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Show Page 4 Thursday, January 7, 1959 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Jr. Gardeners to Hold Meeting The West Kearns Jr. Garden Club have scheduled their next meeting for Friday, January 8, in e room of the the school at 3:30 p.m. A film has been obtained from the county library at Midvale and will presented along with a talk on the importance of birds in and around our gardens. Any parents that may wish are encouraged to attend the informative meetings. The junior gardeners of the West Kearns School won for themselves several months ago, the regional award set up for civic beautification. This qualified them for entrance in the state awards competition. This group of young diligent youths have now won first place in the Utah Associated Garden Clubs award competition. This award will be presented to them at the meeting of Utah Associated Garden Clubs to be held January 23, at the new Prudential Federal Buildings, during general sessions to convene at multi-purpos- mid-wint- Town Council Meets The Kearns Town Council will hold their first meeting of the year Friday, January 8, in the Kearns Jr. High at 7:30 p.m. At this time, their part in the Sub for Santa will be discussed. Another item of major importance on the agenda for the evening will be the drawing up of the petition for sidewalks, to be presented to the county. If you are interested in the building and growth of your community, attend your Town Council meetings, and let your desires be known. Kearns Stake Banquet To be Held Thursday The Kearns Aaronic Priesthood banquet is scheduled for Thursday, January 7 at 7 p.m. The dinner is sponsored by the various bishoprics of the stake. The stake leaders will present a magic show during the evenings course of events. Hints Helpful For DSA Selection Nearing The Distinguished Service contest is nearing an end. Awards those desert garnishing is set for Saturday, The deadline an beat plates, eggwhite slightly with a half teaspoon of water and January 9. Three judges are being selected dip grapes into it, then roll in extra-fin- e granulated sugar. Dry to determine the winner. One of sugared grapes on paper toweling. the judges is the prominent former mayor, Earl J. Glade. The award will be presented at Fill the cores of baked apples with orange marmalade instead of an awards banquet to be held dursugar for that extra little some- ing JC week later this month. The first board meeting of the thing. year will be held by the Kearns To make a glamorous desert for JCs Thursday, January 7, at the that special company, make a plate home of Mr. Darr Harward at size meringue, crush center and 8 p.m. fill with ice cream balls in assorted colors and flavors. PTA NEWS The West Kearns PTA will hold their next meeting Tuesday, January 12, at the school at 7:30 p.m. Special guest speaker for the forevening will be an American student. eign field exchange Hacking, program chairman, states that the appointment of a nominating committee will be maid at the meeting. Several musical selections will be presented by the faculty in the course of the program. Lucille Lewis Bros. Stages Depot 360 Sonth West Temple Street Phone Elgin 77 Kearns 5 Salt Lake City Schedules er Green Thumbers A meeting of the Kearns Green Thumbers is slated for Thursday, January 14, in the lounge of the Woolworth Co. at 8 p.m. 3 p.m. The meeting will be under the direction of Mr. Harold Rushton, a makes man madder Nothing than seeing somebody making president of the organization. money out of an idea that he himself failed to do anything about Mountain View years ago. Plumbing ASSEMBLY of GOD & LADIES Heating ES WATER HEATERS 5242 So. 4820 West - Kearns, Utah Is Starting a SALES & SERVICE 3733 W. 3500 So. - AM CYpress 8-16- 31 . . . BOWLING CLINIC Plumbing - Modernizing -Sewer & Drain Lines Cleaned REV. DON ANDERSON CY 3951 West 5400 South All Makes 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service for the (Prayer sick) Bible Study Wed 7:30 p.m. New Classes Formed Weekly , Started Tues-- , Dec. 1st Instructions and Bowling COST ONLY 50c PER HOUH Free Baby Sitter and Nursery on Premises KEARNS PHARMACY CY 91 34 mmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmMMmMmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmMmmMmmmmmmMMmMmmmMmsmmmmmimz&i'fC' Im hellij V. Uj A IU1 HIM Ini Located 2 Drs. West of Woolworths in the New Shopping Center WU i i i l l m 8 I 7 An Uf. i - Shelly would also like to show you his TERRIFIC PACKAGE DEALS more than happy to help you with your decorating and color schemes He will be at no charge CARPETING Before you do anything. Anywhere Drop in and Check His Deals Up to 36 Mos. to Pay - Bank Termi Nothing Down Store Hours: 9 till 9 Mon. thru Sat. Phone CY IF YOU'RE CONSIDERING 11 .,. -, FRIGERATORS tt - n |