Show saturday the election in great salt lake county resulted in the choice of edward hunter and orson oreon pratt as counsellors coun and john brown representative senta tive to the legislative assembly W afi it is with much pleasure that we notice the approach of a course of lectures on ASTRONOMY by professor pratt abraham entered largely into the principles of astronomy and so should hould all his children for the science is worthy of the attention of the gods and all saints must learn leam astronomy to be godlike god like tor for worlds world are but the work of deity let as many attend as can be comfortable in the hall H all see ASTRONOMY in this paper W ay snow fell on the dinst 3 or 4 inch inches deep in this valley it was mostly gone on the bag 0 governor youngs health is improving mr those hose who are designing to raise their own sug sugar ar for the future will do well to look at the advertisement verti for beet seed in this paper 1111 california mail the post master informs us that nothing has yet been heard beard from the sacramento mails for oct and nov and it is feared that further communications with california will have to be made through the states until a mail route shall be established with san diego 0 AU all letters to france and other countries in europe england excepted must be prepaid pre paid we understand there are letters now in hi our post office unpaid directed to france ac U they cant go without pro pre payment council of health the meeting of the council counce which was to have been at t the e school house bouse in the 14 ward on wednesday the 26 dinst is adjourned to the representatives hall to be on wednesday the ath day of december next at I 1 p in at which time all physicians doctors surgeons midwives es and nurses in the valley are respectfully invited to atan tend address is expected from president young DOB I 1 oz SNOWS Di DECISION in this paper will wid be with much interest by all who delight in in a it t history of recent events for the deseret news on the evenitz eveni nar of the a party honored with the presence of his excell my gov young and lady convened at thle the house bouse of M eli H pierce perce and a after f partaking of a sumptuous supper prepared by b mr and mrs P in commemoration of their nuptial nuptials one year ap ago the tables were very oma ornamentally mentally loaded with a beautiful delicious red cored watermelon in slices 16 inches inches long the natural production of the clim climate te 1 wonder if the gentry nt dows down ast in the same latitude as great ut salt ue lake city are enjoy enjoying ing such ditc b luxuries 0 ONE ie or OF THE PARTY y TS 7 the following was written by a little mormer mer r girl eight years old who is yet prevented from gathering with the saints through rough th the influence in R bence of an unbelieving father she is yet in good faith may the lord open her way to come home speedily ed may ad 1840 DEAR AUNT I 1 now take the 0 opportunity port unity to answer your well written letter which I 1 hastily opened to peruse the contents you ask me how I 1 have felt felt for a week or two past I 1 can truly say my y m mind n d has been much mich relieved I 1 hod had been wanting n g to be b e baptized for more than six months so that when I 1 heard any mormon preaching it seem seemed d adf as f I 1 could not wait another single moment momen but I 1 thought it was wi not best to say gay anything n g but the lord has provided provid ed means next you ask me how I 1 have spent nt my time I 1 am afraid that I 1 have not spent it as afe I 1 0 ought light to I 1 am afraid that I 1 have not walked humble enough before god and hardly near enough to him who created all things you say my privileges and blessings are great and so they are and I 1 am afraid I 1 do riot not improve them I 1 am glad that the lord has permitted me to be numbered with the church of christ and as long as I 1 remain in this world of sin I 1 intend to break my way through the soares snakes and temptations of the adversary y as well az aa I 1 am able and may the lord bless guide and direct my youthful steps so that when life remains no more that I 1 may enter into that celestial ci kingdom which is prepared for the saints I 1 try not to speak any wicked word but sometimes it slips sli 9 out of my mouth before I 1 thia think and thus you see alge the wicked one strives to make me one of his subjects but I 1 shall try to keep as 49 near the lords side as I 1 can that is the he sweat and best road to get to heaven please accept this from your niece S S P vor for the deseret news PAROWAN iron county noy nov 5 1851 mr editors editah I 1 take the present opportunity to j give you a few items of our prospects our saw law A a I 1 W I 1 afifi W grist t mih mi ti are in successful I 1 I 1 I 1 ta brimhall whipple have e competed ie aa chine running by water bv a her of grain stacks all enclosed bya I 1 the machine is ia an excellent one avig nod ia doing aj 11 V business A stockade caral eight feet hi ma aek upwards of two acres has been bean erected at the f el of red creek about five miles bailes northeast north east V webb decker hate hale have C Q herd of about five hundred head bead of 4 cattle 1 arid bee 1 h at this thi place I 1 ace yesterday a site was Z fort any and stock caral camf on coal creek go 20 milea fr parowan carowan Pa rowan vo voday today to day a company has been commence operations immediately in the construction of this new post they are mcatty composed I 1 lish scotch and welsh miners and ana iron ers they have also been organized sed into two bompa sana iii nies of militia one a horse and ther the other foote and form the ad battalion of iron county W matthew i ht ew caruthers is the major the company com ny are aft at all in fine spirits they will eom commence mence off ay monday to pat ot up p their caral after which they win will move their MW which are remaining here and encamp in owr caral until their fort is completed they have ar a beautiful situation A number of fine buddingh buD buil dinga din have baen b acted ju parowan recent recently lyl and we begin to tink ow aw ltv seand to none in m the territory except i tho aty f of great salt lk lake A g e r eat deal of fall fail grain is ia being bowed hafs only death that has occurred since the of the settlement was wag a child of james jamas ava died a few days since need aged about two months thy IQ place has been remarkably and when we inflect that the first st blow of men towards improvement pro was waa made here on of rf january lat the mark that has haa been made Is 19 W WIS think tbt without a parallel el considering the few that he hayo bow bi 0 V faed on my return here bore I 1 was wag greeted by tha am with a most hearty welcome and can bat tw my duties require me to leave so ao soon gom at a mw ma meeting held on oil saturday last gem 13 9 was nominated as oan didace for representative represent eve for the territorial Territa ial casaia alv he Is ia an excellent ma mac and aa W doubt will be b elec elected ted A school house IS 18 by 34 24 is in prof r rapidly WA and wi will ill goodbe completed bishop joel johnann p 0 naon is a erm tina stock caral at the springs lo 10 miles mil from ram alar baro wn wan walker the attah chief visited thia place a few avs ago with his warriors he and his hand bud were complimented with with a feast feasta and after be being filled with squashes turnips lumkins pumpkins kins potatoes pota teea bread 1 mt meat ac aa they caari carried Xum off the remnants and had 94 a tremendous dance they left for abr the Nava hoes bes be anz told by prest groves that in twelve months if they were good and honorable he would give them another tb dinner none of his people committed the least dep de mation and their horses were kept away from froin the fields we are r anxious anxiously Iv for far another issue of tho the news respectfully ga GEO aseiw A MITH we would pleased to receive such ew cc as above semimonthly semi monthly from every settlement in in the mountains our readers would then them have a familiar acquaintance with each other win will elder james lewis or john L smith please the above Pa Paro wao ed |