Show my mail new reform the new york herald intimates M 1 that the shakers propose to ionize the world I 1 i by petitioning the legislature of massachusetts arid aad other legislatures that have adopted the maine liquor law to pass a law entirely preventing people from getting married hereafter and entirely abolish ing the existing marriage tie thereby preventing all union between the sexes so that the world may be completely reformed and if it should be a desert in a hundred years it will be a quiet pleasant and respectable I 1 sp spec table desert to those who may happen to be on the earth at af that time As there is but one short step from the one wife system to the he no wife system it may be that legislators will have little or no objection to granting the shakers petition it would certainly be more respectable table and christian like than to acknowledge only one wife and aad have twenty fashionable bb ae secret et cone concubines aubine s from the new york herald may 21 of NoToN may I 1 I 1 AFFAIRS the hoose bouse went into commit on territorial bills and wd laid aside to be depoi led to the house houm a bill the ike Legola legislative tive authority of the several territories to ta control the appropriations to be made b by Z congress for the support of the government of the said territories rips and the bill making an appropriation for the of public buildings in minnesota SALARIES or OF OFFICERS EVENTS IN THE VACATING JUDGES ETC the committee next took up the Se sedate tate bill relating to ahe salary of officers of the territories tern tones of the united state and to consider the proviso provi io which mal mates 4 any 0 the er wl who 0 absents himself him belf for a longer per od ad than sixty days forfeit his years salary the house committee on territories reported an amendment in deflect that the salary shall not be foi forfeited feLted provided the Pr president eident of the united states shall be mado made satisfied of good cause tor for such absence A debate ensued during which MR CARTER fatin fd dew tin of ohio said that governor young and the Miu aon had acted contrary to all the rules of 0 decency cefic and had bad sampled tiam pled our flag under foot and abused u d I 1 be e general government nt in most vulgar terms hiis tiis is what the administration calls absenteeism H then 4 the judges for leaving the terri tern t lory ork mr r richardson dem of ill remarked that the lodges could not ejot i emain there consistently with their self respect eject mi mg CARTTER reb resumed umed saying that brigham you young ita ni broad daylight acts against common decency THIS tais man is 16 retained as governor whilst the federal officers who went there to execute the laws are driven away mr GIDDINGS free dee soil of ohio said if IE I 1 un heistan dei stanl im my governor ao colleague collean tie tie he object to the immor aliby of the utah governor vernor and to the plurality of wives now if ny my colleague llague to had look ol into a leading journal of this city within the last few days tie he would have seen an advertisement vf of an accomplished and handsome ladys maid tp 9 be sold for money to that my colleague takes no exception A VOICE Is bhe a friend of yours laughter mr CARTTER to mr giddings I 1 did not see the publication mr mi GIDDINGS resumed he thought it was not proper at this time to investigate the morality or im immorality of those distant people he knew what they were formerly a and nd while tie might agree with his colleague as to the bad morals of ilie cormons mormons Mor mons it Ls well known that there are tangs here far transcending sc those in utah and which are permitted under our own eyes and by oi our I 1 r own authority women here are arc raised purposely nely for market and lie protested pio tested that while these thee things exist it is is wrong to go to utah to correct evils there we ought considering si that the mormons cormons have been driven cut of the state staler to try f to 0 reconcile them to our government and make them good citizens by treating them with kird kindness ness and forbearance he dissented entirely from the recommendation of his colleague to send a military force there without coming to a conclusion on the bill the committee rose and the house bouse adjourned benton sold fremonte Fr emonts mariposa diggings for 1000 PW fremont goes to london and repudiates the sale when the australia diggings come into market how much will fremont get at his next sale emulation emigration bom f i om ireland and germany continues in great abundance great persecution against the jews in switzerland turin mai maich ch 26 the gunpowder gun powder factory was blown up and moro mor than persons killed another revolution is contemplated at rome the rajah of coory a principality of hindostan hindustan Hind recently arrived in england bringing his daughter for the purpose of having her educated the rajahn rajahs wives wives were and umbrellas were hald over their heads to screen them from observation as they passed from the carriage to the hotel will the english hang the rajah for polygamy on the first of may germans left bremen for america during april emigrants left liverpool for the united states irish emigration one firm chartered 25 ships averaging passengers to boston alone in four months martial law was re proclaimed in hungary april 25 the corvette the antelope of the swedish navy arrived at gottenburg april 2 from a 37 months r voyage round the world having discovered three islands between japan and the loo choo 20 degn deg north lat at and between and east ion on named prince oscars islands A crystal palace e is is to be erected at copenhagen 0 to cover coer square quare i yards surely the he world is about to exhibit their fine arts ard and industry the emperor of austria is said to have married princess ancess sidoni of saxony the emperor of russia was expected at berlin april april 16 reported that nicholas was to arbitrate between the king of prussia and the emperor of austria the grand puke michael and nicholas visited the pope at rome may 9 91 custom house and post office at portland oregon b burned urn ed april 16 from the N Y herald may mar 23 1 washington may 22 1852 the house went into committee Commit tte of the he whole on the state of the union and took up the territorial I 1 bills the bill to provide for the protection of new mexico and abd oregon was taken aikken up tip it proposes to distribute arms among the people of those territories and to call out the militia when necessary allowing them pay for their services the bill was amended so as to distribute arms also among the people of texas and california and laid aside the mains main liquor biu has baa been vetoed by G gov ov boutwell of kam orae hag tf of port pod stanley C V W was burned may 17 mn john lund died at nashua nasha april 30 having been a constant consta nt lubsen subscriber iber to the amherst cabinet ad since ace 1798 ua and kept his file of 0 papers entire I 1 1 I 1 1 great airi deeon on the blue bine mountains of oan N jersey sao ey may 21 dreadful robberies wd and murders increasing on rio grande tb the inhabitants inhabit aBts fleeing to the interior of mexico for protection vears fears are entertained that our force under corn com perry will prove insufficient I 1 to enter japan the emperor having strongly fortified his coast west wed indies may 6 great fing failing off of the sugar agar crop at jamaica yellow fever at Deme rara two or three feree english vessels vessel lost all their crews great draught at andega and st kitts crops suffering sod and cattle dying prevails at guadeloupe guadaloupe ingar refinery N Y burned may letb inin insured ved and near not insured may 18 widow of ex president J Q adams burud at washington A piece or of gold weighing oz I 1 11 I 1 pats WM found near sonora extensive quartz gold mines ceanes have been found at queen charlottes Char lottes island the supreme court of boston has recently decreed five divorces mostly for adultery sady they must be getting religion i li ii i the city of notions but the papers dont tell us what denomination they are ot of new grenada has declared dep lared war against ivera peru great excitement at the city of mexico april 24 on discovery descove y of a conspiracy against the government telegraphic exchanges are made between vera cruz crox and orizaba another row with mexico is suggested as inevitable mexico wants pay for indian depredations and V U S wont pay claims too large per annum or any convenient number gold in considerable quantities has been discovered in devonshire eng later accounts say equal to the australian mines n toe TM first days safe ate of Mars marshal lial swift celebrated gallery of pictures at paris acquired in the spanish campaign amounted to more than sterling staling during doming may 1454 persons were admitted into N Y city prison great draught in maine and the forests on fire electricity is is heir being used to capture whales thomas francis bagher meagher has at ai rived in new york murphy wells a native of N york wrecked from the ship lawrence on the japan coash coast may 28 1846 is in prison in the empire and several english men bank of england has in bullion may 16 the california vigilance committee are an holding meetings I 1 another severe earthquake at hawaii S I 1 L april the pierce and king men of 0 new haven fired guns glins in honor of their nominations tiie womans comans rights convention met at massillon ohio mav 27 political corruption spirit of the times A candidate for county clerkship in texas offered to register marriages gratis his opponent offered ditto and to throw in a cradle 9 91 14 1 4 tons pure gold taken in 4 months from the victoria mines wines alone price 60 to 61 per oz south moulton devonshire on the property of lord baltimore is the location of the english gold mine conference of european sovereigns decide that no one must infringe on the treaties of 1814 and 1815 which deny the c biown i own to the Buona parte family great fire at wetumpka ala june loss between 3 and also a great fire at savannah same day washington head quarters at new york burned D J ramos of porto rico has discovered a new method of manufacturing sugar improving quantity and quality at less expense I 1 english postal A authorities contemplate a great reduction on foreign postage it is quite time they had acted as well as contemplated ten catholic sees are about to be established in various parts of the united states from which it would appear that catholicism is increasing in the land the children have flourished nobly on american soil why should not the old mother have a chance among her offspring great fire at montreal june eth loss government assayer in california has issued 10 gold pieces which the philadelphia finds worth 9 88 12 1 2 state debt of Pali california fornia presbyterian new school general assembly by official report represent the church has made no progress the last six years mr M C story of poughkeepsie has contracted to complete the panama rail road within one year |