Show the wheat crop the Phil adelphi lodger ledger in speaking of the wheat clop crop ci op in the united states the present year says bays various journals are engaged in the difficult task ot estimating the amount and value of the crop of the country which is now all harvested however different the estimates may be it is generally conceded conce ded aed that the wheat crop of this country has been a large one and mat that there will be a considerable for exportation to meet the demand now made for it in europe taking taki ing 1858 59 as the basis of a calculation and the wheat crop is assumed to be equal to bushels against in 1859 and i in 1858 1868 the production by states is given as follows pennsylvania bushel nev york virginia and north caroline carolino kentucky OCO ohio 1 indiana illinois illino ls other states the sur plus is estimated at in addition to thi it is supposed that from onesi one si sixth ath to one fifth of the surplus crop of last year is yet ili in the hands bands of producers giving a total surplus for export of bushels the crop in wisconsin which in the foregoing figures is put down at b bushels ush is reported to be fully this doubtless is somewhat exaggerated but the I 1 abundance of the crop may be inferred from the fact that men women and children doctors lawyers and ministers were in the fields harvesting and that the work was waa even performed by moonlight Tak the crops of the country it is thought to be within bounds to put ut the value of our staples this year at two tto tio thousand thousand usand millions of dollars or about sixty s x dollars for each person |