Show NEW PLANET oll oil the nig night at of the aug at 11 hours and 30 minutes J R hind discovered another planet being the sixth he has discovered within the he past five years tae new orb is in the constellation aquarius and can be seen with a telescope tel R of f very cry ordinary power in brightness it e equals qua s a s star t r ro of f the ninth magnitude and ap appears p ears to have the same yellowish tinge that has been noticed about pallas melpomene aud others of the same zi oi at 11 hours 3 35 5 minutes and 38 seconds gi einwich ean meantime chean time aug its right ascension no wis was 22 hours 22 mint minutes ites 29 seconds band and its north polar distance 97 degrees 32 minutes 14 seconds the diurnal motion in right ascension is 53 seconds towards the west cave in N P D about 5 see seconds ads towards the south |