Show G S L city aebly feby feuy 2 M 2 MI 1331 kt t a ni ng of lie hie state coin tor jor for utah T 1 royy present hous liua lius elward hunter wilford wlford and J C little littie stra sira jilin Ne baker Witt ista iata 0 staines and charles diaries lis ils II 11 oliphant OH vice nice president hunter ilu liu lter iter that ihal his bl object in call lio iro 11 iio the committee to tu gither etien etlen was wag to counsel in relation to i n at course should le be pursued this season and alq alo nira alra to fet fiert fieri a delegate to represent sent sant this thili territory la ia the pomo romo f cai eal coa conss rss to be held heid at noc Soc liester litster new kew york tork uon wilford Wood Woo drutT ruit raiT inide nude a few tew brief remarks remark s illus us auve kuve of the cial ViAl influence the trie exhibitions and op faklis FAt rat lIS ils of last season alt had ulion iol lol the community eili es eill edil i ini imi alt aly T our friends rit rii ads tn in the country la in regard to ui 0 r farin tariu ty by the tile addition of orchards after remarks rem irks on the of fruit culture ci US its advant ment in to this territory 1 11 was voted that the lion flon jphn john 31 B brn rn I 1 sel set be our oar d di 1 cate late to tu the american coni s for this tills sea season beagon and that vice foru at an bilm his credentials also tbt that the clerk forward to 1 I 1 e ed fd tor of the hc deseret news tiie lite minutes of this meeting f r Inse run 11 robt T cerk |