Show deacon beacon smiths bull or mike alike fink in a tight fight place mike fink a notorious buckeye hunter was contemporary with the celebrated davy C crockett k and his equal in all things pertaining to human prowess pr owesa it was even said that the animals in his neighborhood knew the crack of his rifle and would take to their secret hiding places blaces on the first intimation that mike alike was about out yet strange though true he was but little known own beyond his immediate settlement when hen we knew him he was an old man th the blast of seventy winters had silvered oer his head and taken the elasticity from his limbs yet in the whole of his life was mike never worsted except on one occasion to use his own language he never gac in used up to any thing that traveled on tv two 0 legs or four but once once that once we want said bill as I 1 some dozen of us sat in the bar room of the only tavern in the settlement 5 1 gin it to us now mike youve promised long enough and youre oure old now and care 31 continued bill ii ll 11 right right bill said mike but well open with a licker all round fust kind 0 save my fe elins I 1 reckon 13 good better than barrel if any anything thine well boys boyi comme commenced heed mike you may talk 0 your scrimmages tight places and sich bich like and subtract em all together in one all mighty big lun un and they faint no more to be compared to the one I 1 war in than a dead kitten to an old she blar bar ive fout all kinds 0 05 varmints var mints from an ingin down to a rattlesnake rattle snake and never was willin to quit fust fast but this once and etwas with a bull cousee you see boys it was an awful hot day clay in august and I 1 war nigh off into pure ile when I 1 war chinkin th inkin that a dip in the creek mout save me well was a mighty nice place in deacon smiths medder for that particular parti part clar iellar business so I 1 went down amongst the bushes bashes to I 1 aist hauled the old red shirt over my head and war chinkin th inkin how scrumptious a feller of my size would feel a ballerin wal lerin round in that ar water and was jest bout goin in when I 1 seed the old deacons i bull a makin a bline b line to whar I 1 stood I 1 knowd the old cuss for held hed searld skard more people than all the parsons ol 01 0 the settlement and cum mighty near killan a few thinks I 1 mike youre in in rather a tight place get your figins on for hell be a darivin them big horns 0 his in yer bowels afore that time well hev to try the old varmint naked I 1 the bull war on one side ol 01 0 the creek and I 1 on and the way he made the sile fly for a while as if he war di diggan my grave e war distressing dis tressin 1 come on ye ballerin bel lerin old he athin said I 1 and dont be for as the old deacon says ol 01 0 the devil iver ver not comely to look on this kind 0 09 reached his understanding and made him more lishous wis hous for he hoofed a little like and made a drive and as I 1 dont like to stand in any blodys way I 1 gin gin him plenty sea room so he be kind ol 01 0 passed by me and come out on side and as the captain 0 the mud swamp rangers would say bout face for nother charge though I 1 war ready for im this time he come mighty nigh foul 0 me so 0 I 1 made up my mind the next time he went out he be alone so when he passed I 1 grappled his tail and he pulled me out on the sile and as soon as we war both a to top P of the bank old bundle brindle and war about comin round ag agin i when I 1 began I 1 way way well I 1 r dmn this kind ol 01 0 riled ailed him for he fust stood stock still and looke at me for a spell and then com commenced and ballerin bel lerin and the way he made his hind gearin play in the war no use tech me so he kind 0 stopped to get wind for luthin devilish as I 1 jed I 1 ed bi the way he stared by this time I 1 ha had I 1 made up my mind to stick to his tail as long ions as it stuck to his hi back bone I 1 like to holler for help auther kase it war agin agin my principle and then the deacon had preaching pr eachin at his house and it far off auther I 1 knowd if he hern the noise the hull congregation would come down and as aa I 1 a married man and had a kind 0 hankering han kerin arter a gal as aa war I 1 f feel eel as if I 1 would like to be seed in that predicament so says 1 I you old sar pent do yer cussed est 1 and so he did for he drug me over every briar and stump in the field until I 1 war sweat in and bleeden like a fat bear with a pack ol 01 0 hounds at his heels and my name aint mike fink if the old critters tail and I 1 blow out sometimes on a dead level with his back so you may kalk elate we made good time he slackened a little and then I 1 had badim lim for a spell for I 1 aist dropped behind a stump and snubbed the critter now says 1 I pull up this ere white oak break yer tail or jest I 1 est hold on a bit till I 1 blow welli well while I 1 war settin an idea struck me that I 1 had better be a getting out 0 this in some ome 9 way but how was the pint if I 1 let go and run held hed be afoul 0 me sure so lookin at the matter in all its bearens be arins I 1 cum to the conclusion that id better let somebody know whar I 1 was so I 1 gina gin a yell louder than a locomotive whistle and it long afore I 1 seed the deacons two dos dogs a comin down like as if they war scein which could get fust I 1 knowd who the they y war arter arte r jine fine the bull agin me I 1 war sartin for they war orf erful ua we nemous and had a spite agin me so davs 1 I old bundle brindle as ridin is as as cheap as walkin on this rout if youve no objections ill aist take a deck passage passage on that ar back ol 01 0 yourn so I 1 long g gettin ati astride of him and then if been lave ave sworn bothin human in that ar mix the sile flew so as the critter and I 1 rolled round the field one dop dog on one side and one on bryin to clinch my feet I 1 grayd and busald and cusse and raold until I 1 tell which I 1 did last and neither of any use they war so mixed up well I 1 reckon I 1 rid an hour in this way when my old brindle thought it war time to stop to take in a supply 0 wind and cool off a little so when we got around to a tree that stood he na trally halted now says I 1 old bov loose 0 one ne passenger sartin so I 1 ji at clum cluin upon a branch kalker latin to roost till I 1 starved afore pd id be rid round in that ar way any longer I 1 war makin tracks for the top ol 01 0 the tree when be I 1 heard euthin a makin an erful buzzin over head I 1 kinder looke up and if well theres no use a shearin now b but u t it war the biggest hornets nest eve ever ir built gin in now I 1 reckon mike case athars no help for you but an idea struck me then that id stan a heap better chance a ridin the old bull than whar I 1 war says 1 I old feller 1 erg if hold on ill ride to the next station any how lot let that be whar it will so I 1 aist dropped aboard him azin agin and looked aloft to see what pd id gained in c changie ang n quarters and gentlemen im a liar if wa gamt it nigh a half bushel of the etingin varmints var mints ready to pitch into me when the word agol go was gin well I 1 reckon they got it for all hands started for our company some on lem aaa hit the dogs about a quart struck me and the rest charged on old brindle this time the dogs led off fust ead dead bent for the old deacons and as soon as old brindle and I 1 could cef under way we followed and as 1 I war only a deck passenger and had bothin to do with seeerin the craft I 1 swore if I 1 had bad we have run in that channel any how but as I 1 said afore the dogs took the lead brindle and I 1 next and the hornets drelly arter the dogs yellin brindle ballerin bel lerin and the th hornets buzzin and st at ingin I 1 say bothin for it no use well wed got about two hundred yards from the house and the deacon hern us and cum out I 1 seed him hold up his hand and turn white I 1 reckoned he was war then for he expect to be called for so soon and it long afore the hull bull congregation men women and c hildren children cum out and then all hands went to galin yellin none of them had the fust notion that brindle and I 1 belonged to this world I 1 aist turned my head and passed the hull congregation I 1 seed that the run would be up sogn soon for brindle turn tarn an inch from the fence that stood dead ahead well we reached that fence and I 1 went ashore over the old critters head landing on side and lay stunned it barnt long afore some of em as war not so spared come round to see what I 1 war for all hands i kalker that the bull and I 1 belonged together but when brindle walked off by himself they seed how it war and one said mike alike fai filak has got the wust of the scrimmage once in chiq hi life 5 gentlemen from that day I 1 draped the courtin dizziness bizz iness and never spoke to a gl gal since and when my hunt is up on this yearth i wont be any more FINKS and its all oin to deacon smiths brindle bull I 1 |