Show twelfth ward school on oil friday uit we were present at the thie examination and close of the winter term of the ward school bishop L IV hardy teacher assisted by miss E it bunnell bannell having witnessed witnessed the condition of the school I 1 at the commencement of this term we were highly gratified with the progress manifest as veil veli well vell in true decorum as in the various branches of study 1 the average average attendance during the quarter has been 70 scholars their ages aes ranging from 4 to 25 years the tji principal classes areas are as follows fi first reading class text books bible bibi 0 no book of mormon an and ani d doctrine and covenants 43 writing class 40 arithmetic 27 geography v 23 grammar 8 the smaller or infant classes compose about one third of the school the introduction of the bible book of mormon and book of doctrine and covenant has been attended with most happy results uniformity of books for a large class has been attained the them lack of which has hitherto very much increased the labor of teachers and re the progress of se kolars scholars A added dds to these another important benefit has accrued from the introduction of those books namely that of planting 7 in the minds of the youth a knowledge of the scriptures and of the sacred records and commandments revealed through the prophet joseph the books and specimens of the writing class in some instances exhibited greater gremer improvement than we had ever before seen and we commend command the wisdom of so extensively imparting the knowledge of an art so fully ull uil Y practical in eve every ry condition in life yet so of often ten neglected bih bishop hardy anxious to establish a higher tone of discipline and in connection with the branches commonly taught in schools to teach the principles of salvation to the rising generation notwithstanding 11 his many other duties assumed the responsibility of conducting this school and although he has not accomplished all he desired ye yet he has the gratifying reflection of having given an impetus to common school education at least in the ward which it had not before received I 1 |