Show FOR FARMERS AND WOMB gardetto GARD bilm EiTO RAISING MELONS CUCUMBERS ao the 14 leness of the season has retarded the vigorous I 1 growth if not in many instances the germination of melons and cucumber cucumbers rs Ps also ocher ber her of 0 the more tender varieties many we p baume 40 dumey have not yet planted which perhaps in view of the coldness cold neba nesa and lateness of be season especially in cold soils will not le any serious detriment ment to the rahla raising of good and seasonable fruit A friend v ho we believe is generally emin eminently ento enlo successful in this department der artilest has for years adopted the practice cf g his melon and cucumber seeds seeb seea about he the first of june in the open air when the ground ia is generally warm and the weather settled SOBS to induce a healthy vigorous and rapid growth how now however ivr those who can conveniently ad adopt opt the plan of starting feeds heeds in rilde rude open willow baskets or in pieces of turf will be more sure sura of earlier earli earll er fruit the following follo from the american agriculturist will be appreciated by all who are if in any degree interested mist persons parsons relish fine ripe melons especially in the hot summer months when there 1 14 a craving for something succulent and cooling II 11 eions are one 0 the bountiful 1 l gifts granted by nature aik kik alk to por poor and end richy rich for the thela theJa borer who has a little plot around his cottage can grew prow grow them lor tor his bis own mf use aa as well as can the millionaire with his farden garden and conservatories conserva tories A few seeds a plot of ot ground naturally free from standing stand ing ins water or made so art i and plenty of ney nep are the A loam having more sand than clay and en riched with decayed vegetable matter mattert Is the best early starting of the vines Is also very desirable in this latitude we have raised very g cd melons from seed planted near the close of may but they canie came to full maturity after the season aheu they would have been most relished may tat lat or earlier ia ii the ha better betler seaon season for starting start ng the tha seed As there la Is danger of seeds rotting in the ground and aiso also aso ot of the plants being stunted by cold when put into the open apery ground kt at the north before about the middle of may we advise starting the plants in or baskets as soon as the middle of april or first of may cut pieces of grass turc turf say six inches more or less inyart them and plant nur fuw to eight seeds in each keep the turf barely molt moir but never dry drys placing it in a cellar or en on the south side of a house board fence fencel or other protection when the seeds are up the ground warm and the weather wrather suitable transfer the sods to bills or the seeds may be planted at first in open hat hai baskets bets filled with earth abid and the baskets afterwards le set fet et in the garden or plot the roots will fand find their way thru throy thi the holes in the bottom and fides sides of the basket and out but into the surrounding soil the baskets basket of course cour beare are to be left in the soil toll undisturbed thi thy through ough the season reason both of these plans have proved very good and again two or three weeks time may thus be made whether the fedi be previously started or planted at once in the open grund the me hould should be made wide apart gay say six bix x to eight feet each way tir fir water melons and dve to six fet ret for muk meion melon canteloupe sg cucumbers bersa etc there therm Is no waste of ground in it lani iani Is L carce or valt valy valm yible ble the spaces traces between the hills but bet I 1 nedr near alvais lem iem may be used for tor early lettuce radis radii higy hc or early low growing plants melon vin vines krow grow betters letter and yield more and better belter truit fruit for fur not being crowd crowded td the finest we ever over oversaw saw was in this they were wera planted in DRILLS six feet apart the seeds being sown and afterwards out to abut fifteen laabes between the plants the thinning was wai done from time to time by clipping down not pull puli pulling trig apy up the excess of vines vine the lat last plants wre not pot cut out until there was an established growth of two or three feet feets and all danger from insects was wai past after this by the dds of the runners and 0 04 caslo nally clipping aher there was an excer they were made to cover evenly bul but butnor not thickly a space of two and a half feet eap eat suie slie sUle of 0 drill this left them in beds nive five leet fat wide with a clean path on one foot wide vide between each bed F OM this path the picker or weeder weeder could reach reath into the cente center rot of the bed on each fide side and the vines trampling in weeding or gathering the cO tambers A similar plan plon would be a good one for all sorts sort of melon vines we shall adopt it this year for foy fertilizer meil well rotted barnyard barn yard manure or chip manure 1 1 rotten leaves lev ley iest leat leaf lest mold sand gand on clay soil roii ty 1 bone 1 aa W ings etc are gool good let ut a free supply be added aw t b billj bill or along each brilly drill digging the ground thor th for a toot each way from where a plant Is to stand and at least a foot toot deep mixing railing la in the manure t to thadde that and rand width deep DP irig Is important the vines require much moisture na they tiley have a chance to send bend down roots bele ahe dry eg ng of the seerest be erest drouth that they may always obtain a full supply tapply of sap cap insects arho arhe greatest obstacle to success in raising melons or they may be kept off with frames hoops or boxes placed over the hills bills suot ashes air aime lime red peppa pep pir tobacco water ecy etc over 0 er erth tb th plant are sometimes partial but nt not always the best pan plan we have bounan practice Is to raise enough plants extra to feed the issis 1442 lr sis sig this may be done in two or three mode modes our plants to put in thirty or even fifty seeds for each plant finally wanted out oat 0 of this number I 1 we failed felled to tol get some perfect pants plants this I 1 Is to only when seed is abundant but it Is better usually to bawo or three ave fave penny papers of seed extra in order to acure a certain certain supply of plants A second plan isy 1 in two or three circles or rog row of seeds each row being planted three fourths of an inch deeper than the one ove within it by this means a fresh py lender plants will appear in succession and the lascu indru will win feed upon tipon the youngest and before these are the tha farst first starting starling plants will have hare grown gui gul cf of the way of harmi harmy hm as the be insects do not yat at aba the leavo leave after they are somewhat matured and hardened the third plan la is similar and we have found round it perfectly effectual we make the hills or drill y and plant a few seed seeds say bay 2 or 3 inches deep then put on three fourths of n inch of fine earth and add another layer of seeds feeds hen ben add more earth and more seeds the lat feeds being c but 13 1 3 to 12 1 2 inch with fine foil slightly patted down to prevent drying we hay hai hae e also varied this plan by scattering the feeds seeds on the surface of the prepared pre huilt bill and dibbling dabbling dib bling diggings digg diggin ingy or raking them in to diffrient dept depths lis ils thy they then continue coming up tip for three ot 01 four weeks and the insects leave us some g plants among those first farat starting this takes more feeds and may seem a lazy method but for bushmen busy men not time to stand by and ond watch the enemy and p rich them offs tiff with the fingers finger sp or shoot them with bow how and arrow we think the plan will in the end prove the cheapest hea hes pest twenty five cents worth of extra seed will satisfy the deece tax gatherers and we usual prefer to pay pa the tax rather than expend a dozen quarters wt woth ah of time in protecting and defending our reserved rights the american agriculturist for may any is before us u its usual rich variety of original oil ginal mater mailer the calendar of operations for may layl is veryl versi very vers j complete embracing directions for the farm the orchard ard nursery the kitchen and fruit garden ho the flower garden and lawn the green and hot houses bouses and the apiary or treatment of bees the farming season has not been so early in the states aa as usual on or account of the heavy april rans rals every farmer former and gardener in utah should aboul have llave a copy of this standard agricultural journal it 13 n a thorough going reliable and practical jour no nal nai devoted to the different departments of soil culture such as growing field crops orchard and garden fruits garden vegetables and flowers trees plants and flowers for the he lawn or yard indoor in door and outdoor out door work around the dwelling care of domestic animals ac ac 11 the information contained in the A agriculturist gri is of a general and most practical character confined to no n state or territory but ada adapted r ted led to the wants of all sections of the country though it is our design to permanently devote a portion apportion of the deseret news nees to the interests of the farmer and gardener there thele are man y matters treated of in the agriculturist which are of great importance to those who cultivate the soil raise stock ac which our space will not admit therefore we would like to see a copy of the th e american A agriculturist gri in n the tha hands bf every man in our Teni ter llory tory who cultivates the soil foil and who does not specimen coplas may mav be seen at this c fini firl c e E etch eich ch number contains thiry thirty two quarto pages ditched sit wit clied ched the type is good and the whole uie ine clinical chi execution is without fault price sl 1 per annum subscriptions will be ile received and if ir so eo desired subscribers in this city and vicinity may obtain their papers at this office aa as they arrive from the east this we are wiling to do for the tha gioi and benefit of all who desire practical information relative to the most useful and the most noble nobia employment of man the genesee farmer for april arrived per last california mull muli why this journal should be a month cr two behind time lime is to us unknown the number before us however contains much useful matter mailer the article on crop crops which enrich the he soil esquite is quite apro apropos pos poR larte cu barly in I 1 n those eastern localities where the bol boi soil sol is so nearly exhausted for the benefit of the utah farmer we will give a single cz extract tract one of the great needs of american agriculture Is the introduction and extensive cult cultivation of such plants as en enrich rich nich rat rattler rattier her ihan than b theoli so jar As ascer talked the leguminous pants plants such fuch as peas beans and clover belong to this class cla cia so also do turnips and probably other cruciferous plants when not cot raised for feed on the other hand band the ceralla including wheat wheaty barley oats rye natse m ige ise sugar aar cane and the grasses brasses proper guch such as timo timothyy thys redtop red top rye tye grass etc the soil roil ther their all have starchy seeds and glassy stems they take from the mollp sol bol from rains dewry deg dew and the at more ammonia than thy contain when hen grown on the other ether hand band the plant plants turnips etc retain the ammonia ani any and when wilen the plants are plowed in or consumed on an the land by animals they increate the supply of arnim tiDia onia onla ia in the soll soil the white while lupine birds birda foot tre foil lucilina Lup ilina lucerne and vetch also alio among those these plants of a organization suitable for feeding to anel anif animal inalia which tend to enrich rather than impoverish the soil growing wheat barley oats rye corn ac for feed of animals has impoverished the dollof soll roil of the older states slates and it will be productive of great good to the farming districts of even this tilla newly se settled I 1 tied territory if plants coull could be grown for feed suitably and at the be same time not so exhausting to the soil as the grains now so universally used here hera first pl arting haa has failed balled fal led should now be b done without delay |