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Show a fa- m t- 3 GJ i- -" CD tr 4 ca pr f- - c CD -" - c- W ro o Mi a c as P C4 c CD P Serving Kearns, Granger, Hunter, Magna, Taylorsville Volume VI The Fastest Growing Community In Utah Salt Lake County, Utah, Thursday, January 7, 1959 Number 1 Id) o) J- Five maintenance men reporting for work Tuesday morning at the idle flotation plant of the Arthur Mills, were litterly jarred out of their wits, when a leak from a natural gas line possibly was set at An explosion from leaking gas, shattered the idle flotation plant tenance men. (Additional photo on page 2.) Ve Need More Low Enforcement Protection in the Kearns Area? Do Do you the citizens of Kearns and what benefits they may expect and the surrounding areas feel that to derive from it. we are properly backed by the full The will be under the support of law enforcement that a directionmeeting of Wayne Malmstrom, community of this size requires chairman on law enfor the population we have? forcement for the committee. All citizens are encouraged to Will the increase in the 1960 budget of the Salt Lake County attend and bring along your neighSheriffs law enforcement depart- bor. sub-committ- ee . ment be of any benefit to the community of Kearns? Through the efforts of the Government Fact Finding Committee of the CD program, a meeting is to be held at the Catholic Recreation Hall Thursday, January 7, at 8 p.m. All citizens of Kearns that are interested in the protection of the community are urged to attend this meeting. Salt Lake County Sheriff George Beckstead has been invited to appear as guest speaker for the evening, and has accepted the invitation. He will explain to the public just how much this increase will mean to the citizens of Kearns Adult Education Offers New Class on History A class in American History and Government will be added to the n courses offered at Kearns Junior High School begincontinning January 6, 1960, and The uing through March 23, 1960. each Wednesday, meet class will period, during this twelve-wee- k from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mr. Grant Dalton of the Kearns Junior High The faculty will be the instructor. fee for the course will be $5.00. This class should prove especially helpful to those who are studying for their citizenship examinations but all are invited to attend. adult-educatio- School Asks that Residents Keep Dog The blast blew out the east end of the building as well as two side walls, scattering corrigated fiber glass, metal and glass over a wide area. Damage was estimated at $150,000 to $250,000. off by the flame from a small type The injured men who narrowly heater by which the men were escaped loosing their lives were warming themselves. Glen Leon Robinson, 59, 4058 So. 3200 West,. Magna; Ben Kerby 56, 7707 W. 3100 South, Recreation Foundation Simmons,William Vernile Brown, 61, To Hold First Meeting Magna; 3875 So. 2200 West, Granger; Earl Frank Newbold, 59, 3282 So. 8280 The first meeting of the Recrea- West, Magna; and Alfred Leslie tion Foundation for the year 1960 Kirk, 59, 3029 So. 8900 West, will be held Tuesday, January 12 Magna. in the Kearns Jr. High at 8 p.m. The explosion occurred in the All organizational representaroom of the plant just change tives are requested to attend this shift change. Two before meeting. Topics of vital importance shortly men to the community will be discussed narrowly escaped injury. Lorin an electrician, was late comLewis, during the evening. to work due to a flat tire, and Dont forget the date, mark it ing E. had changed his clothes Curtis J. on your calendar. Arthur Mills, injuring five mainand left the plant. Windows were knocked out of Meef Legion Mr. Roy Cook, commander of the buildings as far away as two blocks, Kearns American Legion Post 132, by the blast. Pieces of clothing of announces that the next meeting the men were shredded and seen will be held Tuesday, January 12, hanging on the shredded metal of And a heavy cement floor at 5121 So. 4460 West, at 8 p.m. the plant. was buckled by the blast. above This is a regular monthly meeting. I The American Legion bingo night Doll safety kits will be distribut- will be held Saturday, January 9, ed to all second grade students in at the Kearns Community Recreation Hall, at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Ron the Kearns area very soon. of the Gilson will be in Each kit consists of eight pi- bingo activities for charge the evening. ctures with a saying under each, inThe First Baptist Church of structing the students in various types of safety habits. These pic- CD Education Comm. Keams is now, conducting a Kintures that are to be colored by the dergarten Class, Mondays through students will inform them how to To Hold Meeting Fridays from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Paruse bicycles properly, to cross interested in The education committee of the ents of streets properly, etc. Kearns Community Developments enrolling their children are asked The members of the Kearns JCs program will meet Friday, at 7:30 to call Rev. Bill Thornton CYpress Rev. Thornton would like will remove the Christmas decor- p.m. at the First Baptist Church, o stress that children of all ations from the shopping center this according to Rev. Bill Thornton, denominations are welcome. chairman. coming Sunday. to at Home JC's to Distribute Safety Kits to Second Graders : Enrollment for Kindergarten is Still Open five-year-old- s, re-igio- us Mr. Daryl J. McCarthy, principal of the David Gourley Elementary School, states that several dogs are allowed to run loose on the school grounds during school hours. This A New Years gathering of the their wives was held as a club activity, with everyone enjoyis strictly against the County or- ing themselves in the greeting of a dinance. Some of the animals are new year full pf promise for the pets that follow children to school, Kearns Jr, Chamber of Commerce and for the community others are just animals on the loose. activities they are trying to serve. Mr. McCarty would like to point out however, that some of them are CC to Elect vicious and dangerous. So all dogs seen on the school grounds in the MAGNA The Magna Commwill be future impounded for. the unity Council will hold the election of the children. safety of new officers January 12 at Your dog, if impounded, may be 8 p.m. at the dogpound by payMr. Beorge F. Cromar, president of fine cents 50 a $5 plus per of the council, states that the 1959 ing board for a fee. and license day report of operations of the Jack-lin- g Dogs are kept only five days at Swimming Pool that is opethe pound, after that period they rated under the direction of the will be destroyed. council, will also be given at the JCs and Valley View Columinist Promoted To New Managerial Position Rolf W. Kay, whose column Goes appears each Anything week in this newspaper, has been promoted to manager of the American Optical Co. of Salt Lake City. His branch area goes south to St. George, north to Layton, east to Evanston, Wyo. and west to Ely, Nevada. Mr. Kay started with A.O. in 1946 as a sales representative. Before that he served in the Ordinance Corps of the U.S. Army as a first lieutenant in India. Mr. ' Kay makes his home in Kearns with his wife Gladys and their three children. He is interestWe sincerely hope, for the safety meeting. ed in civic affairs and at the presof the youngsters and the sake of The attendance record at the ent time he is the moderator on your pets, that youll observe this pool exceeded last years paid ad- KSL Radio and KUED TV panel ordinance and keep your pets at missions of 37,470 to 48,812 for show for the Kearns community home during school hours. this year. development program. T Magna v i. rv I ed A V- - . Rolf IV. Kay v cr V Ct- - 03 |