Show THE government AND THE PRESS it has been believed by many of late that the censorship which hasteen has been exercised over lie he northern press had so completely cowed and muzzled every journal in the pro esselly free frie states that there was not one which dare jare protest aga ast the removal one after another in quick succession of the pillars and foundation stones of the temple of liberty erected reeled on american soil at a vast expense of alood and treasure although the work of de it ruction has been carried so far that there are bees beta being laid by thousands notwithstanding it the many assurances which have been made concern hag bag the indestructibility of the fhe edifice that irwill it will soon toon be raad to the ground oune ard aad ard that before a ai hundred bundre yearb years iball elt ert have ve dase pase das pas pase pas e laway I 5 away hrom irom from le ie time tune its coi e on was com coaled led ther their will YM not ie le r re oie oje e stone left upon an ther ither in toe tue grand structure str ach has bas till recently rec emly been the admiration adral adrai ration cf ef the lovere of freedom in every land B be e that as it may and whatever may bave have in I 1 so ci c t c ut nes nea in incela rela reia ion to matters of vial Import ai ce to tle existence of freedom in the free slater states their her beems seema of late to be a disposition to break the long silence ct cm in of 01 and more than one of the papers W ach have been measurably mule aie berit n ig to declaim against some of lle ile the lie acts aea and ot of men caen in high place placer 1 it is al alleged ewed eged are arc be becoming cowing intolerable the avold wo id recently gave utterance to the following our free tree etrie fures upon arbitrary arrests have drawn ow out intimation i certain hin etli iu uart arters artera ets ers in in bashir washington agton that if it we e conti continue lille this sort of comment it will be at our peril peni I 1 we can call eleve bieve ei eve eye thit that much folly rules ther thero but this seems a most it cannot I 1 be that bat any branch af our government seriously us je ds to open a awa ivar ripon upon the iha 10 loal a I 1 press least feast of all ail to be appin in by essaili assailing ng one which wh from th thi outset has labord labor d wath with peculiar pecullar alo ato r zeal yeal to uphold the president and inspire e e c confidence r fi dence if hare hire is abress a press in the country which can fearlessly feaT lely iely app al to its record for tor Ks proof roof of or thorough fidelity to the principles of this war as originally set forth by the th administration it ii is this ois journal to the utmost of our power e have quickened the people to a sense of the vital character and hi infinite finite issues of the contest have repelled all ail of surrender or compromise bave have combated faction and evry ev ry di ui borgan zing influence have cheered in adversity and admonished in prosperity and in every way possible have endeavored deavo red to sustain and strengthen our rulers under thir their we have conscientiously believed that the support of the administration iivo ved the support of the cause and have bern been almost as reluctant ant art to reflect upon the one as upon the oher other in this thia spirit he lie have shut slut sl ut our eyes to much f ib t i ii i our sober judgment vas was dortly wort lyof of I 1 blame believing that almost any evil was vas less los 63 it janious jarious urious than distrust tind tina ii na nd hoping thiet that time would amend a IT end all errors time did not amend them it a aggravated 9 ravaged abed them when it t at lacot brou brought bt the arbitrary arrests of loyal men mi ve au could ld hold bold our peace no longer faith falth fun ss to the cause forbade it to our mind such a violation of law and jul jut justice itice waa vaa t as conti coot fary to every principle this war seeks to vindicate it was as robbing loyal minds af their highest ideas and loyal hearts or of their holiest hollest supports it was arming the rebels with new a it iduas ivas isas providing fore forets agn eneis eta ets mth with new freers sneers it tended 0 fo o nothing I 1 but discouragement disgrace and ruin we prot protested eted against agai agh st it we L shall con dinue to I 1 protest we shall protest against all like it from this time forth we ve shall do our whole dufy duly in respect to this adm ni we shall criticise criticism critic ise without resen e approving 9 and condemning applauding and de bouncing ing ai freely as in the days of peace 1 I jh lle lip convict i n has been forced upon us that so ony only can we fitly discharge our duty to the country in its awful perils the people are now noo realizing the bitter e cn en n sequences of undue confidence in the tha management of the administration the abandonment of free criticism which followed fol foi owed the disaster at bull run and the dispoto ion to trust everyl hinc hins to the discretion of 0 the pr president dents have terminated in an accumulation of disaster ani di disgrace grace that appala appals and ack sc keis eis eib els every heart magnificent armies baten beaten lri irl incomputable trea ure wasted two hundred thousand lives ilves sacrificed the capital still be league red the border stat slat s lost loyal states menaced with invasion all this too when he enemy started with an ari amaat absolute I 1 destitution of every ever w r necessary and arid is ig 1 still imperfectly eq upped dipped rashed and half halt 1 famished it is its enough to drive even calm caim men mad Consider considering nig hig the available means and the actual result it is the most disgraceful failure recorded against any government in boern mo ern history and this is the requital of the pe peoples confidence this is the fruit of deferential silence when abraham lincoln chose to relieve his subordinates by making haste to assume the responsibility it is high time that this passiveness veness were ended the people are arc lost if they do not rot not thenceforth hence for ih form heir their own conclusions and make them respected spec ted rd they have got to exercise a constant an uns at n g cr criticism and an un tit tiling ing p pressure escure public i opinion P ni on must develop develon on arid land consolidate it itself if and take a shape snipe so formidable that no living man min or set fet of men sn in washington wa himton or out of it wil will dare defy it this is the more necessary because contrary to every precedent in a responsible government whether vb ether monarchial or republican mr lincoln makes no change it in his bia cabinet there is not a m bistry in E rope which could hold power a day after such a period of disasters as has befallen our present rule there is not a throne that is stable elough enough to bolster up in inc competency so palpably dellon delnon st rated aberdeen and newcastle had to resign arr mismanagement in the crimea not a hundred hundredth h part so gross or so da damaging damaged magin magiD in all such cases it is not only the need needom of securing abler men that prompts the change cliant e but the importance of giving the na nation narion coq a substantial visible ale pedee age of a dew new dolcy no cyr cyl presides lincoln digreg lids all bueti hueil colm coir aratin 9 ile lle J beeps thos ihra h 3 9 hiitt qa tive trusts tho who ive v 1 L i y lo 10 i fleace bf b ahe the j f IV v s daviti a v i 0 t a is atran lie lle pr p r ni n r t f rn ill have haye been beem tried and abid fw f 11 d war wai anz t ui lin ses des a still hin hig higher ber her ab u upon the th dubic dubec it pubic n ci A 1 to be watchful antl ami 0 outspoken thet the pe p aa ma the fhe th cl c f oran organ of f public op i 0 i ali ati an all no n ser cpr er 1 I i cilc nc from fron its du in y in express i e at d at op 01 on ive jve ve believe belleve tb tt J 1 f t wili f and a id I 1 ear Par baries parlea lessly als aly ja 0 o its ap r a P wik it i will arill b i f an fn i it i fici ency to keep its ltd ground every everyone olle olie fi f i lar irr i ar wib wih 0 the tiie history of the rhel hel bel conf ancy aley raey knos knovs that it was mas the tho r rp el pres till uni av v cj spelled president Pre adent i vis via to cl me hig his acre ary of war after t P re reb b I 1 d disa isa i rs of th tle the e pring and anti fo to ced u in bim abo a re si e pricy pr llcy licy chich bich is is now tiepin ti itsell itsel witt suc si c i wonderful s a 1 1 prestie prestle preal prea 1 e T ti i t pres pr is 3 used ro blandish inita an i printice 1 no tio reserve resene it waa tuo lUo roughly p pirated ily raked with u th lle ile lie he feeling that ii ca cau chu chube use ao ws ai lot loi lo i unless the thee e were a chane chanse at aid als d it thu Ihu nied rs its den with a freedom aw u a spirit that willit to put to an n ev sha scaine ine lne the at e kinz king k mg d e roaring s idich has bas been the at bivie ae with the loal loyal allder aa as mul mut m it greater provocation as tha the bonroe of its cause was higher and ard its 18 stake etalo pore more ore preciou pre ciu clu it there is no instase in stake ab nt tit it pres Pros president ident Lc L nin min aid ai ald d ti 3 chosen advisers advis adi sers ers era nn st be les ies le IP s t ader deall de i with they must I 1 P held m rp et my to th ik T responsibilities they nut lust ba b raade to feel something of 0 the earnestness which surcharges the tha heart of the beope people tb tbt y must learn to re sect the rights r lits of or the people peoples and to treat the roe as their mast masi 9 and not ns is their thair servants I 1 3 hey must muse mua mus tolerate f eedo earfon in of loyal speech an ant 4 t ren reu renounce ounce all idea of intimidating the uhe loyal prees press eg |