Show nov noy movements ement s ai and departure af the prince ce wa of wales waie llie were not belld behind ih the people of other cities visited by the royal par in their thel ritten attentions eions 1 to t the Princ prince e durin during the time lie he remained there and according to reports be he enjoyed himself better in the chief city of nemr england edgland aa as dibalso did also aiso the other members of his suit suite el th than an in some other places where there was greater pomp and display plade made in honor oi of royally royalty the ball on the evenin evening of the went off in fine style and to the sati satisfaction faction of a majority of those present all of whom belonged Z accordia according P to the statesman to that class J termed the best people there were double e tickets and sin sinie single le tickets sold boid the receipts deposited amounting to about the expenses amounted to the num r kb it i va fc i ber her 0 of ai 04 invited cited gues guests AS s present made iti up the 11 unie 6 a 4 11 the prince opened therall with mrs mayor btaylor lincoln and afterwards he led forth in the dance birs mrs gov banks mrs wise miss bliss ranny fanny bliss miss carrie bigelow mrs T if 14 chidell chickening Chicken ing ng mrs harrison ritchie miss bliss lombard miss bliss miss bliss kittie kittle eay fay ax crane mii miss lilly fai fay mrs charles F chickering miss bliss appleton mrs J abates md sad miss nellie gage these ladies ladles next to the prince merethe we rethe rathe all most observed of those i jn t ti 4 t i d pes pet dejan a t h were t ii estha that coveted that distinction it on the the prince and suite visited cambridge 0 mount auburn cemetery harvard haryard col coi college lege the bafo bosbon Bos gon fon public pu birc library Li library biary blary and adl w ti il ra timi simi 1 the r dp la ceta deta kiil go i a fth ith eci city y an landwere and dw were e re cordially received and enthusiastically greeted where ever clerf they wint antl 1 I 0 0 A A 7 1 there were but few incidents that occurred to mar the gene general ral rai good feeling and hilaria hilarity Y that prevailed 1 on the tha occasion of the royal visit Some somewhat whai of f a difficulty arose in one of the reg regiments on uhe da day y of th tha the e review the Chr germania charmania mania manla band independent Fus Fusil illee leers ra claim ad d a post that belonged and was assigned to another company in the line and because uie post claimed was not the emen irye iree before the review stacked thear arms and started tar far ted under command of a sergeant to leave leaven the field they he were however hb 16 wever pre prevailed upon to return b buas u as so onas the review levie had terminated they again stacked their arms and left the common under command of 0 the sergeant leavi leaving their officers fp in line lipe it was thought thattie that the company would be immediately disbanded fo for their conduct As the prince xe turned returned from the public library a belligerent individual named kelly was told by byan an to go away from one side gide ide of the door doors s at which the prince was I 1 0 to o enter this did not suit sult his bis his fancy I 1 irhe the officer cere ex x p postulated te but bilt without effect at length i p policeman poll poil ic ceman iman oman attempted to remove theo the obnoxious nox ious and stubborn bri brA individual WIfe wige riffie assault ad d the officer was arrested conveyed to the leverett street station and trad tran transferred sf erred to the tombs the ile interview had with ralph raaph Farn farr farnharm harm haro the revolutionary veteran is described as havin having been very interesting interesting inte g mr nir farnham accompanied by his daughter was vas introduced to to the prince byi byl by layar Mayor lincoln Lincol nf and arid was receive din I 1 most cordial manner the old soldier was also introduced to the luke duke of newcastle and other members of the princes suite suites the prince and the veteran immediately entered luto into a long and animated conversation and both appeared to be highly pleased with the interview mr farnham subsequently subsequent conversed with the duke of newcastle upon the rents vents of the revolution the boston Tran transcript at says the duke a alsed aed mr farnham if he saw gen burgoyne at the time lie he surrendered 14 0 yes ves said mr farnharm farnham farn yarn harm haro and a brave officer he was too ay but you got the best of him there said the duke mr F said baid that supplies were cut off and they were wite in a 4 wretched con dinon huon in speaking to the prince mr farnham ald gaid aid 1 I I 1 hear so much in in praise of the prince cf ef wales that I 1 fear the people will all turn royalists the remark caused much merri ineat weilt the interview lasted about fifteen minutes atae ane was marked by the most cordial courtesy and good feeling it must have been interesting to witness an old veteran of the revolution years of age shaking hands handa with a prince princ liobe liose great great great preat great grandfather was on n the throne of england at the time he was vurn yarn an and whose great great grandfather george III he coil coia contended tended against during the ro fuer iUca X mr farnham said sald that I 1 in common with all I 1 P A 1 I 4 t ir his countrymen country mae rae nh ye e desire desired y to pay lii lil his a respects Prin princeton ceto show that past animosities 1 i i i j J ff 1 f I 1 s vir ivr were e ier forgotten an and d he be hoped hope d na never e ver ser elo vio to b be e ie revived the prince presented mr dir farnham with his autograph ikuto raph on oa his re s tiding ring the thie prince and suite left boston on di morning 0 of the via the eastern railroad for portland where he arrived about 2 rpm m k i I 1 1 at the depot before entering the cars car 8 he ile I 1 i shook hands cordially with a large number of I 1 j friends the prince ince thanked capt fellows 1 of the lancers who formed an escort from revere house to the depot for the escort given I 1 him ana and and ana expressed himself ery very much gati gratl i r hid bid fid with 1 ith the th e a hole hoie appearance lipp iipp iara eara nce of f his h company he then entered the royal car followed by his suite and the invited guests and at a few mi minutes lutes before 10 the train started amid thi the e most tremendous end ous cheers at ly lynn nn salem ipswich ipswitch newburyport portsmouth and kennebeck where the train stopped for longer or shorter times large crowds were collected and much enthusiasm was manifested the schools were dismissed the city officials offic fais fals were present bells were ang r cannons carino s were fired and the prince c was athu cheered at arany many dithe s stations t also where the train did not stop large crowds were collected and cheers were sent afta after er tile tite the train 4 1 i 11 I 1 oli op the arrival of the prince and his p party arty at ea portland rylind 1 he was escorted to victoria victori a wharf where a barge was in waiting 0 ready to convey him to the royal squadron lying in the harbor harbot crowds 4 filled ahe he streets st feets thou sands of stearl strangers ers havi having ng arrived from all ali 1 I dire directions Wons including include many mans from canada and other british provinces all anxious to wi witness 6 the embarkation and departure of ills lils royal highness for En glands a shores hores at half kil f past three after cora cornally aily ally lally shaking hands with lord lyons mayor howard and a f few evv others baron renfrew rentrew stepped into info the twelve oared barge in waiting for him and resumed the title of prince of wales at the moment tile the princes stal standard dard was raised in the bows of the barge and the yards bards of the who whole e fleet were manned joyal salutes lvere ivere were fired simultaneously from each of the men of war fr from om munjoy hill and add from F 0 A preble I 1 the scene presented to the tens of thousands of spectators as gs the royal barge proceeded slowly down the harbor surrounded by i S steamers te amers sail tall androw and rowboats row boats in large numbers Q L accompanied by other boats bolits from the squadron filled officers is rep reported to have been very magnificent twenty minutes N were ere occupied in the passage to the hero i the prince was the firotto first to run up the side codia comia cordially lly ily r shaking a hands hand handewith with an officer on the ladder and ag as he touched the deck the royal ensign was run up at the main and another royal salute was filed fired from the men of war and fort peble preble while the band of af the hero struck up god save the queen preparations were immediately made f for or sailing abdat and at hali hall half pasta our r the a signal was given for hoisting the anchors and the whole squadron cadron steamed ined out of the har liar bor the hero taking the lead and being followed fo by the nile 11 ariadne Ar ladne 11 flying 0 fish fishi and styx the 1 hero passed quite near the 11 fores forest vores city and aa as the pas passengers seders sebere cave 9 gave rave the preice who stood u upon pon the poop deck the last cheerry cheers which hibb he be he heard ard in III america he acknowledged aged the compliment by raising his 1119 hat bat hat A V endel ender thac the squadron squad ran ron quid luid evou V IS d steam only a short distance and that the remainder 0 of the voyage would be made under sail the nile and the styx adre aire were to accompany the squadron only to two 0 or r three hundred miles and then proceed to halifax thus terminated the visit of the prince of wales to her maie Maje North American provinces and aad the united states ile he landed at st johns newfoundland july 2 and from that time up to the day of sailing for home be he must have lave endured much fatigue and excitement cit citer ement neut and witnessed many scenes which he ht will probably not soon forget whatever his destiny may be in after life NOTICE the members mem mer oberg obera of the priests teachers and deacons beacons quorums are requested to meet in the basement of the social hall on tile the first saturday of every month at 6 in the evening evean evenn 0 by presiding bishop shop edward ledward hunter FOR THE EAST INDIES capt walter if gibson leaves today to day via the southern route add and nd the raci pacific fic fit tor for sina Bina singapore pore |