Show notice to lie glye lic A special meeting of the Quor quorum umU uma of seventies will bill bo be held heid on tuesday evening the ath of april next nest at the house of br enoch reese in the ward on east rast temple street when the whole r 0 f the council and members are particularly requested to atten dBy order of the council of said quorum NOTICE the members ot of the 3rd ard quorum ot of seventies those residing in G S L city and neighborhood are requested to meet in the house bouse of dr ezra 0 williams in the ilta ward on saturday evening april ath A punctual attendance is expected as there Is important business to be attended to all ambers ot of the quorum who are livin at a distance from this city whether in or abroad abroad are requested to manifest their appreciation of ib belr stand in ing therein by reporting their whereabouts dud jud nd in the church at least lent as often as once in each yeara ear to edmund ellsworth senior preal rent tent or to the clerk the quorum meets at dr sl on the evenings of the and ad saturdays in each month by arder of the council Counell EZRA G WILLIAMS clerk CONIVER conference FINTer J JENNINGS WINDER have a large J assortment of B BOOTS 0 SHOES SHOE S AND leather LEATHER for sale persons from the country would do well vell to call and see before making their purchases N noi B ludes HIDES BARK BABE and OIL tv anted wanted REPORTING A phonographic GRAPHIC CLASS is now ww jil forming and will commence on thursday evening evenings april 9 at beven in the seventies coun cl nail nali and will be continued two or three a evenings ening s a week for thirty evenings or until the whole theory ot of the system ot of phonetic shorthand is exhibited perso persons s wishing to become members of the class are requested t to 0 give sive in their names without delay as no one unac unacquainted ale d with 11 the radl radi rudiments ments of the science will be admitted after the second lesson has been given gentlemen who have larned the first style ot of can cin become in embers on the eighth evening an and d those who have acquired a knowledge of the second style should be present to receive the lesson bernis terms 5 in advance 46 4 6 J V LONG reporter ephe VARIETY STORE and SCUM Is now OPEN where its vl will find I 1 a great assortment nf f home horie botie roada made and other goods con I 1 eting of the good and substantial cooper copperware ware and crockery ware furniture boots boota and shoes bats and caps buckskins pants gloves and moccasin moccasins lasts and shoe begs pegs clamps brushes and many other useful articles also a great variety of new and second hand band C LOTHI consist consisting ug of coats vests pants under and aud over shirts stockings handkerchiefs gloves trimmings ribbons and braids also guns gun sj pistols swords and bowle knives carpenters 2 tools gardners gardeners Gard ners pills pain killer and liot hot drops with a great many ornamental and useful I 1 articles too numerous to mention mantion ment mant ioa loa A liberal allowance for home produce and manufactures PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS mended on the shortest notice A sheet iron stove for sale GARDEN SEED DEPOT east temple street three doors below hoopers at the sign of the parasol at taylor caylor sons debtors call and settle 41 4 1 NEW piew S x MRS M RS S A BOWMAN has constantly on hand band a good assortment or of ladles ladies straw liaf ilaf at her residence dence in the ward opposite bishop Callister canisters ls which she will sell for i easo nabie prices 43 4 3 stil aved AYED ROM this city one black mare pony ja white her race face branded on the right hip dim also albo one strawberry roan branded on the th left hip TV ir fr any information or return of the animals will avrill be rewa cewa ded fled 43 4 3 WM P McINTI mcintire RR waken TAKEN UP ur LAST L AST december a two year old red helf neif FR some white on left flank ome home i whre white under belly beily bell beil slit in in right rinh tear ear the downor ib Is requested to prove property pay charges and take her away awa 41 4 1 WILLIAM BIRD jordan mill CT IN TN the neighborhood of pleasant grove JL utah county count on the icah instant i carpet SACK containing one printed dress one pair of bhones and other female apparel whoever will win restore said baid properly to pardon webb of payson or J V long of this city will ft ill be 10 if rewarded warded 41 4 1 ic on sale SAILI oyt olt RENT abood A SAW MILL near tooele thoele city a good goad bargain given also a set of blacksmiths tools for which of oxen or young cattle will be taken in payment pan paM nent wanted a hand to work in a chair factory either as a journeyman or an apprentice enquire of 43 4 3 B ED wards toode city havea HAYEA in my possession three three years old oid helfers HELPERS which will soon boon have calves one dark red white belly white spot in forehead one light red while white spot in forehead the other white with small red interspersed no brands perceivable on either elther of thein tiie tile ln the owners ow ners are requested to prove pro vert pert and take talie them away W C GALLAHER 41 4 1 eTo oele oelo county ylo rio eon FOR canabal al 1 wn babinc having unsettled accounts 3 j with me are earnest earnestly ay requested to cuil mil and settle immediately I 1 have for tor sale cheap for cash eish cush a no 2 e also lumber furniture shoes shoe trout clothing flour ba ir buckskin pants ac ac I 1 ac 41 11 L ISO southworth util WORTH attention everybody S ALTER MAIBEN kaibe N will sell by auction at the tore store occupied by J B malben maiben at 12 am on monday april 6 a quantity of household furniture tools wearing earing vr apparel glass glah le boots and shoes several geed leather beds bed bed clothing clocks and watches charter oak stove superior drilling machine machines wheat aus aud flour and other goods to be bold gold without fl reserve e terms of sales sates sale saie cash NB N B every description of property sold geld by auction aucta oil oll on the shortest notice office one door north of amys tin shop and at J li mai Mal mallens hens bens tore store 41 ADVERTIS advertising IZIG iten lines or less constitute one square Squar squared eJ REGULAR advertisements one quarter column three squares or les less for each insertion liau itak column seven squares ar lessy less each ins one column fourteen squares or less cc goo SUNDRY advertisements one square each insertion two squares cc three cc thus upward with a half halt dollart doi dol dollarton dol doi lart larto the additional square for tor or each insertion TO advertisers advertisements to insure insertion in the current number must be handeen han ban deun dein before 10 on tuesday morning remember this door BOOR JOB AND CARD executed to order in this office and having received som eom om important additions to our out stock of boband job joh and ard ornamental type we are prepared to do work at reasonable rates and in the most approved style bookbinding BOOK BINDING jn in all its branches carried on in connection with thie thle 01 0 r floe flee send in your orders |