Show SAVOY abe the province of savoy an obe object act of 0 so muc much h attention just now is situate situated in lix th the northwestern corner of the kingdom of sardinia a barren mountainous region of a hundred miles by sixty containing about a half a million of inhabitants poor in the extreme though trough hardy and industrious independent in character and able to subsist upon a very little indeed they eke out a subsistence apoi chestnuts chestnut sw when h en all other so sources ur ces of living fail the district was wag in point of fact the 0 original rif inal inai nucleus of the kingdom of sah Sat sardinia dinia and a as far back as the year AD 1000 it was wag governed by its own rulers who annexed piedmont in the beginning of the fifteenth century as they had nice in the fourteenth this province was by napoleon I 1 governed as the district of mont blanc and some of the inhabitants bi tants remembering the glories of the enn Ern empire pire would have no objection to return and again become an integral port part art of france |