Show 6 I 1 I 1 J e I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 C rhex lwon IBON coury 0 j I 1 1852 I 1 PliES MENT ila I 1 I 1 I 1 PA bea x 8 81 M it ia with peculiarly enters inters vt I 1 embrace the present occasion sion to write you aa A few few lines thit that you may know something of our dofa feelings el ings pra ss ara the he manner of our enter entertain tim debt since leaving home tn in bow comply wibb others ot of the western W batern i to X on to ladia I 1 att G 8 L city kuae of 34 october t last ittel bs alwog my a W y and nd them to the lord left without 0 p purse s e 0 or r beld scrip according to tile the comm andreq e d truly we have seea bleed ed thus far ayt I 1 our 1 I wants ante have been supplied and the lord lor ig Is berki no mightily in our favor I 1 altho although h t there 1 ere are about fa forty elders id of us and Is yet ref we ave lacked for no gool good things thin gc hithe hi the e brethren j en have taken us in fed us and 40 OUT acim with the best they had they have gwit faith U iii I 1 ania mission ls 81 0 ll 11 e and n we cau scarce shake hands ands with a broth brother er b but u i b lie e will prophesy good con the name of the lord loid when we atsatt at salt creek we by invitation of the lk held a irig in the school house ort on saturday evening mid and sabbath and to show briefly R journal th ae sp spirit irit of tile the meeting I 1 will extract from my 11 the brethren traveling to their various missions were reque requested to speak their feelings feeling 5 tand and it was glorious glori qua to listen to the power powei of the spi nai the cord that was in them they bore bany V ind and it was mighty they felt weak but they tere ere strong in the lord X ord they felt ignorant but the ae light ot of the G gospel el was luminous liuni lumi nois within them they The v t they jiley had forsaken all thin things for the gos peps fabe but were not forsaken of the th eLoid lot d and that with all their heir infinities infirmities they were ambassadors of the lord to the nations that their words wih he be aft ox or debth to lo those who shall hear bear thep them I 1 I 1 I 1 sung bung adieu my cydear dear bretha brethren rn adieu 11 ae and atily F prayer user eiber james brown addressed ti the ie I 1 I 1 abt 3 GosPel ai a revealed refe aled to joseph south by the angel of the lord saying fear gody and biye glory to him for the hour of his iu ju dament dement is corner and worship him that made heaven ind and earth and the sea arid and the fountains or of water I 1 whilst it this subject was discussed the heave is smiled upon us arid and many of the brethren spoke afeei him of the W and peace and weakness 9 arid and power aud story I 1 they experienced so 0 o that t e tears wre were running d down own ir many kany il cheeks leeks a and n d the season ol oi love even the then arst love the brethren and sisters dislers here vie with each othe who to our wants and it is is with difficulty that we get rid of the kindness of one to gratify the e liberal aings of aim another ther truly this is zion jhc pure in harl abuid may ajay the god olour of our fathers bless them told lor for their kin kindness driess to I 1 ahi hii mission j I 1 november er let arrived at parowan carowan city and were invited by Preside ut george A lo 10 tarry conr fou fouras days during which lime we were generously entert ayd ud by the saints our animals they fed washed ached ejary acs all the grain gi giatis atis ahat Y we would have to lo carry us across mie ine desert deser t during W visit we were invited to enjoy ourselves in in the bance W we had several Veral meetings for preaching jid and pryer prayer and bishop lewis observed that lie chever never before before witnessed so much of the power of or the alwa 0 the elders br george A smith delivered ah eminently interesting and profitable ad arfisa to the ibe bloehs at athus Ws place on leaving the 1 city 1 of Paio waa 1 i the beautifully 1 1 4 ak FI g mb mb af 69 iopal liberty a and nd 1 I 1 aval 1 lifsted as on oil bar our arrival as a token I 1 ot ar I 1 and to congratulate le us on oil our departure I 1 as herala of bf joo good tidings to the nations wl ither we h avs been As ai its broad folds hung hun pensively on ane afie liberty tole role as if to express t the e sympathetic reluctance roustan q with wih which the saints in ill that ahat place gave us the parting hand while they expressed pr essid great faith in ia our mission we could rot rol dropping a tear 0 o gratitude a a tribute for the surpassing su 1 vit i i with which we had then been ailtee r W hena foreign lands we shall kemem berlati ber add an d often vitt littaur our hearts to heaven bior lais Me besinga singa imp aoa upon p teem WV we 6 to coal creek vday the ath dinst the iaione tae aping had bad a meeting with the saints vano 6 an we were invited by pi president Pies ident lunt ti to D preach pray sing and dance before the lord IM ind and truly we fia had d a season of social exercise and pleas pleasure ure visited the iron works at present malada mala dg tor lacfi of capital but the prospects sire chetrit cheerily gas g as snow richards a expected to lo arrive with a large stock of goods to avest vest in the establishment eliere are deive an and d muscle here sufficient and of the right 1 qua qualify I 1 11 i y t to b A give ive a tremendous impetus to the and au as endless of iron ore of surpassing richness to supply ahe he demands of 0 this flourishing I 1 Terri territory loland and many other countries president Pres george A smith gave the elders a mission to preach an iron discourse to this people e bite and today to day it has seen lieen efficiently accomplished d ff he e preached to the Miss missionaries ionar ies and others this evening a sublime prophetic and t auly instructive discourse it is ia the intention of theer company ty to leave this thin place in ia the morning mom irig and it is due to the saints hei e I 1 to say that their excessive kindness shall not soon be forgotten j 5 as in other places they have not only supplied our wants but furnished every luxury which the place affords may the lord reward them an bundred blui dred fold fola is ow our sprayer prayer inthe name of J disia t s as yours respectfully in m the new and everl everlasting asthig Cov covenant enaut RICHARD ballantyne NEPHI CITY JUAB COUNTY I 1 supt bupt 30 1852 1 editor deseret news newa perhaps it may bi be useful to some of your readers to learn son something lethin of this new settlement and other jg settlements in juab b county kurfirst our first survey commenced on the sept sep I 1 1851 and our settlement consisted during daring the following winter of twenty fafail families ies on the first monday ot ol may last our city election took place when the following officers were elected agreeable to the pio provisions inions of our cur city har char r viz arador josiah miller timot timothy B booe charles H bryau bryan john garter Carler isaac grace councillors councilors Counci lors amos gustea john cazier david webb debbi james jamea crabb cleon elmer levi gifford ichabod gifford thomas miles miller recorder assessor 84 sessor and Cot collector Z H baxter treasurer wm win cazier marshal israel hoyt supervisor of streets charles sperry durin during 9 the spring and summer our seti settlement lement has been augmented by a few families in dec last three abines amines commenced a bett settlement lement upon clover creek in an this county about aboul eight miles north of nephi and il where there is an extensive ertem ve ri raue lige for fer stock which is one ohe I 1 of the prominent adva advantages nages throughout juab i toe y fire wood is abundant and convenient of necess acme very good timber from tile the mountains I 1 in and ditis it is believed that with a few hundred dollars expense I 1 pense in road work large quantities of limber can be obtained the props crops in this county both of wheat corn oats 1 ana and potatoes a are re considered equal to any first crops crops that have beau in this territory on the th raold of 61 september ei being the anniversary of the survey if nephi I 1 our community partook of a I 1 sumptuous feast prepared by the mayor and aldermen denof of our or infant city which to say the least was I 1 good en enough ough prest isaac morle morley y and the hon B jl were among our invited guests after talog to appropriate remarks from various individuals the 6 ye revelation as contained in the deseret news ex iral tra was read ead upon the occasion whereupon pres motley inae some highly appropriate remarks cancu calca wed to promote peace on oil earh and good will to I 1 wavid I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 J L HEYWOOD 1 niam nov 13 1852 ED I 1 kewer an inquest was held this day by our I 1 upon two dead bodies found in the I 1 forks lot bf salt creek within the corporation of nepal one aub of the bodies was discovered on the dinst where ishad imatt 4 apparently bee been n dragged into soine brush yoe d j abe reek he ims was a n middling li daling sized saied man mala five feet nine inches nigh dark brown hair apparently twenty alty three years aws old a bullet to aade e d the lore forehead bead near the pene cheskin Th the eskin skin on the he il ot eight ann am ajas considerably fractured an U I 1 A wit h S on the bottom but tom with 7 alip i aal I 1 i i air at T T ou oft the flie W lining ng of the same was C I 1 I 1 0 f 4 ra arror V bo y which had the appear anise jah ah bf 4 Weri dead A we vo w tr six weeks the re of bi a as idear near the body ako a small camp kettle and a pair of shoes on the 13 th while the jury were preparing prepare ng to hold I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 a I 1 I 1 F file div above f another body was found about nine tode from the ebriner he appeared appealed to be a int man about twenty one yesa cebre s of age five feet ton ten ine inches r I 1 es in in 1 height sandy hair light bomp complexion lexion with a bullet ballet I 1 mark through the neck apparently dragged to the spot where found aarona some bome latis bushes hes I 1 on the sad of set det last four men with 0 pack J hors boree ficen to go to the place where these bodies I 1 were some indians recollect hearing on the 1 saab night the report of four guns 1 yours our ac J L HEYWOOD P S the last described body had bad apparently an ail officers coat of fine lealy Y of cloth and both bodies had military pants J L H nov ind 2nd reached us at which date it does not appear that the inquest had bad given their decuior decu deci ion bion we therefore leave it as we find it with this suggestion 1011 if editors east aud and west will copy light may be thrown on the case by the marks specified jor for gaall in bythe dead ard others once with them were travelers from the states stales to california and of their names and where from and where after so far as particulars ure are concer concerned ned the citizens of utah are ignorant if any thing appears to the contrary we will publish 11 i mr heywood is marshal of the territory and what lie has stated we rely on as correct since ing the above we understand that a stranger of suspicious appearance having more guns pistols I 1 t 0 Is ac than is common for travo travelers lers passed through iron county on his way to california but at that time it was not known that crimes had been committed cheering from iron county PARO WAx nov 9 1852 DEAR BRO Riol lARM As there are many false reports in circulation about these thes e sou southern hern se settlements atle causing m many any who are destined for tins this county to stop by tile the way I 1 take the liberty to address a few lines through the news for the benefit of those who would n sh ish to come south and settle report says that it is impossible to raise grain in iron county this report is entirely entirely Y false for a large portion of the wheat crop will average 40 bushels to the acre and bro shirts had soule that gave 65 bushels to the acre the corn crop is not so good as was expected the frost came about the middle of september and coit off the corn that eliat was planted late it will average about 15 bushels to the acre and of potatoes and squashes pumpkins turnips and beets there are thousands of bushels can hi be e spared besides supplying the present copt latiok I 1 would say that family familet s can be supplied and as for the climate I 1 never lived in X pleasanter plea santer and more wholesome in my life A large portion PO adoll of the winter is like the indian summer in the states particularly the month of january and if all the snow that fell last winter had fallen all at one time it would only have ben 2 ft 8 in deep but the deepest that we had was 6 inches and that only lay jay 2 days there ar a great many more reports about this county but I 1 will not intrude b by y tro noticing ticino them thein suffice it to say that all who are arc counseled to come here by the authorities autho ritie s of the church let nothing no thina stop you a and it if any person speaks evil of this county look back to the days dabs of moses when he sent twelve men to view the land of canaan alo the first settlement of great salt lake when ir many irany any went baek back to the states and reported that the saints could not live there and would all ail starve to death look back to the days of nauvoo when a company of saints was traveling up the Mississippi if they had believed all that they heard would they ever have reached nauvoo and hundreds did stop believing false reports and never saw the place of ther their destination ti losing the glory that they might have enjoyed there is plenty or of the choicest of land and firewood w 0 od inexhaustible the mountains covered from the base to tile the top and I 1 may say right at your doors a man and team can haul two loads at his leisure of dry pine and for graep we don t burn any so I 1 dont know how many loads a mau man ard and team could haul say 4 or 5 and not half try and for saw logs a man and team can haul one to the mill in a ottle little over half a day I 1 will say this much concerning the indians only for their labor there would have been hundreds of bushels of produce lost that could not have been saved by the white while population I 1 consider myself a common hand to worn work but 1 I must give up to so some me of the biedes for foi quickness and the pah bantes indians lud ians work considerable but not so wil bingly as the biedes or pollutes we have bad from 40 0 to 40 lodges heie bete through the summer and lal fall averaging from one to two hundred huldred natives I 1 will conclude by saying that union peace and love prevail in this colony as much as I 1 have seen since I 1 joined the he church of latter day saints arid and I 1 believe that each and every one are on hand and all that they have to help to build up the hing kingdom doin of god redeem zion and prepare themselves for the coming of the son of man I 1 remain remain your a affectionate brother in the new ard and everlasting covenant cove haut VM ADAMS A new ere era is opening up in the history of the indians of north america while the california Ca Wornia editors are depicting the horrors of indian depredations and mur murders deYs and declaring that this terrible state of things has been brought about by the reckless impositions imposition I 1 that hat have been practised practiced upon tha th indians by the white hito population that the f faith of all ti tie aties which have been made with them by the whites has been violated aid they have been shot down as the beasts of the field by those who should have been called christians what w wil 11 the world think things while the californians are shooting down the indians in their midst like beahrs of the field like their grizzly bears and dwarf lions governor young is instilling into the soul of Ut alithe good and wholesome idea of learning the indians io to work and help save the ardin gra in and plough the field and help themselves to food to bread when their deer |