Show i laio lain lanin ralo cl alius allus A ALL LL persons holding receipts on land cortlin hain t blair greeir and beuett wiil will pre clit triem to me nii forthwith for settlement them those wrt wit who 0 cannot will inform me what ward theril lve ive ve IB 18 47 3 S M BLAIR blain sehl gols cols for the le i humble servant has opened JL 3 schools school for fur the benefit of hib his hl brethren where be I 1 18 pi ebare ito deac t tili 11 infantry and cavalry drill drin it in all sri 11 if its l upon new nw and improved principles accord lug lux to coopers ta i sum bum and aud ibliss u every honest bonest bert hert to come cone antl and lean learn I 1 terno erms thie tha thi e dollars per qu quarter arter arler in advance the poon poor will be tati tail litree tree free schools to be held in toe lith I 1 ward school houle houte every at 4 9 in sundays beun teon days excepted D J ROSS noss 4 i 2 col coi hollst N L A NOTICE THE HE undersigned undersigner Under signed having been beun ap ed b 13 the jude J of probate for lor weber coun coon ty t rs of the tile estate of daniel smirch decease dt li in dby aby r by notify ail dil il know knowing lims themselves to bald balci estate to 0 ine i K forward without delay delity for and all persons having baving li iving clabus agent am saki estate wm lease nataie nile file tw thi ni in ath ith james brown administrator on or before etore the first farst day ini ili or junes june AD 1867 1857 JAMES jmes BROWN fc 45 43 to JAMES BIRCH I 1 administrators NOTICE haviar HAV ivr x BEEN AD JL JL of the estate ot 0 thomas tennant ae the judge of the probate court for great salt bait I 1 th hereby reu ests all persons persona ka knowing edg indebted to said estate to cume forward hain without d 1 a an I 1 cancel the sam same samland fand and thoe those hain bain li f fien tien tle ile gads nunda again t sai sal ai I 1 estate state will plea piea pl ac c me nie thein thern with t the bhe judge of the aforesaid court ourt pr pro arl ii foon hoon oon toon t i as clr cir yum fam canoes wu will t and s irbin thu thi tinei tane by law dantel daniel administrator NOTICE r THE tue rile ulle undersigned undersigner under signed having badinn ba vino vinn t been appointed A bythe by the judge of krobat f r great salt tidle I lake late ake ate county administrators it of i t the estate df 61 A tt babbitt deceased dece apt hereby notify all persons knowing themselves indebted ti said eald estate to come forward without delay for settlement anti antl all persons having claims against said estate will please file nie them with the iro ito iron lion elias milas smith probate judge on or i elo eto etore re the first day of june AD A D 1857 ans ANY H B MITT litt W IT V jonnson johnson sr great es 1 salt lake late city dec SO n 0 1856 ibm 48 42 tf if karris ALL A LL persons owning lots in the oth 1 L 1 ward L T city ay iy are r ri qu quoted sted to see ste that tiler their tenets arp put in god goo go 1 1 pair in the 11 spang sp lug pres luu lu to tok time inie mils notice la Is particularly I 1 flor ilor ort hose mose owning iota in TI M ward who live in other parts parta of the city or in the and their nence fence need repair I 1 ing there are ste also many or the lots itt iol that are behind with the water ditch taxes and then la Is also a repair ink int bre lie chool hol how and other in upon the school I 1 house lot all of it 18 hoped will be settled by vy persons calling on the bishop and settling seiti log ing their taxes tas without farther further notice any kind of produce with a little moey money will ibe be taken laten as a pay Z it th this nl I 1 ice M la Is not heeded lott lola will have to be folk tp guyene that the e crops may maybe be protected by order of the tile bin bis bi biship hip hp school committee and water master 47 73 7 3 JOHN A WOOLLEY bishop url uri rights n hals quarter A II 11 wryght taylor TAILOR N SOUTH TEMPLE STREET in 1 0 ON the second block ett of the Taber tabernacle nacle nacie all wink done by him will be warranted equal in workmanship to any in this territory all kinds of 0 produce 3 lumber ac taken tor for work G give j ve me a call likenesses t r hiie bile HE AMBRO AMBR TYPES are ire ure the most JL elear par and durable pictures thau thai are now made all a ho want A GOOD LIKENESS SS of or children should call without del dei delay ay at ROOMS on south sooth temple street one door duon easi CASI of A ivans stor oten olen from 10 am aro anul 4 p in paju L tiem tiam tor toi N urs irn irm A it R RIGHT 8 GLOBE COFFEE COFFE E AN AND D DIN ING ROOMS staines candland ailland Ca proprietors between livingston kinkead Ws and council house aicala Is always ready parties supplied I 1 GLOBE glone BAKERY S FAMILIES AND EMIGRANTS yen ten HARD hand LIGHT BREAD N NAILS NAILS nalls IN NAILS E f D SABIN SAB IN has machinery ili lil in oper I 1 atlon klion for making all kinds of 0 N nalis nails a 11 t tir order onder lie will exchange nail nails for wheat cor corn n potatoes and other produce come on with it liow now is 14 the accepted time jr WANTED tire and band iron for v w inch lach be he will pay ID in nails or work la in his shop encourage nome home manufactures W ballan DALLAN W ATCH MAKER respectfully in in vv forms the inhabitants of great salt lake lalee city cit and vicinity thit tbt he be intends carrying carr iny ing on oil hi business in t the e home house formerly occupied by A L hale HAIC N rth irth temple st at nih nib ward and will warrant all wor wot k dum duil by him to give satisfaction as he understands hei his tair inis D s in a all lis lib branches jewelry neatly repaired chars a very moderate 43 tf millinery dress aud and maker M MRS RS E BULL wishes bishes Avis hes to inform her friends and the ladi ladles 9 of this viani ty generally giner finer rally alb ina inn mat t mue mua is now prepared to receive work anti anil make makei it tto to order in the moot moet approved style RESIDENCE nut nul ward 3 doors east esst of the union IV apprentices wanted 47 3 GRINDING Tann kile klie 1113 undersigned undersigner under signed 0 would respectfully JL announce ounce to the of T tle tie le and I 1 alir he ada adjoining ining countee cou coun nUee noes tiles that persons wishing gi i iding done can be te accommodated on short notice all sc se t bons mons ons ions of the tiie year as the mill springs spring never freez at U 1 T belbon go co w grist orist mill hill situated at atiel ille 21 miles wi si st from G S L city otty which Is warranted to iii iiii kaBB keas nine fine nin fin bour flour and as good a turn out as any mill mil mii in th aln verrl Verri territory tory 45 sin gin E T BESSON bec bee aa CU CO IV ANTE do BY 2 davis woolley Woo ilcy llcy williams co a MAN or company of men to t ak k their heir upper mii mill la ill little at kenyon kanyon we saw baw n ith a cin u lar barsaw saw and from the experience of b N ill tain lains wh ruin the saw we flatter ourselves that we wt ean can do lo as goo work as Is done at any other mill our sa saw sav i our sour feet in diameter the mill is near 20 miles mlle i I 1 tia lie ie citi city anif bif about four tow miles from the mouth or the kan kiil in sn there titi re to a plenty ert lit good teed feed up the kanyon kanion rr fir wimmer nimer use ue any responsible person who desires toen loen ig in lu the above business will please call on dh N X davis or J M W woolley in the city or it J Wil wll liapas at the nil oil 1 anyone who lives at a distance dirance wishing further farther iiii itil can write diro dire to J U woolley yv G S L city in to addition to lumber we saw lath lati pic pickets ketsi table lega legs broom handles bandies ac ail ali of vi vh aich ch are of a good quality 47 3 loosian ilos ibos STRAYED ac villios mios bios cow pame noame to my stable on the loth of ali jan ia tart a 4 year old red COW w u nh lih ome some white while on hen hec belly beily no brands the orner owner otner will lu L well weil to call cat I 1 pay ek and take her away WM 4 47 1 2 13 ward STRAYED AT A T GARDNERS I 1 ERS MILL from the sub LA L A sc cr riber iber on dec 17 one dark bai honse no luand wands and one oue sorrel horse white while tace face faces faced 1 11 t I 1 lly y and legs branded S J on right hip both heavily shod the 8 or 9 years yearn old any Ir information formation concerning their bini binl t layouts U will wili 1 11 be thankfully ully rec received elved elred by CHARLES nolley wois FOIS sake SALE 0 ote C and und cutter cutler inquire of S JU BLAIR PIANO ON oin SALE inquire of R T SMITH SUM 1 P if to those nite Dite interested vested rested E olt GE BO YES who requested me 3 to collect a legacy for him himy and william Willi aln jones who paid me his draft on charle charie dovell in En england glands are requested nested to call cail at nty residence in the loath ward ard as I 1 have ilk lit information orm aton atou of importance to to them 47 2 t V F D RICHARDS HERDING TUB tue HE undersigned undersigner bave bare established a herd GROUND tn in rush ih valley and are prepared to take stock to herd and we ruel feel con conf Ment in saying that th tb rne 1 is equal to any in the territory the vast vait of stock lost loat heretofore through the wence of herdsmen lierd herd nin smon and the w s it odthe weather in other valleys lias induced cs to locate said herd ground and enter into the of herding for the of tile people sald raid valley having az oved the th best and safat rne for tor stock the past patst winter there was in the territory and we bhail shall boid bold ourselves responsible to parties panics tor for or all sea gea ses conr neglect of stock placed in our char charr gri tri the location of said valley to G gs 68 08 S L city will enable us to receive frodi on the tue and 31 34 mondays of each mouth at the betray pound in said patti city WILFORD WOODRUFF CLAUDIUS V jesse C LITTLE J W I 1 u PORTER lil ali the domany herd rand draud braud Is R on left eide elde ift godbeh quarter op arter ani ARI SIVAt OF IS W WITH ITH a large and complete assortment ento of the e Gia gla efenberg companas Comp anys FAM fau FAMILY LY REMEDIES the increasing demand tor for which having warranted a considerable sid erable increase in this seasor season purchase also a vast variety 0 of botanical and other ew ev d y necessaries in the medical line with many of wl ab the territory has hitherto been but meagerly rt anu ana others altogether overlooked by general dealers W S G has also made a larce laree purchase ol 01 GLASS PAINTS OILS and a selection of CHOICE LIQUOR LIQUORS Sp WINES alii in 1 ier 11 II DIALS of the first quality for medicinal i au an extensive arte virte if it Perfumer eee leq other g gli KLI i lui lul and nd iancy tancy tane lane stub you must ca kai ai a il see fur fr nr ur selves I 1 eid eia he soda fountain Founta lili illi still flot s cool ana and rez res as ever 1 1 I s rollow ng ines knes are n it 1 ity icy t y rec dun nun u u t cle cie t ie lunini mai halls uterine di dr Lib libbis bys pile ointment rn fives balm eala V 7 stable table tabie pills tl tit t th bitters F fele ar and ague r riby ri ry ay F fallt e ua in n urien urlin l fi in mountain aa 0 nent hait halt h fail i s pat pal aca I 1 sar bar compo ind Graefe nl rg ra 1 N lii rii i J JL ney HEY HEYWOOD WOOD HAT lat cap and aud muff aluff 11 G S L I 1 ell cil il I 1 ke p on bw hidir 0 cho chu vest asso in tai tal rit ants i article articles in iti tl ll 11 bove above hi ii subtle sw toire tolfe to the waits jf ot the poi people po pol i t i which lo 10 ceif cele iyo ito ii a I 1 dds ads or of fui rii ri vi arid 1 aril atil vii ac fire wood ani li mn ii t i if ig or orai orui i i n rigl rial count v and d ant nl c i scrip 3 I 1 bew GOOD GOODS L T EVI STE N ART CO would res ree J I 1 elji anni iiii elo eio to the c li i 1 birou li t in Terri territory tory kOry that the tiit r ln hi int iut t second and a nl C i I 1 train f NEW AND tu ity tty GOOD GROCERIES oll oli S PAINTS N X A I 1 i IS I 1 S glass GI ASS ilits flits and cap 4 ilot C lutr baid crid sho i ive lve juht juia arv i rt and dirl are now and for lae lac sale at 8 t lak C ai v a is li ili iii prom pro all iho ubo aie i 1 i 1 want or tl ti tj a ve s A t to tind find it to their givant adv mt ge ige to c r u a all r ef f r p i cli cil atana stAng elsewhere as ur stock stolk n is i u u ekht at iv w r ra za n ami to rl t t i markt N B all si deatel to th ii 0 i arm wil wll i i ess eeg eig r 1 and st atle 11 cunag d i 1 i n 1 I r f ests ft IN heat neat and flour will be rece i 1 ii dunt aunt alent nt 30 tf L S f ilij tilt 11 DESE ff w rey RET p r T N v P u I 1 V S XV 10 IC H LX V PRINTED ON W EN ad k Y CM ON THURSDAY terms 6 per PEB arnum ainuu A OFFICE P 0 advertising ten lines or less constitute one square KETr lub LUl ADVERT i 1 I r ITS onn oni quarter culau cull u y ahr three chrtt e i ni iq q ar ir r les ies ajr f r ej b hait half coluna Colu nyi nya i v it 11 cr eh inq ins 3 oo 00 one column a i i cc 6 ja M SUNDRY sl N ort dry AD adverl adver verll VERli 1 41 i I 1 IS one ona square elch cich eich i bertlon 1 ti tv 0 squares ic 1 three tiree 41 11 nue lue 2 birts til is upward witia a halt half dobart dolar t 11 til n is ire or ach ech ch ingerd Insert wn TO advertisers adt ad t anta kents t 1 in the curi curl curlit un it t number enli m it i t I 1 lauded landed n u v x a 10 i lock clock on lii til cat cai ni orning itter itel i this BOOK JOB aid AND ild lid CARD u rt ex v cited to order in this onic oine and having I 1 me t e i mpr tant additions to oui out of job and hud and iud ornamental type we are prepared prep pre pred ired to do work at reasonable rat rate aln ain a n the most approved style bookbinding BOOK BINDING in al ita its branc brand hs carried onan on in connection witia ft etli 1 1 alc tlc oice send in your orders orrt era cra abenis AGENTS lor FOE THE DESERET news 1 0 smoot kanyon creek W woi G S L L uy aln miller M X il 11 greek do RI rot i rl rt gardner do DU 56 5 6 az ciol lee I 1 ig cottonwood do I 1 ud KI brinton 1 I do jf je jai jal i ph lih Hanin lond s ith cotton ri do iaac ferguson to do do stia sia Tt ichard I 1 lon loe ion do W 1 un im drady lj bo do beni benl benimon Be nilon ion lon w st t jori jorl cortlan ti do mr f e nama harng F t do pv P n r maughn E T city alir i lee T ele do do tl ti ioas inas n H clark Gant f be fohn stoker ker dvis co cu wi Vi nidin am C nt erville do tanos s leithead farmington do samuel on do t den 17 Us corm 7 B F B aham n R i gli xii shams arns werd do annn 1 rth ogden do D phinas rh air kington ruth S weber co DO A W ardsworth r F it tit weber weer do c it fierce pierce I 1 tham ham city fity box pox eider eldey ca co sin rin on n waner wa ner N rah rth willow r it do 0 1 1 evans bvans T i tl 4 city utah coxum ix I 1 d x houston leg lew city do io 11 t E t tte ate T lre ire lie city do W v cc sterrett P amant grov groa do 0 carter pi ill vo da ra 1 yamon aaron Jo jehnwn linion do john W berry I 1 lmyra D bo rohn lohn ri S st maht walt rork poa do charles B blanc nanci k Py sorl do 8 V P johnson rata sata S yatta ann eun n do r B foot 8 jt crek cre it k anda al bority I 1 beuree gorae gorge peacock sapt Sn pt t rib ria f cameel P lloyt elty city miliard hillard vo 0 carleton lewis lewig parowan browan iron C my oay isaac 0 C haight cedar CT city do john D T lee port fort ri armony raihn ot L W babbitt reaver beaver crek crex dav i ny isaac bullock rort fort cupi y 0 green oreen een r iti III cr er ulen vilen weeks cedar ft F t cedar caffy of imy lwy J B cherry genoa citro oi vc C ti lii r y andrew mom noelu cache valley vay vai r clee he ci n 7 rames fames malad naiad fort niad buiu y NEW william loa LOB mcg res for ore oze orgon on aud and D it thom as san bernardino Bern animo reo Q cannon san francisco Franci tico it for canada and the states and eat eal of f the rocky mountains luminary 0 office atlee st louia loria mormon monnon office new york city aw for the british isles |