Show nen NEW advertisements GODDARD PEN ON SUNDAY from 7 to 10 0 am alm pro fro from m 12 to 2 and from 4 to 6 pm kotuce AME aue INTO MY INCLOSURE 1 last C Janu january arys a red heifer calr calf with white face and end I 1 ot or adil idil white no brinds owner can have her by i paving ch change charge arget 4 it E K fullen fulner ward isike J JARVIS INFORMS THE far R HJ iners of da Is county that lie he has for hire the best drilling in the territory maim matiu facture dby by 0 kinn kins apply to george gai Gal galbraith bratth at adjar jar olgs wf farm kays ward ward 41 4 1 11 t WHITE pies ples CAKES candles CANDIES beri ber her silver tea dpn ac acs ac for sale saie ml by 11 L south temple st at the sign an of 0 the elephant wanted castor beam keam clean bottles Socks Jean itans ac 4 lt it nuys buts SELLS DAGUER rean KEAN likenesses ir braving RETURNED FROM THE HAVING ti south we are now ready at the old stand to serve the public in our line every lues tuesday rueda day thursday and saturday from 9 tiu 5 those desirous of getting likenesses had better attend to it within a short time C CANNON 1 11 XON son ALIVE OK 01 DEAB DEAD S SENT ext ENT on the banye range north of weber river river lat december awoke 0 or of cattle about bis sli years old one a tir lir brindle bulle the other a light red with some white bran branded on the ne near arhorn horn born K R MILLER any lii Ili formation or orde e 0 livery of gaid raid oxen to boop dunn dann north orden oden ur mr A al alien leny lens ogden city or to t the suh sub briber will be rewarded 4 it t C phelps eat est street TAKE NOTICE A ALL LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY cautioned not to purchase two promis tory note notes for lou loo lOU IOU each cach given riven by me to williams camps campt oan can p bearing date nov nor IQ imand iwand 1855 1655 and payable in ingrain grain one on the dayot eay day of november next and the other in two year years from froin date for I 1 a do not intend to pay either of said eaid note notes as they were fraudulently obtained 4 at J joun JOHN oil N cottonwood STRAYED FR prom dreox 11 THE subscriber A brin BRIX 1 dle die OX bro ciele clEle face with stub horns horni about four inches branded J S II 11 on lle ile the lie horn born about 8 years old aiso also A ho a red and white speckled OX about 6 year years olda oida old oid a little branded S W H R on hip any person returning the above named oxena oxen ozen or either of them or information where hey they may be found lothe to the subscriber bac riber riner in the ward shall be literally rewarded va ded josepn JOSEPH horse HORNE diio wiio w wants ants ints Vl heat icat WALKER ulker ILKER HAWKINS have the tile pleasure e to inform the agriculturalists that their drilling machine Is now in success successful fuli full operation and far exceeds all expectation it answers on any an v kind of or soil son it uses exactly halt half A a bushel to the acre Is drawn by one spin of horses horneg quite easily they attend it themselves and charge only 75 cents an acre the fanner finding his own horses or oxen and seed apply early carev tn to GEORG I 1 WALKER emi street or to JOHN B HAWKINS east kast temple street 4 at it amer A BE OPENING their spring 0 and lind sum j mer stock of good goods cons lAing ta in par part tos of the follow ing inc prints print a lar iare lare e assortment lawn law lau n a from 29 20 to 40 cents white drefs goods chote chice stock coatings drillings trish irish linens ilia llla linen domestic and f in short as good an n assortment as at auy any time can be furnished BONNETS 12 1 lawn 2 norence brat IMI 19 padai ac e unus milly low BOOTS SHOES A large and general ps assortment 4 6 rement HATS A large stock ock oct and cheap sz CUTLERY RY knives and forks fork pocket enli e wilding material add and boune bouse articles nen ten gen raily rally stationery A full assortment OILS PAINTS tate white lead linseed oil varnish ac ac c GROCERIES sugar coffee teay teal tea tobacco soapy soaps spices ac IN INDIAN D I 1 AN G GOODS 0 0 D 14 everything in the line together Tope toge ther lher etith ith such tuch general generA gods eods as are to be found in a large larfis and well selected stock of merchandise mer chandle chandie wholesale buyers will favor faor ui us with a call antt and examine stock block and price prices 4 am ill yil ibe THE deveret RET N H W 8 ay iy AV IC IG 11 L Y ax PRINTED 0 ON 1 wednesday THURSDAY vt ALBERT CARRINGTON EDITOR L teams TERMS SS G PER Jj Jt OFFICE P poo 0 BUILDING A advertising texi teji lines or less constitute one rqn r e SUNDRY advertisements dy S one square each insertion IW two 41 1 50 three 41 12 12 2001 00 ihm thim upward wull a hail halt dollar to the additional squar for each insertion REGULAR AD advertisements one quarter column three fanares or less tor fer e eath a agh ty 5 halt column seven squares or less each ins 3 i One on Columns column fourteen squares or alti imi ac door BOOR JOB aid AND CARD PRINTING executed to order in this 0 mee and having received somme e important additions to oui out stock ot of 1 job and ornamental type twe r i al ive ire are prepared prep red to do work at reasonable reason alile rates and ard in L n the nto nyo most t a approved cpr 0 ved style y AGENTS eor FOR FO K THE DESERET NEWS I 1 A 0 smoot manyon kanyon creek ward G S L bouny reuben neuben miller mill jill crnek crock lo DO 10 robert gardner do do emkin enkin lee big cottonwood cotton awood do david brinton no do do joseph south cottonwood do isaac ferguson FerRi ison isoa do do silas It ni richard chard ichards union do X william draper Drap draperville erville do bentilen den Ben tilon ilion west jordan in do nants nanis nort rort lier ller riman do pter peter mangam ercito city tooele thoele comity county aifred alfred lee tooele thoele do I 1 do thomas n H clark Grants grantsville ville vilie do john stoker stoker davis mavis county william smith C do james Lel leithead thead Famil ilk ill ho samuel Kars ville do james G browning oden ogden weber welder county E bine bing havi bing liams iiams aaril do thomas dunn korth north ogden do thomas kington weber co do A east weber weter do E H 11 pierce brigham ighani Br olty city box elder co salmon saimon warner N norta jtb willow creek do david evans evana leht lehi oil utah county isaac houston anne city do L K H harrington lake city do I 1 W G pleasant grove do D carter provo city do aron aaron johnson springville Spring ville do da john W berry palmyra D do john it redd spanish fork do 1 charles charies Car leall B nari hari hancock cock parson DI III B F john oa santa ann do da T B foot sall sail creek juab county george peacock nanu u simuella samuel Simu eitt ells P lloyt hoyt fillmore Fill city millard co tarleton lewis iron county comity isaac C haight cedar city olty do john juhn D lee fort harmony NV ashington n I 1 L W babbitt beaver cre cren k maver Waver County isaac bullock fort supply areen green river niver alln allon weeks cedar fort cedar C county 0 anty A B cherry genoa Car cartons sono ponc mtv 1 andrew moffit cache valley cliche cache county james frodsham malad fort coubry net nev new KEW MEXICO william los LOB arifi california D X thomas thomss san bernardino geo Q cannon san F francisco ancient MISSOURI MIS SOrEt luminary office st louia loula A NEW tone YORK mormon office new york tork cily ENG LA ND millennial star office liverpool |