Show I 1 cat cut cutoff mr I 1 elijah waff ef the alth I 1 ith dioris Q torin ot ut IS 1 I ilk iii condret W llo ilo BOOTH clerfa i nevy neur NEW neu reform ere ESc forni aid and aay your DT debrs dehrs obis ebis g twill inose hose ROSE persons that are indebted to I 1 a am nixon ane are requested to t cai cat and dettla delay hanry hanby lla lia erx W agent LOST iose fn an I yin ryn IN the and end 2nd dakof day of october t about SS I 1 bibs of GRAY grat POLLS ROLLS they were laying n nik nih tim road between big cottonwood bridge and cordall font ford those who have taken them away will return thern them to josph sos jos ph ll arker west jordan or at the post lumc lumo 4 ii AnKEr arker A eill clit clance chance ince inco for TF F the person pason who took up or drove 1 ngu ngn KHU the tho rane ewo evo west stop of jordan oa 09 MB tn ja or august ast list a while waite WW ear cropped the right supposed ft a tha i k 1 e tolu toia ebby etoy a azle arzie when calt calf ho no br brn bra ridi hads s ww alv give info information nation where II 11 I 1 can fand find her I 1 abail be bw ni or if it he lie cho chloras ogas orAs tho tio tia co cow ow w CAU be rewired required reU rem ired to me m iju lii the thie ith itu au ward a d tag t ad ve her and a ajust just 40 1 E B S V I 1 til i D abold A YOKE of STEERS fliter years oid old oum ia 1 of a rox fox x color with hea bad 1 and sud face wint the other is a dark dirk d irk red on twe the leit lift hip ip fall FA hlll 1111 anil antl cn on tore foie ilou liou Ider lder oli I 1 they were la lat lait t seen been west of black ahei wk any person lum KUM of lt it ithee tb oxen to Willi aih dib howard shat e 13 BG eralI r rw w warded warde 1 11 aa MT STE WA A KT PT ct fiti toy Y the subscriber at fort fori Herriman one ore red two year oid old with a young ayoung artir ir gir tir lf branle branie on each hip but not visible jie jle jle xie ilas lias a crois cri crr and gilt slit in the he ear alij ap andr blan left lett white antar annar hr her h r waite en her anol and soine toine on her iller her mud vaud 1098 logs while white up to ber ben hocks hecks and anil tavo to t o white ois is lc JV be tip tir race face some white in n iker iter taw tau tilo tile ti owner Is to prove pro prop property efty pay par charges and t ilef lief w po 2 ff 6 oie ole OI 01 STRAYED S fa ROM the tile herd ground of ot HORNER A a three throe hr year yer to hate have a cinn cairs branded F 0 on hett left heft Us lip and L I 1 J on left horn some somme white on an tift tilt horns horas a A ll bertl beril reward Is offered for faer haer decow y or ingerma llon don that ia w I 1 14 39 2 abri jaak GO LM golm GOLD ylie TIIE 11 HE subscriber wishes all those givlio 3 are indebted 10 him aher by to call pay day cp up in b ei ldes prem ibes for the ibe following reasons int lat lie need needs abbet an fn besides and has bat as many on hand hanel a ug he can or 2nd and Prom loes 8 will not pay the debts due doe him i 3rd ard ue ile ibbe ight to be honest benest and pay his hla own eth A word ta the 1 40 3 J B ili lii L ado yinto unto 0 is you would git gih icat at i they do unto you yon afinder A LL persons indebted to jennings A winder are requested to call and settle onnor b S wc lii lit ith irh t and allany claims anem S and that we may commence 1867 1667 anew windelt winder NB INA IN inn A beeves lreeves killed and dressed at 1 per head or pay 1 and take the hide aou eon lintott iii lii kott tott skag ab and leather tor for green oil oli 11 jle hi H i pine bark and grain 7 caas eaas CA ai ine ane oin NE red and white CONJ cony a hite bite spot Y in the face AA in fl est esh under brt bit tanu lanu ariu aria in the left wilb wilh I 1 a cath ih aud le and hitt tilt ghe she sli cli has a calf since I 1 one grayish greyish 0 ir W dit pit ji i sin fin white on the balk and under t grup 3 of the left ear one red and white spotted dow COW tej lej Byear 3 jimr jar om boti ears cam off halt hilt way brinan on we the right tight mir kir xu rk rech en on lufe lefe lefe lufi horn j one oae red pt two iwo rear tear old oid pat P mba boff r left ar under lopezn on ae V tehi gaz oue one two 37 tra t dra ild iid exar 0 brandle r L rand ra T en in the left hip oue ode two year ear old ol 01 id ferl side sides line lifie t back nhu jkelly belly beily tall and threet 3 one abita L a C 0 red rud ears dappled aides sides g one potted oy rv white faor fay fat ired red eed ru W the thi e eye tall hait lait white aln e udler uller liepe filepe in ib ih teti ieti F 4 0 our w suan red i ian uan ar two t boies boles I 1 in n U i it near oear we ime late r E tho the owners are arc to as i aln in and m to too tog G S L dinst gmt JOHN LANGSTON pound ketner tle the he yath 1501 noram of severities seventies I 1 will wiil meet at the 1011 illi sa a of alfred and ia la the ielli h ward on the arl of jan next at 6 ocl oci ocl oci pm prompt atter dance Is at a distance ara aro requited ed to a a e y lor lot ter iligir r 01 locations ac lae fail quorum 41 at the sama samo time ani and aud place ilare i tace lare on the of every month mouth S SI I 1 A ea EON X A degg JOUN JOHN oakler cimmie predda in the tho ard erd id Q lorum of ssi Sai has bas leat iett tuu thu cownty county and ard gone kone t cai hayno harno teg ter himelr to hip nie qu qui tun iun it IV ww DW vel vei by amr fp rondel condel by br ajax ander MM and aried I 1 lal bal LA lat a t the fellowship b from tam WILLIAM clerk ag C 9 L atty caty dc dec 6 1866 1863 above abote was sanctioned by the tto nf of the general of or seven Ms hll hil ft abe cwm n ettes S council il afir th ng dg 06 ism 1856 ROBT ILOR T rt 6 S L city chhy bek bete 5 1856 clerk |