Show I 1 A in I 1 i pr fir met 2 ju ji t J t a al i J art cow CoMi rabie iMe R N acca I 1 jenc fence G thomasm Thomp sw iaac I ferguson pound keeper clarles A harper western W t jordan T Pr precinct eind maisti justic of the ti peace henry he herriman I 1 constable matthew giant fence viewers Fi ewer alexander beckstead john joha bennion won pound keeper samuel bennion utah Clo county usty baw perry representatives edson whipple william pace face leonard E harrington davis county andrew L Is lamoreaux amoreaux john jobs stoker recorder james leithead Leit bead boad surveyor milton hammond Hanu select 9 mien daniel carter samuel samel parish trumam leonard and collector etor hector C haift haht daniel A miller county St john Bow Faw beny berry sheril sheriff francis lee CO county R recorder ader peter maughn select aa hen esaies edwards john 8 G W ln left son harrison Sea viere surveyor fiance gunnell and collector harrison EL sagers treasurer jacob H emblin referees zaiah 1 hamblin hambla wilford hudson thomas atkins P R wr sh gh benjamin baker cyrus tolman judson tolman joseph sidwell bidwell thomas lee william A dekett Pick etl samuel steele jam james mcbride id precinct officers for tood precinct justice of peace georte george bryan constable james smith pound Z keeper cy us tolman iw fence viewers william A pickett Benj benjamin kmin clegg school trustees thomas atkin P JL R weight george baker willow creek precinct magis magistrate bei kli baker cossid anund keeper mcbride ide fence viewers Vin vers james davenport benjamin crosland school trustees perry durfee harrison seviere benjamin biker B iker juala juab county representative benjamin F johnson san sa pete Co county usty representative albert petty iron cuty county representatives george bouhall Bm john L smith vRe yve come friday 20 ti 5 p in we stop the th press epresi to an bounce the arrival of erg elors taylor benson snow richard and law f oi G nl ail rwjr rw Wr arrived r 1 V ed wm M clr 01 0 1 idin amy 27 eft 13 thAng janie B aug I 1 4 17 win kenyon 4 17 W fl M a aden I 1 10 john F tk 1 8 eui i 1 ii i i better 1 8 ejiri 1 l W kejr e jr 2 10 jinai ben pit elt 2 10 john afi n lon wh 9 10 D dv d cwm 9 10 wm win M moton mo mn ton 2 19 dani Rath rathburn hurn 2 19 noi NO I 1 VL 10 I 1 tie rie BISHOPS r sr 11 a hp he e vt za wards wards vv will iia hereafter IA 1 be notified tidied through h the deseret news new of their respective t ive days bayst for aring working w sm OB the puw pamie W fr for tit tile JV ek k co in icing aug 30 B COV 18 12 as monday 11 1 4 I iter 13 1 l tuesday I 1 I 1 as A 11 ti nyland gland 14 11 wednesday g N V jes J es ies 15 thursday J fit 19 64 do a S roundo 16 frid faidar 69 L D voicing 18 7 do 66 i P mccue I 1 u saturday ta A evrett 8 64 do for the week commencing sep 6 6 J C kingsbury 2 66 monday W G 7 66 do I 1 66 C WiD wiliams iams 3 1 tuesday Tue day 46 B brown 4 A do W Hieken looper 6 tt Is do I 1 ag s taft 9 11 wednesday st J L heywood 17 46 do 64 D Pete grew 10 11 thursday Thu raday I 1 46 J blytle lytle 11 do da B covey 18 12 11 friday 46 E minter hunter 13 ag saturday Sat arday P S the e brethren will continue to mend end to the I 1 arit pub public works 9 all the lumber shingles hewed timber and fire wood that they possibly can which will be credited to the them at a liberal price on their tithing N B TEMPLE WALL now is ia the time to tf draw the stone atone 1 ir r the temple wall brethren i come on with the ii tnie and let us ua have hare the tent tem I 1 1 pie lot enclosed this season frea aon 1 EDW dummit me 07 20 90 Preg presiding iding bisbon LO LOOK OK TO Y YOUR othi afif INTEREST EREST B BF ING anxious t cl se out my present stock of goods I 1 am determined to sell at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I 1 would just say aay I 1 to mv friends f and customers in i n gene general ral that thai you yon I 1 will gal find it to be to your advantage to continue to givel give us as a call asa ai we are determined to sell ell lb be best beat palm soap at the reduced price of 40 acts per bar ban red and white lead at 30 cs per to lb and all other a articles art arti iclef cl ot in aur line of busi basileu naso um too nume ro us to mention at equally as tow low rates turpentine OB an I 1 hand and for sale cheap 5 per gallon I 1 I 1 all indebted to the he firm are requested to call and settle their account either by note or otherwise we we have const constantly antl v on hand a large lot of lumbar for which we will take in exchange wheat nou flour P I 1 I 1 cattle or cash J E REESE STRAYED OR nr STOLEN i abis A RED 0 OX X four years old aid branded W L on his left shoulder nearly illegible whoever will give concerning said aid ex or return him t ake subscriber or to the post office shall be liberally rewarded N aug 21 ain WILSON LUND f IM tor SALE A A T springhill U ah county 60 am acre A of laud f need by itsell having on it a gaw boid double ing boue li rue and coral together with other ants any person wishing to secure for himself one of the beat farm i in in the vallien val vail liea ted will do well to call and sep CP it for further farther particulars apply to jacoba houtz G 8 L cita or to the proprietor on the premises premi ies aug 21 21 at CLOSING BUSINESS WE W E would respectfully inform the public that oat we are now siti iia orr ofir OUT our hock oadry of dry goods at greatly reduced prices as we are deter mined to close business forthwith those wishing for greet great bargains would do to call JOHN JOH N N E ED H A M ath ward waid N B we wish all that are indebted to ta us ox to call and settle immediately by note or otherwise aug 21 1 61 am J j 14 STRAYED FROM ROM the pasture pastur west of the big field a yoke n one brown sid lin back speckled face theother the other a y yi low ilow nd iid oxe ix were branded with W C on the right shoulder r and V W C on the left born bora any person giving informal on to william will carter of the 14 ward war d where said ox Doan be will ditl be liberally rewarded ng lt WILLIAM LOST ai OOT compas or table saw MW in ia JJ kacyon findt find win pum dinv inv it ft at a alwa office cupl J I 1 E r au HALL L HOLLADAY HOLLA DAY WARNER WILL ILL receive and open for sale by wednesday 25 mat their stork f goodba for the season which c g firral aral ass conent of nf stAple and domestic do me sti goods BOO ft and ri PAINTS FAINTS and andolph andOl lh GLASS HARDWARE and CUT LERT NAILS ac whre added t thir present large stock will render complete thankful for past patronage they solicit a con continuance ol of the same HOLLADAY WARNER aug 21 1852 W wanted in ii e ar floii faour at ih the i e rv tithing office apply A appy to U f D H WELLS OTICE NOTICE N TO THEt TH 19 BRETHREN N N etow OW arriving from the plains flour and 1 eatables will be given in exchange for f or labor on the public works on reasonable terms it is in expected that all persons so applying for labor whether mechanics or otherwise will furnish themselves wah tools to work with apply to DH WELLS wa aug an 21 1852 21 tf Su Sun ernt of P W STAYED ROM the range west of jordan in april or may J test an oz ox 4 years old of middling size size with i white back and belly sides mixed red and white short tail with little or no switch it and branded G E SMITH on the horn bom whoever will give in formation that will lead to his recovery either to the subscriber in the ward or to jo jos s cain at the post office shall be liberally rewarded aug 21 1852 E SMITH 50 REWARD STOLEN from the subscriber at G S L city on the night of aug 2 three horses one a chestnut colored pony one a very large dark bay hor hone lic with black mane and tail long mulish ears and a sear scar on his left side as large as a dollar where a wart waft has been out cut off the other a bright bay mare with black mane and tail with a strip in the forehead and I 1 think one white hind foot and to is galled on the top of the neck and under the fore leg with harness said pony was found on an too the range 0 ge at provo in utah valley fifty dollars neww reward d will be paid for the lecove recovery of said mud ba bay y home bone and mare on delivery to mr 0 01 H cogswell sag aug 21 21 at L H BAILY natice IV OTICE is hereby given to all whom it may vil concern that application will be made to the county court of G 8 L county at their next setting after ten days from fival this date for the exclusive pa privilege and control of the timber lumber poles wood stone grass gass and water and road f the lea elmi road kanyon and its ita tributaries tributa ries above thep int where the present road leaves the kanyon leading over the mountain at which time and placed place all persons are an requester to shw sh w cause 1 if f any na they have why the petition should not be g granted m anted D H WELLS 6 S L city aug 18 SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP THE Tt HE subscriber wishes to take a herd of one thousand housand sheep on the skates shares or such other oth I 1 conditions as may be agreed on having ha had d fifteen I 1 years year experience in england in ia herding bertli n sheep hoe P and considering tooele thoele county the best beet place for that kind of stock he has baa wen seen in america americ a he be rat nat himself of giving general satisfaction to all concerned for farther particulars apply apoy to WM A PICKET boock tooele city aug 13 1852 FARM vahrm FOR SALE 9 mi miles ih of G ST S L 1 city between the two i 90 acres of good land 75 of which is in broke having 1 i a good story and a half hewn log house stable double daubl hg ibar barn u coral and ther other 0 improvements ik fi every v e ry facility c ly is for watering teri a C an and d situated on the county road for further particulars ulas apply to the subscriber on the promises TANNER i sag eggl uggl 21 WESTERN btttle I 1 THE HE subscriber wishes to worin corin he citizens ot ox utah territory that he will take wheat lumber work ac ao at the tithing off office I 1 for or the western bugle printed weekly at Kanes Ka neaville ville iowa any arrangements arrange mento made at the tithing office or at the deseret news office will be answered the public hands will please notice this TERMS 12 per annum A AW W BAiD BABBITT BITT G 8 L city aug 91 I 1 I 1 livingston KINKEAD W WOULD inform their fir friend lends and the citizens generally of utah territory that they have authentic information from their train of lize which states that it will arrive in this city by the iba day of august we will then be prepared to offer for inspection and sale our usual large lare stock consia consisting ting of eve ry description of staple dry goods such as Shee tings shirting stripes calicoes cali coes I 1 cotto nades sati ac also alan boots and shoes hats and caps nails groceries ac ac all of which are of the first quality and will be sold as low as they can be afforded in this market auga DR 6 richardson RICH 0 9 PHYSICIAN P and surgeon would respectfully inform the citizens of ol 01 this place and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand his celebrated physical vegetable bitters and pills adapted to the cure cfall of all diseases which arise from an impure state of odthe the blood and stomach which imparts lasting strength and vigor to the whole system see handbills hand bills for their utility medical advice I 1 given yen free of charge also I 1 have on t hand and trusses spinal abdominal and uterine supporters AGENTS Js J lewis parowan carowan city isaac motley if Y manti city lorin fair Far ogden city isaac higbee provo city ch california EMIGRANTS As I 1 have practised practiced medicine two yesra in in the gold mines and am acquainted ted with thee the complaint om faint prevalent in that place will do well taj call I 1 r have a specific fic remedy for the and bloody flux also medicine to counteract counte ia poisonous effects of bad water which abisi abounds ends between ahm place anti and the mines which is I 1 s the cause of the above complaint N I 1 R corner of W temple and ad south ats lath ward F RE F RE 1 1 FIREWOOD FIRE fin IRE WOOD dr dry wood for sale in the right hany hand fork of what is ia commonly called knowltons Knowl tons fork red cited bute at 2 50 per cord cheese butter batter wheat flour and beef received in pay for the the prices paid in the tithing office As I 1 arn ant in want ot of a cw hundred dollars ln in cash I 1 and will sell a few hundred cords of wood at 1 25 per cord in cub casa siring bring on your dimes your wheat and aad truck and trade mw and vou von will always alway ii sud find a plentiful of wood at ne flemings wood and pole manufactory now nor is your time 0 tp o lay in your stock of wood for the coining winter as jadi jack frost will soon make hiar hia appearance and woe to those who have not ar in made preparations p t as to give him a warm reception auga 20 at r F ti M KEN from th tho care of james jam greyham one I 1 mare poney 3 years old a strawberry roan with white legs streaked hoof bull face and white now nose marked with an under half moon out of each ear branded with three straight marks about 3 ins ing long n running lengthwise on the right shoulder and a T right it in iu the he midst of the marks the owner is a arvle requested sted to call prove pm property perty pay charges and it get said mare ORO GEO W HYLL V 94 1 wit t THE ephe members me of the quorum off of seventies JL are requested to report themselves to the presidency at G 8 L city as soon as possible their place of residence anee and faith as aa all are expected to be in good standi mr until known to be otherwise other wiss B A DUNN b U N IN jyla president Pres idest af STRAYED Q TRAY W ora orv tolen some five weeks since from ki the lature pa astore between the big field and jordan one middle sized sited bay horse rather thin in ia flesh when he lek left borne on fore legs 8 or 9 yra old bra branded sided with wih A on nigh thigh also a black fl horse middle size loog long bodied small AM im forehead or 8 old branded A on night nigh thith thigh whoever will deliver them to chaun cy west ath ward ishall tho ahard dowarn clr STRAYED KAM ROM the range west of jowan jovian a red ox A lined back with the letters letter 9 B A on the left horn whoever will return him to the subscriber or to holladay fy warner maraer shall hall be liberally rewarded 21 at STEPHEN B R ROST M I 1 WANTED llew I 1 WILL pay ewi eteh for thirty calves or air my any number less than thirty at a reasonable prie call calland a 1 we at Z SNOW california GOLD nie would inform the chasens of utah that we W VV have effe effected eted JP arranged arran arrangement gem ent with the bank in ial hoose bousi of page beebe bacon co by which they we a authorized althon aed to 0 draw on us from som either san Mr dwa sili cisca or of Bee sacramento cis jenme having havig frienda iia ia california CiA fornia they expect money will do well to inform aam of the hot fact a to they will fino this a safe and speedy way to make remittances 11 abo ftc livingston KlU kAID volunteers TO MEET THE SAINTS ALL LL those thorn who volunteered last kd spring to go out to meet our brethren oa es the mad load and any others who purpose to go out to meet their frenda are requested to report themselves forthwith at the tithing office and as an won mom as 3 or 4 wagons are ready to start immediately i the to follow ap ao soon on as possible ED HUNTER auga 20 at prey ekx bichop CAME CADIZ 10 tr bjune 10 0 THE subscribers enclosure about the akk june last one bay bone some 4 ar or 6 5 year old with white face and white feet no brands the o owner oner ner is requested to prove property A Y nay y eh chaw arg and take him away M D aror HAMBLETON AM ir LE L toa san pete aar GOOD thrashing machine for sale for foi cub X or stock apply to JOHN NEFF 1 1 geffs neffs win X 11 oram Bring burrt big too fw 1 REW REWARD A k D THE tany HE undersigner undersigned under signed will pay the above rwal to any person who will deliver at their tannery 6 cords good pine BARK now is the tine time to peel |