Show from san pete county by letter ietter from moroni under date late of bf aug ath we are informed that there was a meeting of the bishops in that county and their counselors at that place on the saturday previous at which there being no sp spirit i irit present but that of union and peace the utmost harmony and gocel feeling prevailed the prospects of a good arvest harvest li in that I 1 county had been increased by the late showers that had bad visited that valley as well as all the count country ryas as far south as fillmore the meli reaping CI time will be late and there are some fears entertained that froit may visit that region before the corn and some of the lat at wheat will get fully ripe otherwise the amount of grain raised there will be abundant the best fields of wheat in that county were I 1 said to be at the new settlement on the severe fifteen miles south of manti anti where mr bunce has a new sawmill saw baw mill nearly completed altho aitho there were many fields at moroni moran that would yield fifty bushels per acre upon an average there are three thousand acres of grain at that place all looking well but some of it a little late the spirit of improvement continues unabated and saw and grist nills mills are being L built in I 1 nearly every settlement throughout 0 the county the circular saw mill at fort rort ephraim owned by B snow co and built this season is doing a cash business as per report cutting from three to four thousand feet every day it is kept in motion the carding machine of snow peacock at moroni is doing a good business and there is said to be plenty of wool in that county and juab to keep it in motion till the commencement of cold weather next fall |