Show HISTORY OP OF JOSEPH SMITH jr jelv iv 1843 T T e rill pi it of 0 G I 1 restal realf upon the Limani tf ep v the orail ory i joseph wag w is much afre affe affecter ctr tivisa ind rod iod i od t drears d tear bi roe and add sel sti 1 unto them 11 have I 1 ai ald aid d your olt id the they alp ate true the great spirit I 1 3 s told ye y i til ill ti ruth ditl I 1 am our friend frici d and bro bre brother broker ther lher and I 1 v ih to do nu u good yo ir bathus were gere re once one i i lat pat eat people i heil worships wor won shipp d the GW rite it t spirit great spirit did d 1 them god lie he was wad waa their the r frie frid but they lef t the e great spirit and mio vie jd d not oot bi b 11 words iyoda ot 01 keep them tn great IN sip tip piu plu pin it left in n and they i n to kill one 0 ie anotle anti and they bave live been f r ur or und and afflict afflicted until n ww w the ne great gleat sa s1 S t has his given me one a book an am told we oar that tint you s J 1 wn he ble bit ag acain again aln ain T e great groat P F irit it will WH i begin to t ilc klc NN t ih h yon ai at 1 d I ot 1 1 ell eil th it if book hook vi w li i 3 our fatla i made I 1 wrote a i hewri henri thein the bo do L k of this thu i 1 i 1 ine inc what ci will have haie to to do I 1 in r w want ant v i 0 to o begin besin to pray ray to the great spedit I 1 want I 1 i to 0 make imke pee pe 1 e w v th til one ano ario lax a 1 do not k t 1 i ant aut more I 1 luns 1 an it la 13 rt rut god gow rood rot kill it to inen men it i 4 not good 10 bi t aik ask a the gi eat fat sp t lor tor what it i want and it willo I 1 c e long iong S F t rt r 1 ahe e greab great sm S i it will bils blis bli bb s 9 vol vou wa arl ari you koll will wil I 1 ia I 1 t vate late the t i ith th and buld bulj ba id good goodal h i 1 pa like wl white ite men we A II 11 give you youl domett r t to 0 eat 1 i I 1 take fake a ke honie home v i ih t it you when the pro s 3 words w IP r ilter vitor meted to the ghi ebi they i cili it I 1 it was i 1 the chief asked liow flow allow ma inions it wol H I 1 be fie before the great mt wol woi t b ss hemr lie toia tola them bein inot kotae A g at tt many at it c coe close of P interview aph had an cv ex killed fr fir them i 1 thear wen wil wll oe ome aiji lii lil n Q c e horse a d I 1 they wel wei t home satis fie I 1 and conf copf coped coned need ahin abod 6 pmt amt p m t mud 1161 of iv iwa returned to her harlar eit cit wit th tb llo lions The n e company who hai bal been OB on expedition c r i board of her formed 11 i n a pro ou i and xi 1 n I 1 i lip p to my office wl wh pre th tha i armed aired a huu hum v lare lire and sent sect in a i to m As soon ai at I 1 had ind bid bliem lic liv elcome I 1 PI ei pl P 1 the window ot of my ray office and aad relf st ed abs tbs no ncy man imn would leave the grouns ground until I 1 bd spoke t to thim my bT breher fiher fiber hyrum and I 1 welt went into 11 1 1 olow tiow 1 I square and directed them not to allow ih ir ranks to be broken br olben I 1 1 hen then shook hands with each man nan blessing them arlitt weh ve coming oming them home I 1 the then n took off my hat and related tn to them how 1 1 was brought home to the midst of my friends and how I 1 regained my liberty I 1 feel by the spirit of the lord that if it I 1 had fallen irto your hands that you would either have me safe home or that we should all have died in a heap together at this time a well weil dressed man a stranger stran pr who had a cloak around him broke through the south bouth line of nf the ranks when the orderly sergeant took the strange man inan by the nape of the neck and kicked him outside the ranks telling him not to come in in again As soon as quiet was resumed continued L continued my address to the company about dusk I 1 dismissed the company blessing them in the name of the lord my brother hyrum then blest them also commending mending gr them for their diligence and attention to the instructions given by him before their departure the following is the tim report of their doings as reported by daniel M burbank sunday june 25 95 the brethren were col acting ough the night on the mald maid of iowa and commenced making preparations for the he trip all hands bands uniting in loading the boat with firewood about 8 am prest hyburn smith in in company with jude e adams came on board arid and instructed us to watch watell for the steamboats that may run up the illinois lots tots river river and if any persons wre were running brother joseph down the river under any pretext whatever as the amaranth had carried the news to missouri that joseph smith was wag going to be tried at ottowa and it had been reported that a company of men were ware i armed in st louis and had bad chartered a steamboat to rui up to 0 o ottowa there to seize joseph and kidnap him bim to missouri and if we such a boat we were to rescue joseph at all alf hag hai hazards ards and bring him to nauvoo lo resident president 11 avrum rum then blessed the company in the name of the lord and the little maid barted at 01 91 4 am down the Alissi mississippi lepi ippi river rivet with the following lowing persons persona oa m board viz dan jones captain of boa daniel first pilot dimick B huntington mate jonathan dunham Dunha cn captain of company george W langley lieutenant john taylor chaplain john M bernhisel sirgeo i john S higbee isaac higbee lucius N scovil enoch al king lewis dunbar wilson whitford G wilson bushrod W wilon john bair vair ben sylvester B stoddard james aikin elijah Ave averett reft levi W hancock william meeks calvin read robert G C moore alvi stewart urban V stev tarn Tart alien allen stoat stout I 1 welcome chapman william S yocum thomas briley henry J young james jamea worthington george IV thatcher 11 M alexander Hi bridge elbridge tuf tufts ta benjamin L clapp joseph C kingsbury King A young john fido john murdoch john lytle lytie thomas carl cari canico ico E J sabin daniel avory H B M jodey J F lane J 11 holmes 11 P palmer bel Bei benjamin beejamin lamin Jamin jones robert C egbert tarlton lewi leax R A allred J foutz H john biriba george W Ilose cran and about 25 others whose names are not at 9 0 pm she turned the of the bend and started up he the illinois river she aid did not hop eop stop I 1 until opposite diamond isle isis about 4 on tuesday morning where rethey they learned that the chicago belle had passed up the be illinois river the he dav day previous with a large company of men having a swivel gun on the forecastle forecast lir lip as chev said with the intention of taking Jeph joseph smith at all hazards and conveying hip him to Ms the li maid klaid next hailed at the erie brie landing five miles ole bove olp beardstown Beards Bearda town iown where they were told fold that the belle was twelve hours a hea bea headland dand i the lh company on board had left word that it the mald staid maid of iowa followed fol owed they would send the mormon boat and crew with jo smith to ta hell the people advised afi ail the company on an the th eMaid emald maid mald to ret return nril staid there here half an hour to take in wood and then continued cot coi tinned our journey Wednes wednesday dav 28 at an hour before daybreak passed pekin and the chicago belle aground in an island asand chue chule wilen anen she saw us coming she backed her stai board wheel and blocked up the thi i paP page paa pa gp ge i when ill ili the pilot of the maid came near be he topped his engine and hailed them hero with his bis speaking trumpet reque requesting stine a passage they ill iii inquired mired what who t boat is that and were told 4 th ihil M p ld lid of iowa they replied hyou you cannot pass and we will see vou all d d and in hell first the pilot saw a little opening in the willows of about 12 fee feet wide on her left and signalled signal led for the engineer to put on all steam and drove her I 1 I 1 through this aar ow channel and a small tow head about 15 rod the willows aown on each si side dewith wih the jar I 1 an and e the captain crying out al W the he time ston sten slop cp hea hei stop her tier for I 1 cods gods ake sake stop stop atop herl you will smash lle the lie bit att to piece pieces I 1 I 1 when the tho boat had headed round the belle ia airl i A was once rt more ore in deep water the stopped ii if elein and aked the captain what i the matter the captain wis w is 3 afraid and aid al god you will smash the boat to pieces arl ari was answered all is safe and we will jo 0 o ahead a head bead leaving the belle still aground in the channel then went to peoria about 10 mile mlle found jesse P harmon and alanson ripley iv who ho ati ail bad had all come from froin the horsemen with an art express iii ili instructing ting the he com company tany lany to proceed to ine iny mouth of fox river we ive took them on board and pro ceedee on our way Thurs thursday dav day 29 20 arrived at peru pern at 10 am there mt mot william F lan with an express from C C rich purporting that the company who had bad joseph in charge had started from F fox ox river for shoal destined to run ran him through the iowa territory hy by that route and then into info missouri as they had learned their war way by the lil ili illinois river was wag blocked up by the maid of iowa and for tor the boat and company to return to quincy and there await further orders we immediately turned round and on arriving at the month of spoon riven river landed ripley and harmon with instructions to pursue their journey by land to nauvoo about I 1 rpm pm again the chicago belie beile at the grand pass pas while they were wooding they hailed us to in inquire ire lre it if old jo was on board and were answered lilis is none of your youn business when another man on the hurricane deck of the belle beile shouted hurrah hurrah for old joe smith we continued contina ed our jour journey neV ney and again arrived at the mississippi at 9 0 pm p m la in rounding bounding oun ding to broke the tiller rope and came to an anchor reba reRa repaired ired the saul sani and then continued up the mississippi arrived at the island below quincy about 8 pm p m on friday when john jonathan dunham dan jones low george W langley and daniel al burbanks took the yawl and went lip to qui Q in cy CT to learn the te t e news 11 zee see if the there re x as a any they tiley found all pace race p ace then returned beturne d to the boat got lip up steam aud went up to Qui ricy ticy nc landing about midnight saturday y july 1 about 8 am a m left quincy after steaming about 8 miles S ine lne inov roberta roberts r and another messen messenger ger camp in in a sk sat T with a letter from hyrum saying that jo joeph joseph eph had bad arrived arnved in in nauvoo and wag was vas goine going to be tried before the municipal court couri and for us ui to hurry home as quick as possible ible on reaching keokuk the engineer benjamin orum who was not a member of the ch arch got lot dead drunk when the first pilot till tn ned engineer and the second pilot took the wheel and run the boat over the rapids to nauvoo 1 col returned from carthage in the evening evenly and arid reported ported that oil on his arri arii arii arri vinar vinz at cartage carthage be found that reynolds and ai d wilson had filed their affidavits hat that lie he markham had with armed force taken me out of their hands at the head of elleton elleston grove and that they bad had also got op up a petition which was wait signed b by v the inhabitants in i of carth carthage aind 3 nd sent t it tn to governor vord ford um b by I 1 the hands of T reynolds e y n 0 ids a and nd wili wil wll yli iii queuing requesting re I 1 him to raise a poss posse e c an 1 they would come to nauvoo Nati nali and take me they tiley were WP p to start by the mail early this morning and mai mii al ii i ham charn re quested jacob backenstos to so zo v with ith th the mail to gove governor anor ford and request him to suspend all proceedings until documents document be got to shew the true tate date of the cae case on going to the fage tage stage proprietor hp he engaged and paid for a passage for one man mar on their find finding ix who was going Rey nolia and ind wilson objected to him hm going and that wa accepted apted by the stage proprietor although hp he had received the passage money hp he theil therl hired a horel borel from rom mr Hamil hamilton toh tob for him to ride monday 31 3 I 1 directed the twelve apostles to call a special conference to choose rhoose elders to go into the different counties of illinois Illi noi nol to preach atle t the gospel and disabuse the public mind with regard to my arrest elders euers B youna 0 0 lide ilde P P A att jolin john taylor geo A smith wilford woodruff and willard richards met at the gove geoe with the til elders eiders eln Elv lerm lere and anil it was ivas decided that the die following eldech go on a special mission mission tn to the he following follow ng counties in in the state stale of illinois elijah reed and lesse jease hitchcock adams and pike salmon and jeremiah cult caiti i calhoun and jersey erastus erastos 11 derby orson hyde llyde anil and G J adams adama lee charles chariw 0 rich rim and harvey green la salle sille S ille ilie and de osia levi richards luther A jones and E robin sori on joe davies 11 john murdock vermillion daniel darnel avery zebedee ceedee coltrin cop Cof trin McDo noreh truman gillet benjanin benjamin Ben janin jaoin B own on ard ard jesse W V crae Cram crosby byr bir cook graham griham coloria Col coi trin trio fukon fallon john L butler hamilton david lewis aasne walne james janis twist burean bureau 0 3 P dykes and alid samuel biown blown st S clair pardon webb will E hl webb grundy simeon dunn waren war en 11 8 eldredge mason thomas dobson tazwell cyrtis cyrus canfield menard I 1 jared carter morgan saintel sain iel tel iame jamp mid wid J C W i ott tt luman 11 calkins IV hite J al king mercer 41 ercer daniel pamel allen ailen rock island laland U C Ni nickerson ekerson henry alfird biown P tam pi d ly M n abel butterfield and J 11 vanatta winnebago william nelson iroquois samuel Ri russell boone levi stewart franklin i liam ivam meeks W B bidiuk and george n sangamon jacob wiley edwaed Ed waid willirm Wil wll hams hamP S cvet stark slark al F bartlett and melvin melvln wilbur bond john outhouse alexander cheney G van dal dam brown james carroll carroi carrot Car roil roii david jone fayette john lowry lawry munro urban V stewart williamson james dic Alc Fate montc MontA montgomery omery 1 L 0 Litile littlefield field clinton elisha H groves madison theodore curtis curti cass samuel abele Jeu Jef fierson erson james hale washington george W thatcher and J tin A Freo free F rei ref uc ws Hanco hancock cb jacob H bitterfield henderon hender on george liddah clay james al M din aiu D e crawford ezra chae chap L C 1 lobs l s jesse chase ch se eidar eizar L nar lar amos lowell cirk clrk ci irk jhn miller W william martin Christi christain in reuben pa khu sr st de witt jihn J hn keele keple pl IV v george IV L irly iry johnon jmes imes jamesm ar hendri son ton ga I 1 I 1 e n james junes W cummings randolph jhn J hn workman shelby ea eljah jah fordham im knox rge W P lit wit and john peair PC r a brigham NG mir vir H R C eric about noon gen gin gi gun n C C rh R h with 25 raa raw returned formed a quare square in in f 0 of my hn ho am an sting sung a new so 01 agn I 1 went ett eli c shok sho gho k h i with w th erch each maiv ill ili i A I 1 and anti bet bt be t 11 I 1 k nn lil iti t oie ole p i 1 tr n of the tho lord the thi fol foi f lowin is iq a i oi t of ti h i CX r tle tie it at left the on mi n boda e campana cam and staiti stait i from al qi e v s ania M ii i i I 1 a a on Al mon alonda onla onia 1 n lle ile he rie rf of J eli ell e ir im iv cm command mand of gei gel rich R ch as flo fio filo v C C 1 hoa hosa stout jol jo i pac ti tun u n R B w J tn it n if 3 W |