Show LIST 01 OF F LETTE nette its lis T REMAINING in the th ie post office salt lake city march 11 which it if not taken out attore june 30 will ba be sent to the tha dead dad letter vince office A abiton wed alexander john ales aies ables elijah alley J addavis Al danis danig william B angell sol 2 addington john n 3 angel prest alien allen el E ward 2 anderson resin reala alien allen JB J E anderaon anderdon A alger aiger john andrews james almond aimond J B arnold thomas T J A alired alfred I 1 red reddin A atkinson william alton ned atkinson samuel B bachman B bowers dowers william rigley hagley joseph D 2 zo boaen zoen en david billey george georga boyce michail micheal 0 4 bailey james bol byl I 1 henry G baity balty edward bragg brage isaac igaac J brady oharles charle barlow israel branch joan barnes birnes john 1 2 brewer J barney 11 brill nathan IT na 21 barton john brooks A mericus V 2 bartlett Bart lett leit edward edwrd brower arrer arter basins A aja J 2 brown J jhn john hn G 3 bearden george W brown au autin austin tia tin B batty bal atty ty K N it brown bell prest brown franceli 0 belt beit belag G 11 II brown william II 11 lilon milon mr air brown william 11 bonella george bryant Bryan tYM Y it 2 B nham john L buck charles 0 billings killings titus bueber rawson bishop of ari ward warel bullock jeri jerl jeny Y bishop or of wart liu Ilu burress harridon Harri son aon n fi lodgett andrew J 2 durdick burdick columbus Golum bus bua blackburn burgess burr james jamed phipps blac Klac blackmer kmer kiner D B 3 butterfield bogk francis Bub linell P T william bywater by water geoge george c callister Cal lter thomas cluff david carofin george georga coats costs BY canine id me mr cole ocle 0 owen n cail call camalle lumme uichi iton lion robert chance silas sila 5 cooksey 11 II chandler john 3 cooley cooler J NY chapman robert coombs hiram 3 sa s1 nichlis connelly joseph christensen Chrit tengen 0 connor daniel gandet Cn det ernest ennest cory coray cony howard noward chani chamin in alexander crawford clark thomasm thomas M 3 craik craig james jamea alark ezra eira T crandal spicer clark henry L 0 sper ster william R T clark james S Cut Culb culberson berson bergon erson ereon joha john A clarkson Clark gon aon it col curts curla james close miron D davenport daven DaTen port charle charles S T dickson robert I 2 1 hazen dillon lii AIl criel davis william 2 dimeck Jeffer mort bort daris darls hugh dobbie john lavis lavig J filz fitz james dond donil owen 3 davie DAVI W 3 doughty john T datis davis 3 11 dry alexandre alexandra daning daring william ill lil drysdale john D I cary peter daw dwolf 0 af de dee lawrence lawren Law renca recca ce dumbell james 21 2 dempsy robert dunn jthomas thomas derreck L duncan ir thomas Thoi thol dewey drwey r Y 3 dunham dushani edwand edward dewey wm J durham thomase da welt aaroa aaron edwick william emery mr edwards saniel samari I bvans brans thomis themis john J evertt ellsha edginton 11 william wliilam eyerts everts B R G C david darld F fairburn Fair hurd burd florey joshu joshus P F allon john foote ebenezer ebentier 13 parr farr aaron F foreman jsmes james jamef nite mile john M 2 francis joseph fleming firming W fuller E K 2 fleming elem Elen lug ing james jamas fullmer almon G gadd william whitam B D 2 G gi lasher lorenso lorenzo goodliffe arnold garner arll vii vil Q kourday W WJ J narner barner henry graham james 2 arrett waliam william greenwood F D gladd gladda a tawnia G greenwood mr gladd cladding ng J jamesr F green john G le ason jifca 3 green john W gwenn glenn W 0 green robert john gresler greasier charles august goddard james jannen griffiths II 11 hall W milam aira K X 2 georgs george B it illi 1111 II 11 G gal higgins S 11 IT a IN day ak nm hill john hamm nd F A ss if lisi 2101 john II 11 n II Il inkley irza 0 hobbs john P cledge jacob jal lwi wa W 3 nofo ines laes peter james and ani kni ann hoggans james yoman toman 4 14 3 IT ud abram albert alber 11 ag allred hacker hecker joseph hornby james harrison samuel 0 noward howard john hirt john now how noward howard rd harry hatman j houstin james hawkins croston crouton Y hudson wilford Hazie nalie hazlewood itar ITai wood lewood thomai thomis Hunte adam rAdam hemenway Ue L 8 3 hanpei c henthorne hen nen thorne N T Y hunger wm aimi IT henry frederick Ilor rocks peter hickman william 0 I 1 mcjohn E H johnson james 0 jack james v jonston jouston james jamea J 1 john 2 jones jenkins richard jones henry johnson D N t K ke kernghan Ker atangan ngan thomas E X kingsley james ke kenderdine n deril dertl lne thaddaus Thadd iua lua B 83 2 kinkead william A kewley hewley james king charles oharles 2 leure john krier J m is Mogen fea fia keye keyes william P korb nuro hao nao nuo K kendall john 11 L lambert leo teo D lewis john 7 2 lane oscar 11 II dala mr larsen Iau lau maurits rits le blageo F law malt matt 3 3 eimert B law lw charles george R layton L K H le baron alonz alonzo 2 lollis darll david 11 II leonard leonand B 1 I 1 le lewis Is J john ct B R lovell lovel cheatta lewi lewis john 3 lowery lowfry james lewis jhn lusk lisk john ak K S 11 Mac mackintire kintyre robert robent X meacham david I 1 madsen 0 A melby geoge mangam johst john mercer william wiiiiam manning C CR R merrils william W martin ale william merrifield marc marco john mils nils 0 P 3 manin mania john miller charles marion francis mills charies charles 11 marrally Mr ralty rally george miller andrew J Mani kuin Kuln Ato miller david 13 mathews allen alien minnick john II 11 magor mason victor mitchell Ml benjamin mason co S G 2 morgans morgan morgaa M jam ea morgan john mayberry gabriel morgan edward M john nor More ehouse howe 0 OF 7 mccowen W IL marls isaac lilac C mccarly mccarty james 11 moses julian jail an 3 mcelray mcilray Step stephen hers 0 moses john mckowen john B mott stephen mcintyre robert C X mowery nowery james ier iier william A munson john B H mcminn john A murray thomas demiller Mt Me Miller J W murphy 3 P f 2 mamell john N peter nicole alexandre alexandra nedd neff amas amos norris charles chrles neeson thomaso thomaa onell oxell john oneil onell hugh P pack john george georee W P dack A Q G rickett pickett john palmer joseph 2 nile rile aaron parks robert 0 pitt win wim parrish samuel phelps almon D 21 2 parsons thomas F r WM wim W 11 phipps william 8 pender pinder pi thomas 2 porter virgil A 2 perking perkins jo joeph joseph eph potter stephen E H 21 perry henry powell mr air perry phylander price daniel E persing ir morlin procter benj benjamin amin peterson derge de rge ht ID procter thomas Q william C 2 R band rand 11 W Roil jabri jihn rander render A B R robison henry reed heed john robbing bobbina boural R itea bea rea R ea charles C a urie uric I 1 rockwell porter reed wim wlm 33 S 3 lb omerIll francia francis rid reid william royce simon M rem remington I 1 neton G geromo eromo rogers rosen reese B rt enolds joh john a russell john ridd Is william W itell thomas W roads franklin Ruih rueh thonas Thoras 11 s robe robert L Ity Rr nearson A P Robert nobert sion slon jin jain 11 5 S john S 0 handberg sandberg T T smith F D william snider george 2 gauyer john B D joseph 21 2 fi spangler phillip philiip h 0 IL geoage scott U D 8 3 r P V scot scott t john L stith daniel seely albert statley starley james sigel john steele george 0 simmons ben den steller david 3 S stevenson Orrick 2 shorn 1 ammi stiles curti P F 2 slater stater nathan enos lenos slater john sul sui to gaorge W slocum jhn john G sulivan mort morta 2 smarr robert hubert 3 sutton isaac isile smith john I 1 T taft D dmd thompson wilson 1 taylor tailor thornas thornley Thor riley robert teller weiler I 1 ward thues jacob telegraph operator tripp juhn juha woman toman william ba true truda eruda A P thompson Tho nippon william turbot thomas thompson james 11 II alfield thompson james A tuttle elanson manson edgar D naamah naimah C K J town Towne eDd send W twichel Thom pou pon B D W 15 V vanburen henry vernon veroon J V heinon J Y vosburgh Vos burgh bursh william 11 NY I 1 wale wade SiLim samuel nel nei if westerfield jacob vr wademan Wa dennin henry ives Ires seis sels wm IT white cornelius 13 wagstaff Waga taff willialm whitehead J L walker sharp edward walker john wilding george walker 11 wilkerson wm wim walker welker robinson wilkins david P wall james jamea williams jame james II 11 wallace wailace P rbt bt 3 miili willis john it wallis wallia robert wilson vilson orriiv R warburton georg verson jmes J jt mes 3 warner orlando 3 2 wilson george T waylett 0 win aln vla via am 3 wet Wel herman J jhn jan hn T Y wolf jackson 2 weller jacob wright patrick B weir william F wj W att alt john IT we welch I 1 ch thomas y tates tales absalom young Toong nevi neti Newlan ten tea cocu yocum m bemben lanies LADIES I LIST A Ains ainscough daugh caugh mrs mary akton alton mrs susan P na 1 w benson mrs richard ilich Illch rd brown mrs anna na bent miss virginia Bull Buil ocio ocic cs mrs henrietta blackann durdick burdick ure mrs Jerusha boucher martha barns burns mrs airs jane brewer mr hire helen 2 button bulton miss louisa A brown mis sarah buxton miss N brown eliza eilza C by aylee beo bee mrs bancy nancy brown ura mra mary L U C carter ruth nuth C chase mrs christeen oat oaf ter X r Cor cordelia cordella della dells IT cleveland mins antnet chase mrs MM charlotte chariotte mary ann ana D dalton dallon mrs anne anoe W colbel enza euza dike dikes rhoda A drown mrs louis douts E ellison mrs john erins evins mr mrs julia F france flance mrs lire T fj oner grer euzabeth elizabeth EM zabeth fobes urs mrs ester D fullar mrs margaret G graham mr airs mary griffiths miss mui mary graham Gral grai rain iaia miss catharine H rambling mrs ann 10 jane Holan dIri agnes horne horde mrs airs elizabeth ellzabeth MI miss mias A amr amy 1 I 1 I 1 iverson mis misi otherl no J l s 1 james aames J mrs mr s J jones miss sarah Johnso johnsoa aura aMra mrs mra deborah jdnes mrs rebea 31 t al i I 1 I 1 apa ala silt A t V 14 clag king kia kin mrs ljra line sine mrs james A I 1 wj w j tg lane miss migs almor almora or delia neila leane mrs mary A il M mcdonald amelia r murray mrs airs lauretta mcfarland miss mis ml s mary marr ann ana P palmer airs sirs fanny panny pratt mrs juliette jullette peary pears ni miss belizi mary ana ann perris mrs airs R redding miss ida lda robbing mrs liy lly A richardson MM airs mary jane russell mrs 11 E R 1 S scott mrs sarah spincer miss mary U t smith mrs tirs sarah sirah sprowl MISS isabela smith m re bethsheba Beth sheb a squire mils miss harriet smith senith isabella stilts mrs mary J 21 snow miss buza euza P R stubbs molly snow mrs manervia Maner vla sattie mrs Cather catherine lne lae Y T somerville mrs eilzabeth elizabeth El V van orden julia ann vesy mrs sarah W wallace mrs melissa whitlock miss PrInt printha ba watterson Wat terson tereon mrs willis mrs emerine U D weight mrs martia martin wood mrs hire naomi wheeler mm mrs wiz wright vf right sarh sarah amandy white mis mrs mary y yancey tancey it F MORRELL P if lyst LIST 01 OF V LETTERS in the post office at 1 REMAINING davig davis county april I 1 1859 1659 which if not taken nul nut before the june will be sent to the dead letter office JB brown joshus joshua mr Binds bindslev ier ler kirsten maria larm bailey charles sena sen 2 birch william C collett daniel mr carn cam samuel carn cam parole cordner A D darling william 31 E elias ellas or edmund air F net etcher cherMark mark G grundy david davjd 2 nam ham graham ro robert bert 11 huntsman eanice eunice E Z horne peter 31 JJ lees thom thorn ai as M 11 lindsey r lyon josephine miss mim M madison james moyes alfred 4 madden samuel samuell 3 macomb andrew mayoh peterr 2 mcbride samuel samul M lewi ne wet lewis P rr othero ann mrs porter valentine if 2 j n it robins edmond rollens bellens sopha eln ein led les celida celina 11 at rudd kadder B W si smith lovina T tift alft wilkins 3 IT 2 tanner nathan thatcher george W watson isabella william Benj benjamia benjamin amia amla shifter JAMES PM |