Show some poisons and their antidotes there is an acid used in many houses for removing stains from furniture and clothes and for cleaning brass named cl oxalic acid it greatly resembles common salts and andaas has been ofte oftentimes nAmes taken for them by mistake if this poison is taken into the stomach ach it will be tendered rendered inert vy by speedily drinking down a quantity of magnesia or lime birne water another poison is C corrosive r sublimate which is also used in fa i asive destroying bedbugs if this is taken by chil childr dif sr or others by y mistake the remedy is to swallow sallow as quick as possible the white of eggs and if these are not convenient some pearl ash and dissolved glue of these facts every person should be id informed ormed these substances combine with the poison in the stomach and form an insoluble inert compound hydrated of yron oon which can b be e purchased at the druggists if quickly administered is an antidote against white arsenic and sulphuric sulp luric acid is an antidote for lea lead d there are many poisons howe however vei for which ap human hand has a remedy because their action is so rapid upon lift t t well springs of life but some more ought t asbe be said ab about 0 ut lead poison as it is a very extensive harm door doer Payi colic is caused by drinking waters impregnated i with lead in mine miner by ahe as metal meta I 1 i mg introduced into the system by inhaling lead dust the metal is soluble when introduced into the body I 1 and is the cause of many acute pains ains sul phu retted ced waters or weak weak sulphuric sulp hurie add and water renders lead insoluble and has ance ore been prescribed as a remedy for this d duese let 0 but it has been found that the lead tah rendered inert by being bein g insoluble is still sti 6 ed through the body ready when some bayol able condition ariss arises to act injuriously again agton I 1 was discovered not long ago that the iodide of potassium is capable of dissolving the compounds of lead or rather in brincil bringing n 0 it to a new condition whereby it becomes soluble and can be washed away if a person be poisoned with lead the system struggles ggles to throw it off through the bidne kidneys ya and it can be detected in the urine the fhe remedy is to give sulphuric acid in water in strength a little sour when the pain will dis appear but the lead remains in the system then give give a dose of iodide of potassium and slight pains ains return but the lead will be disappearing in all the secretions by repeated small doses of sulphuric acid and water and the iodide of potassium in small doses at some intervals afterwards the lead is effectually driven from the system this iodide of potassium has the same influence in driving mercury from the system and is one of the grandest discoveries of modern times in medical chemistry the test for the anti entire e removal of lead from the system is when a pretty large dose of the iodide causes no acute pains scientific american I 1 im important improvement in setting beeth at the recent annual meeting of the american society of dental surgeons held eld in the city of philadelphia a new method of setting teeth was introduced by dr alien of cincin cincinnati nati which consists in uniting small teeth firmly to each other and to the plate upon which they are set by means of a fusible sili clous cement which is flowed in between and around the base of the artificial teeth upon the plate in such a manner as to form a most perfect artificial gum this cemen is harder and stronger than the teeth and cannot be acted upon by saliva or acids the aa advantages vantages of this method over the usual mode are great strength cleanliness facility and a much more natural and lifelike life like appearance of the teeth and gunis gums we wc examined several specimens of teeth set upon this ais plan shown us ly by dr allen alien and the appe appearance ance is is decidedly beautiful and resembles thi hh natural gums grims as nearly as it is is possible for art arp to do the teeth are firmly held in place 1 y v the cement and cannot cann ot be removed with peeps without breaking away a portion of it the cement itself is nearly if not no t quite as hari har as porcelain teeth amer |