Show evit aural mural fai fal notices NEW HEW STORE agn undersigned undersigner under signed feels feela gra grateful tefil for pot put favors vor and T tab tam would won 4 respectfully IDIOM the citizen of payson and ans ghe thisie residing in the part of the ike territory that he ti keeps constantly on kand band a full mil assortment of DBY DRY GOODS AND wies mies of the arst first ausit quill tys DYESTUFFS DYE STUFFS GLASS PAINTS OILS nails spades shovels geuin GRAIN AND GRASS dorthes SOr THES etc etcy p etc etcy s sacs tc which ho ba intends to dispose of it at is AS low prices price as g any person in the trade rde carlies rallies reaid reald residing 19 19 south of payson parson wll wil flad glad it to their advantage to give a call cail as they paa pas a through it Is na no trouble troubie to show goods or orander answer anwer questions NB HB new GOODS expected every da day y and nc the highest price allowed for all ali kinds of connby produce 41 44 in lino WILLIAM DOUGLASS TO THE TIIE PUBLIC PUBLICS rebuilt my old flowing milr mill pioneer en on H having HATING hill mill creek I 1 am now prepared to accommodate all who wh wish a tair lair yield and a good article of flow flour feela feeling ng thankful tor for past patronage patr oBre I 1 solicit a contin nation of the same came 45 lm im nepp nevy STRAYED ROM rou the warm Sp a spar of sare sarg moles HOLES one F prom FROM browny brown branded with Is large larre rge rrb B on n left hip one light bay hay small american maie male brands unknown any person delivering the above mules eules shall thail receive 2500 reward M E R BUTTON mardo murdo murdocks ochs kya corrals corral 41 47 a 2 emigration squares square city WHOSE OSE COW nate HATS in my lay possession a dark brown COW whit khit face rde bobtail bob tail tall about eight yeara year old branded 0 0 on left horn born reversed reve reye raed a on iett left shoulder shoulders and AS A 3 on ov right hip the owner Is to 0 o prova prove property pay charges and ad take ake her away CHARLES NOWLAN 47 2 union unions salt sau lake county HIRAM C TRIMs formerly of t massachusetts will bend tend his address to orphas BRAINERD 43 pine streets street kw now york ottys city he will learn leara something to bis his r 46 40 STRAYED OK on STOLEN rou ROM st george georges washington county juns june 13 ihre thre IF prom FROM one small stripe of white in the til taco faco branded 4 on right shoulder one black a little white in face fac bug one ne whits whit hinl hini toot foots branded 4 OB on right shoulder one light gray grays branded 4 on an right and r OB 02 ift left shoulder een ren ten dollars reward will wui be given upon delivery ot of boh soh esch each at f the above at or st george georges washington aulty aunty any person giving information leading to their re r overy davery otery shall be liberally rewarded 49 a 40 4 W A LATEST LA T TEST E S T impost IMPORT IMPO mT A tion I 1 t I 1 0 I 1 0 our oxy U having just arri arrived wired ved we are prepa prepare rei to oser offer wite the erinest finest I JL argest ana and most kost complete assortment oj OC M D dile DIZE HE eyer EVER BROUGHT INTO UTAH GOODS JUST RECEIVED 2 CONSIST W brwn Shee tings bleached mullins muslins Mus Iku lins sUns prints fancy styles ladies dross dress goods r V 1 A ladies and gongs gents boots Gaiter galter G liters 4 balmorals eai Bal morals and SHOES of every description M 1 V 0 S glass ana and nails adeer ALKER BROS A general notices WOOL RING your last years yeara wool at oncey that it my may bo be B drino dring either carded or carded and nd spun afore before this years year wool comes in the grease greise had bad better be sent bent separate to be b a mixed at lit the tb factory at the rae 0 of 1 pound 0 of clean gree greag to com vom 6 to 8 pounds of wool I 1 to 6 li Is thought b best beit I 1 TERMS ono bith sith of the rolls rolis or 16 3 3 cents a pound tor for carding and kne ine de third of the yarn for tor or carding and spinning pinning as tl BRIGHAM YOUNG toung WOOL CARDING tutt T carding machine on alty creeks creek near my realm llyl lly L deuce is now la in operation please gend tend the grease parate separate ae from irom the wool te to be mixed at the factory Fc tory torr at the rate ot of I 1 pound ot of clean greise gresso to from 6 to 8 pounds bf fit wooi wool I 1 to 0 6 being thought best 33 25 t tr f hebar C kluball KIMBALL DAVID 0 ealder CALDER A genz GENT for lor all kinds of musical instruments and 21 cal merchandise piano plano fortes fortess cabinet corgins melodious and guitars selected by competent and responsible persons and nd warranted to give satisfaction all instrument instruments delivered at wyoming outwitting outfitting out fitting place placa this season gesson at manufacturers prices and freight always on bandy hand the teny tery best qually or of violin ria via leoncello len ien cello celio and guitar a 28 tf W F ANDERSON MD ND SURGEON AND physician OFFICE and ind residence ISM ward waud two doors so baith ot althof match mitch factory Fc tory itt if 13 persons knowing themselves yes Tes indebted to me for tor professional prot easlon services fez fer the last list two three end ind four years are re respectfully invited to settle their accounts all AU kinds ot of produce taken W T r A NOTICE jonn JOHN H N B FOSTER roster formerly of the leth ward M MB anfor informs m a his friends and patrons that he has rented rooms loom s I 1 in UR G D WATTS warts hoube house in tha the ward where ho bo will continue to manufacture cloth upon a larger scale ile he la Is now well provided with good new wide and narrow looms and every other apparatus needed foz for or the tie manufacture of good cloth jeans lin ian se tsy toy shawls blankets scotch plaids linen etc etc he promises to rive five entire satisfaction to those who may entman him with their work 13 ile be oz bolus ROLUS to en on snares ghares 23 tt clase CLASS ISOW kerb kern CLARK CO cot B jl mal ab aei aee JEZ S y great salt lake city DEALERS IN COIN GOLD COLD DUST and EXCHANGE monet MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT correspond gith yath metropolitan bank nw new tork clark fc cop leavenworth mark dark csc G denver refers reter by permissions to bank ol 01 oom Com mercey hew new rork tork drexel koo philadelphia 19 tf MX W 31 HALSEYS HALSEY new now ark arx ark 0 S L city HOLLADAY 11 ALSEY B BANKERS A INT K lif rsm iki an getice ortice 07 7 THE erland RULAND LINZ IN 0 S B L L CITY hull WILL PAY par THE HIGHEST RATES jor for GOLD old DUST AND coine COIN GOLD DUST purchased tor lor or coin or currency GOLD or CURRENCY DRAFTS sold on 02 new Y york rk san francisco cal virginia city idaho idabo denver city colorado Atch ibon laon kansas portland oregon victoria british columbia and POSTAGE tor for sale government ad saut new goods 22 I 1 t s JUST RECEIVED BY W S so FIRST first TRAIN tract f A trall AND ird OF 0 DRUGS rugs d W 3 4 shem stem Sei kentrat ural urai notices POWERS newnan NEWMAN co BANKERS k DEALERS IN E EXCHANGE will yat TAT the HIGHEST MICE fox yoa 1 OA COIN AND GOLO GOLD DUST in godbe drag drug store building rast bast temple street redl reel salt lue lre city 28 gme gui JAMES LINFORTH commission MERCHANT BATTERY STREET SAN FP incisco FRANCISCO california sight dratt draft on salt lake city utah tt 16 austin nevada territory 0 o particular ATTENTION gitre GITEN TO ron FOR UTAH 1 sa 3 tt pune PUKE LINSEED OIL oll OB SALE at the TITHING OFFICE and at sst WILLIAM fob FOR F LIAM llam PITTS paint shop nth nih ward flye five dollars a gallon gnon in coin coins or its if equivalent la in currency litt HEBER 0 KIMBALL dilts urn ald AND SIDES SHOES CM FOR lilg CASH FA R sy TV nip RIP P crocall and anil sega SEE seea 9 24 tt WEAVING IN trie TIKE soth gogh WARD NOTICE OF REMOVAL removed my mv business operations to tik at inagh houde nonae one ona block east and two north of the lime kiin clio where I 1 an am prepared to weave all ail 11 II kinds of 0 cloth that thai cn can be made in the territory I 1 will work vork wool flax on shares shires into JEANS KERSEYS SHEETS BLANKETS FLUSHED STRIPES BALMORAL SKIRT RAISED SPOTS DIAPERS guaranteeing to produce a huper for loz article of cloth holders of large quantities ol 01 wool and flax would da do well to aply apply early the people who would bo be independent muti mutt bi be self gelf elt eit elf sustaining if it we would be self seli sustaining we must encourage tr the development of ilour manufactures 24 tt JAIMES WEAVING NOTICE OF I 1 JH a jtb TB removed my toy business to that building ball buti ilni in the laili wards wardi la lately ely occupied by mr mrs bic blace smith emigration street nive flea blocks brocks east eat of bast streets where I 1 am m prepared pre pred to weave air alz aj kinda kinds ot of cloth cioth and will win guar guat rantee to turn tarn out as good gool an article aa as la is snide made in any ny part put ot of the cerit cevil tory I 1 will work wool or flax on khare shares into ivatts MOSEYS KERSEYS SHEETS BLANKETS or r a superior cloth for hir OVER COATS I 1 also ala cloth for wool or bluj I 1 will sell cell noc SOC yards of cloth for produce chose those who wish israel linel to be Ir independent dependent should encourage enco enro urage home manufacture corn coin on with orders and I 1 will accommodate joo you A few good food spinners planera wanted tf HOLT V E S J E I 1 B M I 1 m i 1 1 I 1 N G S hag hai elcied this day a quantity e of STOVES I 1 MINING hening SHOVELS AND WITH A GENERAL OP OF GOODS GOOD SUITABLE FOR FOB THE SEASON 0 baoas havn HAVE GOLD DUST COIN to dispose of f I 1 da do well keil to t call oa on W g AS laes sams earcil notices w ff HOOPER H s boope HOOPE R ELDREDGE jedin street salt sri lake city HAT nat JUST OPENED AK AN ENTIRELY NEW ston STOW or STAPLE GOODS consisting la in part of 1 I DOai ESTIC TEA COFFE COFFER DENIMS SUGAR sugary HICKORY CUTLERY MELTON CLOTHS GLASS clowis CLOTHS QUEEN HATS TOBACCO BOOTS and SHOES SOAP CLOTHING CANDLES which wo we are selling CHEAP for foa CASH GOLD DST DUST BOUGHT HOOPER sf SALT LAZE LAKE orty CITY sept 20 1883 22 U NEW GOODS nev NEW GOODS so 2 wish h to call the attention ot of the citizens of ma iku w territory to our new stock of goods josu jost comprising everything usually brought bai toi this markets market which we shall liall sell fell at uniform low law oar our stock consists in part of 0 a flao flae selection of 01 STAPLE dry goods HARDWARE BOOTS AND shoes GROCERIES QUEEN PAINTS OILS DYE STUFFS NAILS GLASS TOBACCO SPADES SHOVELS GRAIN AND GRASS SCYTHES STOVES hollowware HOLLOW WARE ac ac ac ett eti KIMBALL LAWRENCE B AT DU RELL BELL WM 13 HUGHES bolst boist city idaho san francisco ca cai cal be he DU U rell CO WHOLESALE RETAIL dry bry goods tasae groceries liquors ul bots shoes ciot Clot clothing hing bing provisions ane and OUTFITS generally 3 BOISE CITY In IDAHO TERRITORY in addition to their general business B MD eq co will gili pay particular attention to salea sales ot Consign mens mets et of ule uie products of utah ii if required on commission la in buch mch caselm liberal advancement will trill be ada on and wa we solicit persons such acts articles to this market to give na us a call persons persona from utah desiring BACK bacz freight such inch abs asb will pay a profit fuch euch as TEA COFFEE SUGARS ac wilt kill do wll well to examine out stock block previous to makhli mastric purchases ai as owing to the fact act that one member cf of our firm resides at san Frn cUco we e are able abie to buy on bl bet ter ler tena and therefore can give better bargains than any house in these mountains or valleys bose bliss city idaho march 10 1894 MILLINERY AND FANCY gools OF tae THE most ROST SUPERIOR QUALITY AT MRS mabran MARIAN rR bratts attis ATTYS ont OIK block north of levatin square war country people aro are r respectfully invited to eiva elva her gas eft 29 3 produce TAKEN namen F hinney KINNEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and GENERAL COLLECTOR WILL well make collections in any part of 0 europe ard la IA any locality la in the loyal stten on r terms nd ad promptly rolt remit proceed proceeds do D will also alto act ai as agent aged and od attorney in n the tho sale bale of reel estate and in the settlement ett lement of estates la in persons in utah are interested WILLIAM wllliam W iq I q of 0 salt laka lala cly cily prepare the jessray nes nee net maery seay powers ol 01 attorney and sad foiw orasia urd und 10 a RC me it at washington cry city jouy joun V F KINNEY KIN ein hB aua auz 1 1863 I 1 T AX AN dio fio eat cat a pound is oarb ud ara sifa sisa aj A fer for atod cleo taw tw thuoc bottor aa achaa yc yona yosa ml |