Show i LEGAL NOTICE diw i I 1 W PHELPS notary public attorney and counsellor at law and S solicitor 0 in chance y in all the courts of the territory of utah I 1 will atti att nd to all lawful business at his room in G SL S L city C ty when applied to I 1 BEETS BEETS I 1 ito HAI 4 E been at considerable expense to prepare to wart x rk up the beet into molasses or sugar if the su sugar mr beet can be had and I 1 am now re ready ady to received bushels of beets and will work them up into IV blasses on terms that are fair also par snips ni P aidi F carrots factory in the ward nov 15 lt it S M BLAIR i NOTICE HR bishops with the brethren of their respect JL tivie wards are hereby notified that their res for working on the public works for the tw two coming week sare as follows viz bishops shadrach roundy of the 16 ward and L D young of the ward on monday 17 bishops P mccue of the ward and addison the ath ward on tuesday 18 J C kingsberry y of the ad ward anaw G atrkins of of the ath ward on wednesday 19 bishops christopher williams of the ad ward ard john reece of the ath ward and W of th ath ward on thursday 20 bps aps seth taft of the ath ward md and J L I aey od of the ward on friday 21 bishops bis aps ops david pettigrew of the lotfi ward and john of the I 1 alth I 1 th ward on saturday 22 bi bis op be benj rk covey of the ward monday 24 bis bisop op ed hunter of the ward tuesday 25 billop of the 14 wardon nedday 26 hen bishops tp 0 s N V jones ones of the 15 ward and james henri icks 1 of t the he ward on thursday 27 bi bishops aps ops 1 shadrach roundy of the ward and L D young doung 1 of the ward on friday 28 bi i 1 aps ops peter mccue odthe of the ward and addison s on eberett erett of the esth ward on saturday 29 I 1 I 1 ED I 1 HUNTER presiding bishop W wish the brethren to bring to the public world worb all the timber lumber f fence poles and wood that they possibly ca can nand and the same will be credi id d them on their tithing at a liberal price no I 1 15 lt E EH H PO 0 THE CITIZENS OF DESERET tints I 1 E undersigned undersigner under signed wishes to inform the inhabitants habitants in of this territory that his splendid stock have arrived and are now ready for inspection it his new store where he invites all his friends to cone e and examine te TJ e stock consists of tea coffee sugar salara balara raisins currants figs candies nutmegs Nut megs s spins P ta alil olive i e oil lemon syrup pickles mustard kepier p P salt sa t hardware stationery dor estice Shir tings printed calicoes Cali coes de laines or ans cloths claths A Alp lp accas shawls ribbons arti acia fichas s gloves stockings pins needles kersey mers iner s jeans together with every variety which are abitable for this country T hiis tiis is stock of goods has been selected with the greatest care and are the most suitable for this mar manet et te T ie subscriber wishes to inform orm his friends that it is lis is intention to extend his business as fast as he can nake ake arrangements to every settlement in this territory ten Teri tory to accommodate the brethren he therefore lependu on them patronizing him especially as his g pods dods will be as low as any other in this territory all that lie he makes he intends to spend with this t i people eo P II 11 e and in building up this territory BBS goods are marked in plain figures and but one e ri rice e i is known in his establishment I 1 T S WILLIAMS alb N 1 B butter eggs egge cheese beef cattle Gatt leand and fure fur I taken in exchange for goods nol I 1 i I 1 11 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 C establishment may be un d at hotchkiss building first north of T S W lliams store customers waited upon every tue saturday lumber wheat wool woo and store pay taken arf exchange for likenesses 1 as ash h and gold old dust not refused my stock of nijer ms serials al is getting getting quite small and it would b I 1 well i 0 a attend to it wl while I 1 ile yo your ur friends are with boj and i 4 health 1 A fine toned melodeon for sale low 1 I 1 fk h 1 nf tf M REMOVAL my I 1 14 SMITH watchmaker has rei re from his C residence in the ath ward to t b ward a little littie west of the north we west S t corner comer ra oye temple hemr ole block where he is now prepared to a to the re paring of watches clocks jewelry ac delry made to order n NAIL manufactory ALL A LL kinds of wrought nails scissors at 11 1 1 knives and aad razors made to order a at t my top p one boor door south of J E reeses keeses sto I 1 atso at so guns repaired and all kinds of jo iorga don dona at short notice public patronage i is S F 0 O li by novle WM WALN WALKER I 1 NOTICE I 1 N the posses possession of G D WATT is a BLOOD STONE fur for the cure of all kinds of inward bleedings whatever a never failing remedy without medicine no cure no pay mr watt may be seen at the tithing office DUSTIN AMY P I 1 OPPER tin and sheet I 1 r 1 C i P W leave to inform the he citi citie r re a his stock of copper tin an amig I 1 I 1 arrived ari ived and he is naw ready to fi fib which may be wanted with the a ed I 1 rials at rea prices jelt STORE P ding north morth of thos williams t novle iff aft ERY FINDING STORE undersigner undersigned under signed one door north of J E ese would respectfully invite the attention the people of this city and vicinity to his complete and well selected stock of goods consisting IN IK PART OF leather of every variety saddlers and shoemak shoe mak ers findings boots and shoes hats and caps groceries of every description summer and winter clothing tin ware axes best ohio patent one set of circular saws with shafts attached which will be sold as cheap if not cheaper than at any other store in the city the ladies in particular are invited to examine m my y stock of ladies and misses SHOES composing eve every ry va variety r t y of f jenny lind slippers baskins buskins Bu skins gai ter s R E alf aters gaiters I 1 T the e undersigned undersigner under d signed by strict attention to bubines i and the superiority of lits his goods hopes to revive k liberal share of the patronage of the com W u M t y novle 0 H COGSWELL 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 ai 1 LOOK AND READ B ta s WHO CAN the undersigned undersigner under signed would ja give potice notice to th the e citizens of deseret that they are molasses from the beet at t burr frost on emigration street one and a half 1 blocks east creek bridge 1 to all who hante a surplus of beets carrots or parsnips Par snips and will bring them to our molasses factory I 1 WELL as for family use we will make from them all the he molasses we can and return tile owners of the vegetables ve tables one half of the molasses made those I 1 ano IF are in want of sweetening in r and are disposed to encourage domestic manufactures an u futures fc tures will do well to tosu 11 soon as the earlier the vegetables are used the better molasses for sale at our factory JOSEPH boung BURR FROST G S L city 15 iff WM FREELY PARENT self SCHOOL ephe HE THIRD TERM of the parent school of JL deseret university comin commenced ced on oil monday oct 27 in the ward soho house where an opportunity now offers for persons to qualify ahll selves for teachers in common schools or for ini I 1 provement pro in the educational branches which renda bellid the duties of life pleasing the terms are for them the common branches 5 00 ine one half in advance professor pratt having been beed engaged to ass assist st in the fhe services of the school astronomy its algebra ac will be taught As I 1 tile the house is I 1 for more t 75 or scholars V quion will secure for those who I 1 I 1 ito improve in knowledge G ORSON SPENCER chancellor W W reg keg 1 MORMON MOR AfON BATTALION fin ELL having been disappointed means travel claims tor and subsists Sub your pay before I 1 give e you vou notice as I 1 will collect callec ins for fir one third that I 1 can collect and pa pay a I 1 bilos and the spring mail will bring your vou mo mone therefore please call baft and let roe me badiyo have your r claims immediately and also those who re enlisted please caa and I 1 will collect your clai claims clavins ins office ward at sugar factory opposite elder john taylors novle at S M BLAIR A S SURGEON DENTIST grateful to his patrons and friends for the last eleven years favors solicits a continuance of their kindness and the patronage of the citizens of the valleys of ephraim in in gener general al his charges are strictly moderate and satisfaction is is warranted to be given in in all operations performed by him I 1 novle tf A GERMAN SCHOOL WILL W ILL be opened on the evenin evening 1 of th the e mst at the residence of A libaud ward where books will be furnished to pupils for further particulars ap apply I 1 ply as above avi 5 tf 11 MATCHES arbor A CONSTANT T SUPPLY of matches of superior quality kept on hand for which produce will be taken in in exchange by A NEW establishment C ROBBINS BOBBINS watchmaker WATCH MAXER MA KER AND vat ER EB takes pleasure in informing the public that he has located permanently in in great salt lake city and has bas taken the room lately occupied by S M blair esq where he is is prepared to repair all kinds of fine watches and jewelry or make to order all kinds of work in in his line of business ALSO on hand and for sale low cioc clocks s silver ware diamond pointed gold pens silverano Silv erand shell she 11 combs pocket books purses alarm bells bowie knives dirks pocket knives and such other o as are usually sold by jewelers G C robbins hopes by strict attention ioA to busi ss and a desire to please to merit the patronage 0 the community I 1 reat irrean salt lake city nov 15 tf 0 i MERICAN REPERTORY OF inventions y Z y I 1 t to INVENTORS AND I 1 1 ath volume IN of odthe the scientific abuan I 1 JS RS MUNN MUN aco american and for ten im patent agents and publishers of the m tir american respectfully announce to the public tt t the ig first number of volume VII of this widely coated il and valuable journal will issue issue on oil the september the new volume will commence b h new type printed on paper of a heavier tylre than Q that g used in m the preceding volumes 1 it ise lie intention odthe of the publishers to illustrate of it rire more illy y by y introducing representations representation s prominent beg nt connected with the advancement of sc ociele sen iele i besides furnishing famishing the usual amount of eng in of n new inventions it is is deew published 11 form for binding and affords at i the en end d of the y i r a volume of over four hundred pages IN w a copious index and from five to six six hundred en nv ings together with a vast amount of F concerning the progress of invention 0 d discovery throughout the i world there is is of f r importance ta the mechanic inventor 1111 n and general reader which is is not in the most able mariner manner the editors contributory I 1 and correspondents being men of the highest it is is ill in fact the I 1 leading scientific journal f the country I 1 1 the inventor will find HUB it a weekly list of american 1 I 1 patent claims report it iro m the patent office f I 1 I 1 an original feature ii abt t fou I 1 m any y other weekly I 1 publication 1 1 ii ta rah I 1 0 two tw dollars a year ne e for six months six V 1 i evall EAU letters be b jollz I 1 must e ost 0 kl and directed to i munn co publisher bublis e of t cien clent C 1 I ifie ameni can fulton falton street t N yo 0 inducements F CL L BING I 1 any person who will wi sen IF s fou ill for six six months month s at our regular reg r s sha shab be entitled to 1 furnish one copy for the san same 1 len of f tiri ti t or we will I 1 1 ten copies for six bix months K S 8 ten copies for twelve month 15 1 fifteen copies for twelve 22 twenty copies for twelve mois 1 28 southern and western mono mone taken at par for d subscriptions or post office stains bakti taka at their full value I 1 I 1 I 1 LAT 40 LON 17 I 1 I 1 BE 4 e D DESERET N 5 I 1 I 1 atin 34 do gol published klinl arra every r other saturday Tr per annum payable invariably in k single copy 25 cents centi i I 1 TERMS OF I 1 for a square of 10 lines or less info ista f I 1 E each ch su t insertion aulbi D L s I 1 1 or k I 1 braia Bf aia I 1 10 la 14 1 I ar see ce I 1 1 s 1 papers delivered at the cost t I 1 I 1 7 open each sabbath from fi om 12 to 1 a I 1 AGENTS 1 I 1 I 1 f I 1 city bishops for their drespel respective ove ogden city brownsville Browns ville ISAA isa kays ward wm KAY j north cottonwood LYMAN HIN A I 1 I 1 cherry Sett settlement lemeni A S B CHEI I 1 1 sessions settle settlement ment joun JOHN STO 1 W tooele thoele valley WM RoWE ERRY J 4 south cottonwood J C WRIG WHIG k mill creek reuben MILLER west jordan JOSEPH josefia harkell HAR KEit KElt evansville utah valley BISHO american fork bishop L E E K N battle creek and pleasant grove laiq l provo city ISAAC HIGBEE r 1 I 1 springville Spring ville and spanish fork j HMSO anso if payson JAMES PACE 1 1 J p Summit creek B F joans ON 4 t stall salt creek T B FOOTE iq manti city san pete CO NELS NEL I 1 P 1 I 1 fillmore city Millard cb ANS AN 1 city iron co cb HEN HENR 1 I S Santa tal clara and rio virgin I 1 7 settlements 4 lo 10 angelos WM CROSBY I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 |