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Show ( Vcilley View News, f t February 1 4, 1980, People HOC Open House Scheduled To Honor Couple Wed 50 Years 1 ; By Susan Mawhinney Steenblik children, Fifty years ago to almost the day, a Valentine couple strolled hand in hand along the streets of downtown Salt Lake City Suddenly, as if smitten by one of sharpest arrows, Fellows children, x ? grand- o and fourteen (nineteen by June, and still will be honored at an Open on Saturday, February 16 The celebration w ill take place at their home, 1470 West, 4934 South Taylorsville, from 7 p m Everyone is invited to come and share some of the Fellows love, as well as a few of their secrets for a successful marriage' House Cupids Henry impulsively 3-- Hatch agreed, and off they X thirty-tw- counting'), Henry and Myra suggested to his lady, Lets Miss Myra get married' -- Page 10 ran to the Salt Lake City Hall' The date was February 15, 1928, and now, fifty years later, Henry and Myra Fellows are celebrating their fiftieth wedding and anAfter eight niversary Henry and Myra both feel the only secret ingredient in their recipe for a happy, and long, marriage, that was the fact that their family was so large With children always coming and going in every which way, there is no time for bickering' Its go, go, go and always smile on the way out' Henry Fellows was one of nine children when he grew up in Cache Valley His father died when Henry was 16, leaving Henry and his mother to care for the other After the eight children death of his mother in 1961, Henry came to Salt Lake City to work It was in Salt Lake that a friend (a friend indeed' ) introduced Henry to Myra Myra Hatch Fellows was born in Portville, New York Her family found its way to Utah in 1916 Here they settled in Davis and Box Elder Counties for a while Later, they moved to Skull Valley, and then to Tooele where they finally settled down to live on a ranch Myra was the oldest of her eight brothers and six sisters She often had to do the hard work on the ranch which was usually done by but when the men, something needed doing, Myra did it Myra grew with up a to attend strong desire nursing school, but with such a large family, there never seemed to be quite enough However, Myra money didnt let that stop her thirst for learning She is an avid reader, and loves classical Her interest m music and her need for nursing compassionate service no doubt helped her in her life as the mother of eight children Henry and Myra Fellows have always had a home full not only their of children own, but also those of triends, neighbors, relatives and these their days, childrens children' Young children still frequent the Grandma and home of Grandpa Fellows for some of their famous goodies' Grandma Recently, and BAMBROUGH was named Beauty Contest winner and will represent the American Legion Post No. 132 JILL Grandpa were blessed with a little visitor in their home overnight' Three year old great in American Legion with fruits, bursting and bright vegetables flowers Myra cans fruit, and makes lots of fresh jams and jellies Henry keeps careful watch over the yard, making sure the garden is in top shape' Having lived in Salt Lake City for most of their married life, the Fellows are relative newcomers to the west side They have lived in Taylorsville for three years now, and enjoy the church work they have found here Myra has worked many years in the Primary and the Sunday School in their wards, and Henry has put in many years of service as well Using her well known love of children, Myra has taught in the Head Start Program, while Henry, who loves good food, works part time in a Bakery! In honor of Henry and Myra Fellows 50th anniversary, this open house is being given by their children to show their love and appreciation The children of Henry and Myra are Archie and Barbara Fellows, Richard and Ellen Fellows, Dee and Mary Lea Fellows, Tes and Donna Ann Fellows, Ron and Verla (Fellows) Schluter, Arvilla (Fellows) Finn, the late Bert Fellows, Noiv Pumping Gas and the late Fellows women These Madeline men and have grown up surrounded by the love provided by Henry and Myra, and are taking this opportunity to say Thanks', 'f. and we love you' On this special Valentines Day, for these two special Valentines, come share some of the love offered at Open House' Perhaps, with a touch of Cupids arrow, some success might rub off on the rest of us would-b- e OEMS We Buy & Sell o Complete Foreign Car Repair o State Inspections Brakes o Tune-up- District competition. Con- granddaughter Brandie spent the night, and as three year olds often do, Brandie kept things hopping' Henry and Myra are just as much Valentines in 1980 as they were in 1930 and together, they keep very busy In the summer, Henry and Myra keep a garden HENRY AND MYRA FELLOWS the American Legion Beauty Anderson. test was Laurie FIRST RUNNER UP in - Beauty Queen Chosen to Represent Post Friday evening, February members and friends of the American Legion Post No 132 gathered in their 8, Post home contest for a beauty MC ed by Dave Parkinson of KWMS, two lovely young ladies were given the opportunity of displaying their varied talents before a panel of three judges Forty per cent of the total was determined by an interview1 of Tgadh girl Then they each modeled for the assembled group in an evening gown This was followed by a swimming suit competition and concluded with the talent portion of the contest Laurie Anderson Laurie graduated with honors from the class of 76 at Kearns High School She has an extensive background in music She plays the cello and is currently studying with David Freed, 2nd Chair Cellist of the Utah Symphony She studied at Orchestra Utah State University under a tuition free scholarship for two years She is competing for a full tuition scholarship at the University of Utah fall quarter 1980 She is a member of the Granite Youth Symphony Employed at the Salt Lake International Airport, she is still studying music and buying her own cello Her ultimate goal is the play for the Utah Symphony and eventually become associated with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Laurie is the daughter of M the late Richard Anderson and Bonnie J Anderson Rottmann, wife of Paul A Rootmann She is 57 tall and measures Jill Bambrough Jill is a senior at Kearns High School and lives at 5954 S 2925 W in Kearns. She is a blonde, has blue eyes, and weighs 130 pounds measurements are Her She enjoys sports, particularly track She aspires to win a scholarship m order t$ acoinruefc her studies, towards a degree in Physical Therapy or teaching Danc- ing and gymnastics are also enjoyed by this vivacious young lady Her talent competition entry consisted of a modern dance number she called An Elvis Presley Special. Judging Each girl selected a paper on which was written a question Laurie was asked what more can be done to free our hostages in Iran9 The general tone of her answer was to get tough. Jill was asked what she thought about women being drafted She admitted she wasnt too happy about it but felt that women could do a good job it they were given equal training The three judges then retired for their delib-- 1 erations returUpon ning they named j in Bambrough as the Posts candidate to compete at District A very excited and happy Jill received a bouquet of long stemmed red roses and the best wishes from the American Legion Post No 132 models a bathing suit during the recent American Legion Post No. 32 Beauty Contest. JILL BAMBROUGH 1 Used Cars PROUD OF KEARNS Smartness, rather than many ruins sincerity, people s, A History of Kearns We specialize in: 1949 REBUILDING CARBURETORS of all kinds. - 1 979 Compiled by: Rosa Vida Black Published by: KEARNS TOWN COUNCIL STATION OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mechanic on duty 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Mon.-Sa- t. ON SALE Beginning Mon., Jan. 21st - $6.50 per copy from any Council member and ECONO STUDS Tel. 250-715- 4 8844 W. 2700 S., Magna Arlo James 968-- 1 John Fabert Carmela Thomas Bill Erskine 968-074- 3 969-022- 2 968-362- 3 388 Glenn Graham Jerry Wang Sandy Mamales George Starks 968-814- 8 967-103- 4 966-042- 0 967-680- 6 BUILDERS View News) (Advertising Courtesy of Valley 968-212- 35S5 W MART 1 3500 So. |