Show daniel webster on politics w AJ it st the seventy seventh anniversary of the birth 0 of f aster webster in boston on the of january last ht ut the he revere house several of the most dijt distinguished men of the nation were present among the many good things said and done on ot that that occasion was the following told by peter harvey an intimate friend of webster it might be 1 advantageous to many who are now so ardent ardently y and arld blindly aspiring to political fame if such would profit by the advice here given the ingratitude of republics is proverbial I 1 will etl eti ell fell you an incident connected with mr air webster in the year 1846 during gen taylors I 1 was in washington at that ilme time living livit g ia in mr air websters house it was during the recess of congress after the inauguration ration of gen taylor it was on a sunday in june we went to georgetown to church after atter church we drove across the bridge into virgini As we were riding along afong in alexandr alexandra a he fie told the coachman to pause before a certain house with a dilapidated and broken gate gale that house bouse said he lie is is the house where I 1 first came to board when a young man roan a member of congress from new hampel ire that was the federal headquarters there boarded the great federal leaders gov gore chief justice marshall and rufus raifus king great men gone to their reward we never shall look upon their like ilke ik ep again g alli alil I 1 snail soon follow them I 1 care very little ilow how liow soon tears came to his eyes I 1 said allow me lo 10 say that when you are dead e ad and gone the tin places which you have immortalized minor by your presence and speech when visited by future generations will call up reminiscences the interest of which will be as much deeper than that connected with mith the of the great men you have mentioned as theirs are superior tu to your coachman placing lacing his hand upon my shoulder he said that is rather a partial and friendly sort of a spee beeh h but said lie he 1 I am not aware that I 1 have posthumous fame to live arami olam miam not riot so modest as to doubt that I 1 have a reputation and fame that will live after me but it has been hardly earned lt lot me say to n you my friend that politics is a hard road keep out of it I 1 hav have le succeeded bilt but if I 1 had my life to live over again I 1 pursue my profession sion bion and be more at peace those public acts of my life lire that have been most sincere and honest and the most moat for the honor and ani good of the country have been the ones that have been the most traducer traduced trad political life is a hard one sell your irona iron my y friend get an honest nging iving support your family and let politics alone 1 I have had said he many pleasing reminiscences connected with wilh politics if it were no noi not 1 I so aman a man could rever live if I 1 were not conscious of having received the an support aport of the intelli gent geat portion of my fellow citizens I 1 should sink under it I 1 know that a large portion of the people ae of the united states appreciate my labors but said he be it is a hard road keep clear of li it sell call your iron and let politics alone 21 ile he then spoke of some personal matters connected with a request he be had made of the administration 1 I have been traducer traduced trad 11 said he be and slandered and my motives vilified but the shaft that has sunk stink deepest here laying his hand upon hh hij breast I 1 is the refusal ot the administration to grani grant the trifling I 1 made they say that 1 I had hid my share but the whole thing said be 13 too contemptible to think of john drive on let us u go home to dinner AN ANCIENT OHIO FIGHT elgirt upward of a quarter of a century ago a little affair occurred in high life lire inthe in the town of columbus which ought not to be allowed to pass into oblivion I 1 mir mr F y was Attorn attorney ev general of ohio and ier mr I 1 L was chief clerk in the cafice of the auditor of state the united states court was waa in session and mr F improved the opportunity ta to explain to a company of constituents in front trout of the hotel the circumstances of a claim which bad accrued to the sullivan heirs in consequence of the removal of the capital of ohio from franklin to columbus in the coarse of his remarks he questioned the statements in the auditors books mr air 1 L at mice once pronounced his statement a lie 1 11 L can not waive rank aid mr air F and fight figat this ibis man 11 3 1 As he proceeded to reiterate his big charges mr ij pronounced him a second ald aid ald a third time a liar when mr F becomer gauch excited shouted my fellow cit citizen izer s I 1 have concluded to waive the quasion que sion slon of rai rat kand settle the ibe matter at once so taking ol oft olt k his coat he descended from the stand and und immediately received a tremendous right hander which lodged him in a neighboring mud hoie help geving gerim up he received rec rech ived rived a settler which brought muri hurt I 1 im to on the same spot 1 j 4 third thard time lime he came to the s scratch when a it i weil well directed eye blinder fram the sub auditor caused him to turn a compit compile te summersault summer sault and lodged him once more upon his mother earlb earth turning ills eyes round under the evident impression that he hal bad fulfilled tila ilia u utmost requirements of the cod code he addressed himself 6 to his physical superior as follow follows 44 before rissig from this position sir air I 1 desire to ask you a question do you intend to strike I 1 get of course cu I 1 do ejaculated his excited adversary yer ver Aary sary then tilen lir ir 1 I shall not getina gat got aln ain 11 the te spectators now Inter interfered ferda ferea |