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Show national editorial vM A$sbclATI A I I library M '0!z ( Utah wat 3 DJ David Sourley School chedule for Season The morning session which includes all students who live east of the school between 4715 South and 4990 South (North side) and those living north of 4865 South between 4580 West and 4300 West (including Academy Park) will attend school as follows: 1st grade, 9:0 A.M. 12:00 noon; grades 7:00 A.M.-12:0- 0 noon with a lunch -- break from 2-- 6, 9:15-9:3- 5. The cooperation of all parents is needed in seeing that students of grades 2-- 6 do not arrive at school before 6:50 A.M. and that they leave the school grounds immediately upon dismissal from school at noon. First grade students should not arrive at school befre 8:45 A.M. and should leave the school grounds immediately upon dismissal at noon. The afternoon session which includes all of Western Hills Subdivision west of the D&RG tracks, also the following: Starting at 4865 South and 4555 West (sidewalk), thence South to 5015 South, thence West to 4660 West, thence South to 5055 South, thence East to 4620 Post 9322 Sponsoring Magazine Drive VFV In answer to many questions concerning a recent magazine drive, the VFW Post 9322 wishes to announce that they are sponsoring the drive, which is going on in the south-wearea of the valley. The purpose of the drive is to raise funds to buy more wheel chairs, crutches, etc. Loaning this type of equipment to those who need it, whether members of the organization or not, is just one of the many West, thence South to 5100 South, thence East to Alex, thence South on Alex to 5135 South, thence East to Steele Street, thence North on Steele Street to 4990 South, thence West to 4300 West, thence North to 4865 South, thence West to point of beginning. (All boundaries are to center of the street.) will attend school as follows: 1st grade students, 12:45 P.M. to 3:45 P.M., 12:45 P.M. to 5:45 P.M. grades The cooperation of all parents will also be needed to see that students of all grades do not arrive at school before 12:35 P.M. and that they leave the school grounds immediately upon dismissal from school. Post cards have been sent to all students of grades 2-- 6 (both sessions) whose names are registered at the school at the present time. If your child does not receive a card notifying him of his room assignment and time of attending school by noon Monday, August 28, please come to the school between 1:30 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday to have him registered and assigned to a room. First grade students who attended kindergarten will remain in the same rooms and on the same session. Those who did not attend kindergarten should come to school and register on Monday, August 28 2-- 6, between 1:30 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. Students new to the area should register at the Granite School District Offices, 340 East 3545 South, Salt Lake City st Students living in the Western Hills area will be bussed to the David Gourley Elementary School school year. Buses for the 1961-6- 2 will start picking up the students at 12:25 P.M. at the following bus stops: worthwhile projects that are sponsored by this organization. When 5200 West 5225 South the equipment is not in use it is 5330 South Heath Ave. kept at the home of George Garcia. 5030 West 5400 South 'As usual, however, all the equipChariot Ave. 5400 South ment is loaned out at the present 5120 West 5225 South time, and the need to acquire more 5200 West 5400 South is great. Everyone is urged to supHeath Ave. 5400 South port this worthy cause. 5120 West 5330 South The VFW Roadshow performed 5160 West 5400 South at Lagoon Sunday under the direcCross St. & Charlotte Ave. tion of the entertainment chairFirst grade students will be man, Warren Bowen. The next held will home at 3:45 P.M. Grades be bussed Post of the meeting Monday, August 28. The VFW Auxiliary is now selling the Identification Tags which were announced earlier this summer. They are available in necklace, bracelet or keychain and each will be stamped with name, address, next of kin, blood type, alergies, religion and so on. Identification Tags are a Civil Defense project and are1 mandatory in certain states. At the present time, the Kearns Auxiliary is the only one in this area selling the tags. To get tags for your family, contact chairman of I.D. Tag Sales, or Wyona Kukuchka, CY or Pat Betty Beech, CY 20 17 Porter, CY We might add they are very good to have for children in case of accident, illness, or getting lost, etc. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity. i two through six will be bussed home at 5:45 P.M. Winter Bowling Kearns Kiwanis Club Will Be Leagues Forming Represented at 1961 Convention Kiwanis Club of Kearns, will dent of the Community Chest of At Kearns Lanes beTherepresented conven- Springfield, and Sangamon County, at the The and Classic will bowlthe Vinter Leagues open season ing Friday, August 25th at the Kearns Bowling Lanes. According to Duane Catton, manager of the lanes, The Civic and Sportsman will bowl at 6:45 p.m. and the Classic at 9 p.m. Other leagues, Mixed Doubles and Ladies Leagues, will start Monday, August 28th. Mixed Doubles will bowl at 6:45 p.m. and the Ladies Leagues at 9 p.m. There are a few openings in both the mixed doubles and other leagues. Any one interested in bowling this winter should contact Mr. Catton immediately for spots. All interested in bowling should watch for the announcement of the State Match Game All Stars Playoff Championship at Kearns Lanes. Admission will be free and the best bowlers in the state will participate. Civic-Sportsm- an Illinois; a past chairman of the Springfield Community Chest Campaign; a member of the governing board of the Childrens Service League, and of the Urban League; and a past and board Pocatello, Alameda, and Blackfoot. member of the Sangamon County Local delegates to the convenChapter, Red Cross of America. tion will be Don Herzog, Arlo Morris is President of the Illinois James, and Grant Vincent. National and the Inland National Insurance Companies. Olsen, who is a newly-electe- d Trustee of Kiwanis International, assumed his post on August 1 of his year. He is a resident of Provo, Utah. Like Morris, he has held most of the top posts in his club Provo) and his district (Utah-daho- ). He has held several Kiwanis ntemational Committee memberships and chairmanships, as well. He is an accountant in Provo. Olsen is secretary of the Provo Metro-xlita- n Water Board; treasurer of For the first time a traveling the 'Utah County Chapter, Amerileague has been formed. Games can Red Cross; and treasurer of will be alternated between sponsorthe Provo Civic Opera Association. ing alleys. 'Shelly Rolf, owner of Shellys Home Furnishings, will sponsor a team in this league. Larry Holt, Glade Sims, Neil Mann, HowC. L. Mortis ard Nelson and Duane Catton are Mr. C. L. Morris, Treasurer o: the members. Kiwanis International, a Springfield, i Illinois insurance executive, will be I O uOOUL ROVIGW Announces Job Opportunities The Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners for the Post Office' Department has announced an open competitive examination for filling the positions of substitute clerk and substitute carrier in the Salt Lake City, Utah Post Office (Sugar House, Murray, Kearns, Holladay, Foothill, Fairgrounds and South Salt Lake Stations). Full information and the application forms may be obtained from: Byron C. Johnson .executive secretary, Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Post Office Department, Room 407 Federal Building, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. Utah-Tdah- 1-- 3, vice-preside- nt - Kearns Stake Invites Ladies n 1" a featured speaker at the three-da- y Ladies of the Kearns Stake are meeting at the Student Union Build-- 1 on Also of to a book review Monday invited Idaho State College. ing hand will be Mr. LeRoy J. Olsen night, August 28th at 8 p.m. at of Provo, Utah. Olsen, a Kiwanis I the Kearns Stake Relief Society International Trustee, resides in I Room. o The review will be given by Mrs. District of the or-- 1 the I De Fonda Collier of Taylorsville ganization. has just returned from New Delegates from 60 clubs, repre-lwh- o I senting nearly 3300 business and York, Mrs. Collier attended classes at professional leaders, will participate in the various sessions. Committee I the New York Public Library on conferences, a discussion of plans the subject of Child Literature. She for the coming year, consideration will give us the highlights of these of successful community service classes and a review of several work, and the election of officers books. One will be Beautiful will highlight the program, Don Night which was translated from : Nominations for Kearns Town Council From the regular Monday night meeting of the Kearns Town Coun Utah-Idahcil comes the information that four posts on the Council will be due for in October. Nminatins will be held at the September 11th meeting and the 4 posts open are: District, held by Ralph Carter; District 2, held by Joe Dillier; District 3, held by Orin Hunter, and District 7, held by Bob Bullough. I Elections are tentatively schedItalian. uled for the first Monday in Oc- Herzog said. El- Mr. will be officer There will be a display of all Presiding tober at the four elementary Idaof A. books vin that were recommended for Blackfoot, Lindquist, schools. From this election on, efdifferent age levels. The review is forts are being made to coincide io, Governor of the Utah-ldah- o the council elections with the reg- District of Wiwanis International, sponsored by the Kearns Stake is a building contractor, lief Society and is free to anyone ular County primary elections. This Mr. Morris, one of the principal interested, would deviate the problem of set1 ting special local elections and pro- speakers an dthe official represen--at International of Kiwanis vide voters with established polling tative veteran is a the convention, is attend places. Everyone urged to Treaselected was He Kiwanis. of the council meetings to know your 46th at of the its urer organization candidate and support them strong-candidain Toronto annual ini For three weeks a convention and support them man you July of this year. nor to and strongly. brothers and Other business conducted during election he held most of the im- Listers ha$e searched Kearns for a bis the evening brought the light that PrJ;,off!cf red and white, 24 J. C. Higgins his and more signatures are needed for the Bi le which disappeared from fte n Iowa) He has also is petitions for the recreation district. The importance held a number of Kiwanis Interna- tube new ith and of this petition is easily felt when tional committee memberships and white. His we understand that without it our chairmanships. In addition to his I parents have now offered a reward plans for a Civic Center and broader Kiwanis interests, Morris is active for 'he return. , the be?n,d Cal recreational facilities for our youth in professional and civic affairs in knowmg will halt through lack of funds and Springfield and in the mid-wesupport. Any interested residents, area. He is president of the Illinois real property owners of Kearns, are Bureau of Casualty Insurers; presiIn- CDYI urged to contact Bill Petusky for dent of the Illinois Insurance formation member a board Service; information on how and where to of the Hoosierland Rating Bureau, AUGUST 26th sign the petition. and Underwriters Indianapolis; Service Association, Columbus, A chicken fry will feast members and a past director, Secre- of the Keams Fourteenth Ward Ohio; Lions Hold Meet of the Na- at their annual ward outing to be tary, and At a meeting held August 14 in tional Association of Independent held in the North Stake Center the Kearns Medical Center, the Insurers. He is a past president parking lot on Saturday, August 26 Kearns Lions Club discussed their and director of the Springfield at 4:30 p.m. A donation of 50c per plate is Chamber of Commerce, and a board plans for the future. asked. There will be games for evThe next meeting of the Lions member and former will be held August 28 at 7:30 p.m. of the Illinois State Chamber of eryone, young and old alike, so in the Medical Center. Commerce. He is. also a past presi- - come out and join the fun. on Re-indqu- ist 22-ye- ar te c'bSff im-prove- Post Office Dept. 1961 o tion of the District of Kiwanis International at Pocatello, Idaho, September Club President Don Herzog, announced today. Hosts for the convention will be members of the Kiwanis Clubs of nois-Easter- st Keyn fLJfCK rl vice-preside- nt vice-preside- nt f |