Show IRON COUNTY conference we learn froni from br william adams minute minutes 9 of a quarterly conference of the seventies in iron county held in parowan carowan oa on the ath and ath of december that they are achito and spirited in the work of reformation crests samuel IL 11 rogers and william W willes patriarch elisha II 11 groves and E iders elders james jamea bosnell and jehiel jehiel mcgonnell exhorted and instructed ted their brethren counseling them first to reform themselves and then they could set in order their families many expressed their determination to work righteousness a and I 1 the spirit of the reformation blessed their meetings 1 I 1 eld elders eiders rii ril jacce west and zacharia zachariah h B decker er were appo appointed appon ted to officiate as teachers to the seventies in parowan carowan Pa rowan and george wood jehiel mcconneil mcconnell richard morris and christopher jacobs to those in cedar the seventies in parowan carowan were reported in good t anding except sela hoyt who had been cut off from the church by the bishop prest willes reported favorably of the seventies I 1 in cedar city and johnsons fort adjourned to meet on the first saturday 0 of f I 1 next ext march |