Show proceedings of the superintendent of indian affairs colonel dav davis is the new superintendent of indian affairs for this territory seems beems lobe io be a real stirring fellow and if he ie does dogs not understand der stand 40 how w eio aio to deal with or tkebi treat the indiana ind i ans in his su as well as some others or as well as h he may be expected to hereafter iche if he moves abacut as beha be has bas s commenced aced it 4 11 evi evl evident defit that re jj 14 intends tends to iab ma laa LNA his bis mark where wherever vertie verlie he goes oa lle lie ile he arrived hero on sunday week and the next day was visite visited d by little soldier chief of a diminutive band of indians who gener ariy arly ai airanne tran range ge about the weber ton tin tilds tuesday ay the A superintendent aa as we are informed went up to little saddlers said Sald lers camp which was at the ume situa tedi not far from the ilot hot springs and told him to call in all the indians in great salt lake davis and tooele thoele counties by saturday following aa as he wanted to have a talk with them and area told soldier that wat he had or ouid would make him great a chief aver over oyer all ail 11 the indians irn ire the re regions lons Ions round about an ox was sent up early on saturday to fiat fa as t thi the dieli chief and Us bis little band together mth those who 4 had assembled at bis his sum sumi i eions amounting as reported to some tu twenty renty gge gio fio fie men all tolda told and late in the afternoon we tha superintendent accompanied by nearly all the he federal federal officials and ex officials in this part pirt of oi the territory repaired to the place of meeting with all tile the necessary pomp and to inspire the aborigines with awe iii ili dr everence for their great father the lre ire re a i gri of the united stales stages little soldier who had been considerably operated upon by the promises made on tuesday dl did dic not in know ow exactly how to conduct himbele him selE seit before and on the 1 arnival arrival of the superintendent i but however hovi ever eyer filings 1 went oa off to a char charm m arrived at the camp of the indians who ereie were ware I 1 lying y ing about I 1 sunning themselves while th the ap were I 1 dressing the ox be lice took lit and attired him in a complete suit of citizens cl clothing othin excepting boots the pair ia in devred d being min rin a too small I 1 and thin then ajo proceeded cidad to install the warrior as a great and mighty al chiet chief lill over oyer I 1 r all the indians in salt lake vall vail valley e ay from the point of the mountain south bouth to the weber nver north including all the red men found br or residing on the mou mountains 11 bains in inthe the kan oli on the ben benches clies cries on the shores of the lake on the banks of jordan or in any of the lowlands occurring in that wide extent of country told him that the waters the lands lanas la the grass the tha mountains the timber the caha the game etc all were his that for him the bua eua shone by day and ind that for him the ampon shone and stars stara e twin twiD twinkled I 1 kled by night L and that he hethe bethe A the superintendent erin ibe iba jpe up captain would woula maintain ma in tain and and protect him in those thase nights rights if it should take all the guns and all the cannons and the powder and the bails balls and all the soldiers be bel bei i lo 10 longing i to the army of the united states in uns wis divory territory and in oregon to do it done it must be anu and aone done it should be it there was power enough 10 lo haveit havelt performed he littie little soldier was one big chief and through him bim and him only would he the superintendent as the representative of the great father treat m ith the indians in in the thi e region of country described and over which he was waa thus made principal chief ile he further informed the mighty chieftain of the duties and powers of the surveyor general era ega and also of the judges assured him that tiit neither he the superintendent nor they ehe the other officials drank whisky which i i little odier 0 o dier said wag was pt pr up ish ump antl and that if any indians should steal drink whisky kill or do any bad thing he must bring them before the judges and have them punished for their gieir crimes he further made him acquainted with wilh the office and duties of the secretary for the territory paper captain and told many other things necessary to be known by the favored red man in orde ordet to havo avo avs things aright kight in after the installation ceremonies we re end ed d the superintendent according to repart distributed more presents to those few indians indiana than his predecessor did to all the indians in iri the territory during 0 his whole term of gile among the ar article articie tole lole i 3 given to them themy were eight bolts holts of thirty blankets a considerable quantity of and calicoes cali caU coes coes a lot 0 of hatchets some spades vermillion beads powder lead gun caps spoons basins and sundry other things thins together with a large quantity of flour flout an incident is related in reference to 6 the flour which a as well as some of the etli other er things connected with the them novel affair lis is somewhat somewhat arad atad amusing sing A po portion r tion of it had hid b been belf pt put inam A diw diu i mei mai air w jalcs sacks contain containing ing ten pr aj fifteen jee jfe 41 pounds each idich it seems the indians at the time supposed posed was sugar and were sorely disappointed on the discovery of theu the 4 mistake what deflect the demonstration remonstration the inseal atlon and the bountiful gifts will elii have upon the indians in the territory Terri territory tor y remains remains tiie tile to be ae seen I 1 en but from imn 1 our knowledge of red men generally we bearo aro of tho the opinion that this r first act of the new superintendent will involve him in difficulties out of 0 f which it will w i fla re ie quire some exertion to extricate him himself seli we understand he starts doday sto ao day for ruby rubyi valley with a large quantity of flour and presents if 1 for the indians indians ir in that region 0 AK we regret tigi that tha we y 9 dot pot informed in season of what was transpiring in relation to the indians on saturday last as otherwise we e should have had a scientific reporter on the grou ground lid iid to have taken verbatim all ail that was said on that occasion which would no doubt have made an interesting chaptering chap terin lerin the histo hist bist pry of indian affairs in utah |