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Show Escaped From Vietnam Vu Family Finds Niche In Kearns byOlgaMilius KEARNS. It may be difficult to get used to a new language, a new country, a new school and a new way of life all at the same time. But after their experiences in getting here, the Vu family, foimerly of Saigon, South Vietnam, are happy to accept the challenge. The Vu family, the parents and eight children, arrived here early in January. Four of the children, Anh (Ahn), Trinh (Ching), Thang (Tan) and Tuan (Twan) are now attending Kearns high. Mr. Vu was a policeman and Mrs. Vu owned a small dress shop in Saigon. Life was difficult enough during the war, but after the United States troops were withdrawn in 1975 and the Commmumsts took over, things took a turn for the worse. Many Vietnamese people were seeking to leave TUTORING . . . Indochinese students at Kearns high, including the country in search of a member of the Vu famikly, are being tutored by advanced students at life better and, for these, the school. after the difficulty of getthe ting necessary papers to leave the country, to freedom. plied to LDS Social Ser- both employed at Decame the problem of At times there was onvices and offered to seret Pharmaceutical, raising the average cost ly enough water to wet sponsor a family. helping in the manufacof $5,000 per person it retheir lips. Three times We were told, wed ture of medical supplies. The four older children quired to get on a boat. they were attacked by have to wait a year, Mr. Vu, sometimes i- pirates from Thailand. said Mrs. Fowers. Then are in classes at Kearns llegally, helped many Finally they were came the call about the high, where the ttfo Vu family. The timing boys, Thang and Tuan, people to get the doc- rescued by the Interuments they needed to national Rescue Comwas sort of bad, since we are especially interested leave the country. When mittee and placed in a had just had a new baby, in art. the Communists discov- refugee camp in Malayour fourth child, but we Another child is enrolered this, the family had sia. led at Kennedy junior decided to go ahead, to leave Saigon immedAfter eight months in she said. The family was high and the three iately, so they paid $27,00 the camp the family was then relocated in younger children attend flown to Utah, where its Kearns. to get on a boat. West Kearns elemenIt has been a very tary. Many Vietnamese first home was a dairy families have been farm just outside Brig- good experience, they The parents take separated, sometimes ham City. Farm work are fine people, ener- English lessons every forever, but the Vus and the bitter cold were getic and ambitious, morning with a tutor at were fortunate enough to very hard for a city fam- said Mrs Fowers. Truman elementary. The Vus are presently The girls, Ahn and Trinh, remain together. ily to adjust to, and the For seven days they Vus asked if they could renting a home but are are learning English lived on a small boat, possibly be resettled in a working hard and saving rapidly. They studied a to buy their own home, little cramped together with city. English, little Mr. and Mrs. Law- she added. 135 other French in their Saigon Vietnamese Mr. and Mrs. Vu are school, said Anh. people trying to escape rence Fowers had aD- in Area she ty added. It has been fun getting to know them and a real opportunity for us, she said. The girls enjoy cooking and make fantastic High school in Saigon is held six days a week, from 7 a m to noon. On V Crime Watch Signs Appearing Crime Watch signs are going up throughout the Kearns area as com- neighbors and inviting them to participate. Howard Short, council information officer, has munity personally KEARNS. ietnamese food, remarked Mrs. Fowers. They use spices and curries and come up with flavors that are unusual to us and I find them delicious, she declared. This group includes six Vietnamese, two Cambodian and two Laotian students. We refer to them all as Indochinese, but each group has their own language and culture, which are really quite different. It is interesting working with these students, they are anxious to learn all they can and take their schooling she very seriously, Thursdays the girls attended school at the same time but there were no classes, the students spent the day cleaning the school, she said. After graduation from high school everyone went into the service, into battle, according to Anh, women as well as men. An aunt and uncle of the Vu children arrived in Kearns Sunday from the Malaysian refugee camp, bringing the family up to 12, Mrs. Fowers said. The sponsors visit the family once or twice a week. They are really pret- - Valley View Newt Thurs May 15, 1980 members reports that of all the homes he has contacted only three people have been disinterestd in the program Mr. Short has been sworn in as a special deputy and is now available to conduct workshops in conjunction with members of the sheriff's department, he said Residents interested in guarding their property and neighborhood against crime are being invited to attend two workshops, explained Mr. Terry. When the Thursdays During council meeting, chair- man Chad reported have Terry that 17 already signs been posted and 10 more will be placed during the coming week. Volunteers are still needed to assist in organizing the Crime Watch areas, Terry said. Block leaders are remarked. Several students at needed to visit homes on Kearns high are working their own blocks explaining the program to (SeePage 11, Col. 7) HANEY'S 1979 WATER BEDS SPRING CLEARANCE The Willow organized and several areas, become more involved in the crime prevention programs sponsored by the Kearns Community Crime Council. workshops are nu'inpeii r area. Each resident is given a booklet explaining how to safeguard their home and property. A voluntary donation of $2 is being asked to help defray cost of printing booklets and of metal signs. next The council meeting will be held at 7:30 p m. on May 22 in Precinct Third the at which Courtroom, time a motion to hold meetings once instead of twice a month during the summer will be discussed. The Inventor Thomas Edison more than 1,000 GENERAL ELECTRIC Pick The One Best Suited For Your Family Full Size Full Size Power 10 Temperature Probe Deluxe Probe DELIVERED 318 All waferbeds include mattress heater linerdroin & fill kits water conditioner 288 Heavy Duty 16 Cu. F, SUPER SINGLE Upright $Q O Q JOU Washer BED & 278 7 Cycle Potscrubber 328 Potscrubber $070O Heavy-Dut- $ Laquered QUEEN 348 398 WASHERS & DRYERS DISHWASHERS FREEZERS DOOR CRASHER Stain Watch Crime given signs to place in their windows, and metal signs are posted at the corners of streets in the MICROWAVE Full WATER com- pleted, the residents are CLOSEOUT Creek 1 I TT Built-I- Dryer SIZE BOX SPRING ' DOOR CRASHER & EUREKA MATTRESS 15 Yr. 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