Show ab A imp yar toty tory j wl 1 il I 1 hilvi RV all known facy faco that th ladies ladles are aalmo 11 0 e y t the tho conventional rules of society an d common consent 16 fo take the lead of the SM mes miry every leap year andi andl they fen fed to go alifar as t to 0 pop the question without b being eing considered ru rude L or forward Alth aith although gh h walt and privilege is conce conceded deI del to the la la ave s seldom hear 0 of them taking adian ta fagel f it t case in which a lady did avail hersel loehe toEbe the privilege of 0 leap year occurred in ahls cifton 0 r i new years day we will rela I 1 ite ate c ul ars but not give rive e the real names forche reason that the parties are residents of tale ty and might not relish the idea 0 of having in the privacy privacy of their domestic affairs brot before t the e public f there isa certain r ti ia fashionable boarding beardin bo ardin house in tilis this cl cley 11 yv I 1 where a very handsome was waa boarding this lady we wiit y cal cai Widow who has a fortune o I 1 bm dimo left her by bv her deceased bus banded no children three young clerks demill name them sm th Brown and jones who tho formerly y boarded at this house called up qa henady on a new years day the widow che ch beerly was in her room and saw the young fel fei s approaching she immediately dressed dressea lar hersel 0 u up in her bridal array calling r the land lad iad lad laa vand wAnd nd in inquired the tha names of the young gents e n la y informed her when she remark e a 1 intend to have one of those young youn men for a husband 75 71 the landlady smiled incredulously ulous ly and then went to the parlor so to receive her r visors the widow followed immediately an waiting for an introduction approached pro ached smith and said you consent to be my ray husband pathe young man blushed and was very much con confused ron fused at hearing bearing the question from a lady if he 6 had li a d wever ever exer before seen but he finally su suc c ceded in n stammering out 1 bowing to the shortness of our acqua acquaintance acquaints inta n ce and another person having some sll sli slight claims upon apon alc jav wiil will please excuse me certainly ys said the widow 1 I will with pleasure as I 1 ditl diu not notice this gentleman addressing r mcbrown Mr Brown before I 1 spoke to you ise lse have proposed to him first will vill YAU yo ii marry marry me mr brown 1 I hlll biliti jI lITI said brown as the ice is now brok leni en I 1 would have been a married man years ago if I 1 could have mustered courage enough to pop the question but as yow yon have taken advantage of the leap year and removed the jhb g block I 1 will become your husband just as soon as you may please ithe rhe the necessary articles were sent for and mr brown grown with his intended hangin hanging gracefully on oh b hs i valm arm started for the residence res Rence of tho the I 1 the boutmans Boat mans church when the about to unite the couple in the bonas of wedlock each heard the others name for the we first time everything went on as merry as a marriage bell with the new mar ried couple all that da day aay next morning brown awoke the effects of numerous drinks of 0 the day previous having in inurn worn off he began to reflect he ile became serious ile he thou thought glit he was in rather a bad scrape out of employment n the middle of little nio money ey and a wife depending fin upon tipon him for support while revolving the tha subject over in in his hig min dand not being able to decide what he had better dorun do run off or his wife my aly dear saia said sh se e have you any object lonto collect a few bills restarted He started thinking that she su supposed posed he biad som money coming to him ani ang and that she ad e lo 10 collect a little money for her b ene aind muttered rather gruffly boive No Ive no objections objection object lon ion to collecting 0 money when there to me mely boio I 1 lont mean thi that my dear dean Getup get up and 0 o to my ty bureau drawer and aid the there re you will bills to the amount af alle due me for past month you will leche mand madd arcedo accept tha money from meas ideas me as a gift brod t brow ro afa n leaped from froin hlis llis his bed scarcely believing 11 hs that he distinctly and then rushed to the bureau anel anil there jound the bills I 1 wae re we saw brown he was out collecting it a very easy eggy job and hear him ex expatiating upon the benefits matrimony of i jt 1 I 1 I 1 |