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Show Jacobsen, Taylor Are Cited KEARNS. George Taylor received the best actor trophy and Jana Jacobsen was acclaimed best actress during Academy Awards presentations at Kearns high last night (Wednes- day). The annual event features selected scenes from school productions and presentations of awards to performers who have been selected as best in their category. Jeff Brey received honors for best supporting actor, with Eva Elkins selected as best supporting actress. Best character actor and actress awards went to Jack Duffy, Mark Roper and Julie Loback. Kyle Anderton and Phil Lerdahl were selected for best cameo actors, and Carma Caruso, cameo actress. UTA Plan Is Topic Of Meet SALT LAKE. portation Transservices for handicapped persons will be the subject of a public hearing May 30 at the South Salt Lake 2500 So. auditorium, State. hearing is the a series of first meetings dealing with the topic. The series is The of by the Wasatch Front Regional Council, UTA and the Utah Council for d and Developmentally Disabled Persons. Under consideration will be UTAs Transi- tion Plan outlining improvements designed to assure that handicap- ped persons are not denied access to public transportation. U. S. Department of Transportation officials require federal transit a Valley View News U Thurs., May 15, 1980 grant recipients - including UTA - to make their services accessible to the handicapped -- Camporee Plans Are Announced GRANGER. Plans are being completed for a Granger district Boy Scout camporee to be awards ceremony will complete the camporee, according to David Bird, program chairman. Troops from the Granger, Granger Central, Granger East, Granger North, Granger South, Granger West, Jordan, 4 at May Taylorsville park. Camp will be set up on the 23rd and an evening fireside program has been planned. On the 24th, breakfast will be cooked, a flag ceremony held 23-2- held before participation in a skillarama North stakes Jordan involving each troop. The public is being invited to the skill segment between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. The afternoon will include troop competition and scouting skills. An and Westvale Presbyterian church are being invited to participate. Further information may be obtained from Mr. Bird at 967-308- 3. Try a Want Ad! 404 VUE To TUB RAIN LAST WEEKEND WE HAVE. " covnNOED our. ouswmci parking WOO- 8AIU 0R SHINE CUR FRIDAV OAMtir6FM omA SKW&EA Y iQAMtb-Sp- lot M THREE vmtER GRANGER . . . CHEST Praiantlng graduation ad dreuet at Granger high thii year are Jeff Dlckiion, Wayne Alldredge, Carle McDermott. Granger High Carrie James, six DRAWER - FB UNIT CHEST Speakers Carie McDermott and Wayne Alldredge have been selected as grad- uation speakers at Granger high. They will use the Do not follow theme where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. The four were chosen from among 60 who Ceremony Planned In Stake KEARNS. Processional for the president, will conduct the cerewith regional representative William monies, Fresh speaker. A. A as guest musical number will be presented by the combined Kearns 3rd and Kearns 13th ward choirs. All members of the stake are being invited. Stake conference will be held Saturday and Sunday, with Mr. Fresh presiding over all sessions. A priesthood leadership session will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday for bishoprics and members of the high council. A second session is planned for 5 p.m., including elders presidencies, 70s and High Priest group leaders. All adults in the stake are being invited to a special session of conference at 7 p.m Sat- leadership urday. The general of conference session all stake members and friends will be held at 10 a.m. Sunday. A junior primary session will be offered for children age 3 to 6. All sessions will take place in the stake center, 4605 West Point Dr. floor and 24.95 J j,c". J 3i .95 ; t Wemakes repair all t vacuums.of jc Specializing in: 'Kirby 'Eureka 'Hoover 'Bison fc Genuine parts, bags, jt belts and brush rolls, JA.T. J ENTERPRISES: 4081 W. 5415$., h. Tel. 966-141- 6 ( L. Heywood, they will be 2 fe33 1 COKnHoVS - MlPP CUE AnI SBPr CLEtJlN& 6C-S3- 3- Even Wave MISMATCHES PAmuySi ze-So- coor-dinat- Richard Schmeling. Subjects to be covered will include basic land- Vari-Temp- ,' 1.5 cu. easy-clea- n AAB ud CtftfTPd: EA PC.- - fill. UTWN'S ARE RBPVCEP FbR West Valley area. munity School, to Model 1550 STATE tant superintendent, during the summer term at Kearns Com- k WLY MODEL- - . KEARNS. Classes in landscaping around the home will be offered Vari-Coo- Memorymatic, big, principal, accepted Landscape Classes Offered " Meal-In-On- e, by Richard C. Andrus of the Granite School Board. Names of graduates will be read by Jodie Romero and Karen Hart, senior class vice president and secretary. Diplomas will be presented by Dr. Hilda B. Jones, assis- K UIXIMOIIS MUrOATABLE TEC iRnrarc1! 2 ZAYS ONA-- Y Litton Even Wave features ; Meal-ln-On- e. tl heJt?rr' Model 1570 Vari-Tem- p 7 and Memorymatic you program up to four cooking sequences at one time. KAVTIFUL BWIM ffl Arrange to fit your mood and room needs Beautiful velvet in your choice of colors ALL TEN PIECES scaping design principles, landscape elements, sprinkler system design principles, maintenance and more, he said. OJ This is a new, interesting class and should be of value to everyone, particularly to owners HOKY k TO SHOCK YOU music will be played on the organ by Syndy Maynard. Prayers will be given by Julie Kelleher and R. Bradley Taylor. The theme presentation will be by Betsy and Olene Christensen. Welcoming the group will be David Brooks, senior class president. After presentation of the graduates by Frank for The Amazing J choir and uttov! me&ovmms,,. AT PRICES FRI&IQAIRE Softly As I Leave You by the madrigals. Kearns East stake center to be built at 4300 W. 4715 South will take place at 3 p.m. Saturday. Earl M. Monson, stake exer- cises to be held May 23 at 6 p.m. The rites will be held in the stadium, weather permitting, or will be moved inside to the school gymnasium, according to J. Dell Morris, graduation committee chairman. He is being assisted by Sandra Woodward id Patricia Sargent, senior class advisers. Musical numbers will include the singing of On Movin by the concert Groun- dbreaking cum auditioned to speak at the graduation - OVP Are Chosen GRANGER. Carrie James, Jeff Dickison, -- of new homes, he added. The class will be held on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9, beginning June 4, Tuition fee is $10 for a class that could save a home owner hundreds of dollars, observed Mr. Schmeling. Registration for the summer term will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday and May 28 and 29. Anyone desiring further information may call the school, 966-507- -- two mvs ONiY KEARNS GPANSSi STORES ONLY 10--5 FRJ. 0-- b |