atthe the unite I 1 states statis and ana that laying aside glide all of ot political eal cal opinion we e pledge our ourselves delves metres as union men inen animated by common X rind nd aimin almin aiming at a common object to do in ou our r power ta aid ald the gore nent nin din nt in bv by torce of arm arms s the exia exis rg cc wag waging ing against its idd ind in brin bringing ging tol ta be the banishment ment due to r r crimea crimes the rebels aid ard traitors trai tors tora ar j ray d aga agh i t it reso peso that i e approve the determination 0 t i i cited spates gover cover nent rent ra ent edt not dot to 0 o comar m a anh nish teb feb rebels elsor or to affer any ank terms of peace except ex rpt apt a sich ich as inay maybe be based upon I 1 an unc is i iio ilo i loual bial EU su render of I 1 thel their hahl les leb ies and alid a return lo 10 their junt just allegiance legi ance to the constitution and laws lawa of bf the united stas sta ts and that ide we call upon the government 0 maintain this position and to prosecute we tb war with the u most moat possible vigor to ti ute de complete suppression ot of the rebellion in tull foll 11 reliance up n the self sacrifice patriot sin am be bic valor and undying devotion of the american people to their country and i its free institutions revolved resolved that as slavery vi was as the tha cause and r 0 wco a the strength of this rebellion ani and must be bp always and everywhere 1 hostile to th principles of republican gov 1 ern vrn rement rn ment jeisi i e ar erd ird d national safety demand its utter ext frota the soil f the republic and that we uphold and maintain the acts facts and preel preci ima tiona by which the government in its own defense has bas aimed a death blow at thi i Li i gantic gantle antic evil we are in favor further morre of c such amendments to the constitution I 1 atit ution to made by the people in confor confer I 1 j mity tritty with its s aa as ishall terminate and forever p the exist existence doce toce of slavery within the lius nimes ilus or j irmi cuon eUon of 0 the united stated the next resolution thanks the soldiers lera iera and j sailors of the army and navy for their gallant i and heroic achievements achie in def defense trise of the country the following resolution approves cs the practical wisdom and unselfish ein fin selfish patriotism of ab lincoln and indorse indor sas ses 3 as essential to the preservation of the nation and bibin the constitution the measures and ani an 1 acts which he be i has baa adopted adopted to defend the nation against open and secret foes and approves especially of the emancipation proclamation and the employment ment as union goldiere sol gol diera of men inen heretofore Eloy held bels ed in slavery Regol resolved ved that the government owes to all men em employed loyed in its armies without regard to co color or full fuu protection of the laws of war and that any viol violation ationo of these laws by revels rebels s should be made the subject of full and prompt re redress dreas toe next favors the foster fostering fh and encouraging of foreign emigration resolved that we are in favor of 0 the speedy construction cons ruction oe of the railroad to the pacific pa clr cir ac resolved that the national faith pledged for the redemption of the public debt must be kept inviolate aia and for this pui put purpose pose we recommend economy ri id responsibility i in A public expenditures a vigorous and just OX system s of taxation resolved that it is the duty of 0 every loyal state to sustain the credit of the gov cincent ein cin ment and promote the use of the national currency resolved that we approve the position taken by the government that the people of the united states can never regard with witti indifference ils lif an attempt of any european power to overthrow by force or supplant by fraud the institutions of any republican government on the western conD continent rient and that they will vew view w wih ih i extreme jealousy as the peace and independence of our own country the of alry airy any such pots porter er to obtain a foothold for monarchial governments to sustain a foreign military force orca in proximity to ibe the united states A brg BIG nigh ra WORK worx The typographical forces of the fla flag are ot of the opinion that on tuesday last they did the biggest nights work ever performed within the same space of time in any newspaper office in california Com commencing at fi 5 in be the evening 11 witti w ith out the preparation prep araon of full cases they tet set thir r tal elg eig eight ht columns of minion and nonpareil non patell natell mostly solid equivalent to about emst ems in time for tor press in the morning if any of our co temporaries can cite cile a typographical f feat teat eat of greater significance it will give the dlag pleasure to mention the fact it should be added that nearly all of the copy gaspre dented on both gi dejo the paper creating a good deai deal of inconvenience and that until tiie tile time of beginning work ork the compositors were not aware of t the be intention idt int antion to get out a double sh t landwere and were not lise iare prepared pared with wilh full cases A little le more than a year ago the ibe flags typographic bogra po ic forces ore were le two men ani and a boy on the nig night t above referred to seventeen teen compositors po employed exclusive of foreman and proof readers A BL BLUNDER blunden UNDER AS is 13 A blond blonn BLUNDER blunner FR A cotem clotem speaking of a man of some note lately g deceased ec eased undertook to say ile lle fhe subsequently commenced life as a legal practitioner but was diverted from it by his love of cletters letters the editor did not look at bis proof broor and on sunday morning he had bad the pleasure of read ing lag he subsequently commenced life as a legal politician but was diverted from it by his hig love iove of bitters |