Show the tea eel table I 1 well weil air sir I 1 can cah take care of im self seif said duzell julia ia pellow to her husband as they were mere taking tita t together in lit their little e I 1 arlor olie one delightful bummer cummer afternoon aist jilt J st at that thit moment and while the he word words s ne ei 1 i yet on her hier tongue the door opened and lali miss is polly gaw entered the room on one of hel bel il ving living afternoon visits julia could not a oid old coloring donna ill up baittle iA ittle ittie at this sudden intrusion 0 n ad i a miss gaw gas evidently saw baw aw or suspected s bhe she he had h id dropped in at a moment when her company was wab as not the most desirable de llo Ho however wever weier ahe abe got herself seated and entertained her ber good rood neighbor bor with a history bictory about three hours longob long iong of the home of or every family ia in the neighborhood there was a minute and detail detailed el account of mr we dis party with a list of ell who were not invited among ng whom she anva as 9 careful calef til ill to mention hat that julia waa was one then tilen the progress of the courtships court ships in the country the tilo domestic s squabbles qu abbles of her aee ace in tance the til scandals bf the week the motions of the old widower who lived on the appleby farm betokening ail an approaching upion union with the squires daughter and who were jealous thereat aid ai ald d a hundred other topics equally interesting and profitable were spread out on ac the carpet mr pello pell had made his escape as soon as heya heia roee rooe from the table and aliss miss polly did not fatt fait to comment largely on the savage unsociability of husbands insisting they were as restless and unhappy in the mari mart marriage lage tage noose as I 1 caged aged u up I 1 ta tigers i V re and instancing hovi honn gay and young t mg and spruce they immediately bec bee became ame on losing their wives wises 2 kindly and most must sympathetically adding if you von were to drop off my dear julia mr would in in ten days b be the most moat pleasant basant and a agreeable man in in the village 31 After enjoying enjoying I 1 he herself itself and entertaining juita thus de delightfully lightf illy u until tl it began to grow ow late rid sid she gathered up her knitting and s sallied out t to make a call or two more before she went home mr and hir air s pellow fellow were young and had baa been married but about a year and were mutually as baja happy y in in their union as love and it n tue and Q similar I 1 ar tastes and dispo dispositions irions could make them P he e was engaged in in a business I 1 which with industry and good management I 1 yielded him a genteel living allvin he embarked emb amb irked in in it however without capital ot of his own but julia iad lad had a considerable amount of property 1 which though tire the principal rin cipal was waa not under her I 1 control afforded anasis a babis basis upon which her husband was enabled to gain the credit necessary in his business and he be had done so this ibis amiable family had hall nu numerous meroni relatives and aind acquaintances were looked upon by the goodard koo goo good dand and sensible part of the neighborhood nela ilbo libo as patterns patterns of virtue and were generally genei genel aily ally much beloved beloved and admired the visit of their f friend nerd miss polly was forgotten in in a day or two bul buc things began vegan before long iong I 1 to wear weir rather rither a strange aspect time alder aider time airs mrs pellow fellow observed that her visitors who began to be much more wlm wim numerous erous than before put on long faces fares and in a condoling strain lectured on the trials of the marriage ria 9 e state the necessity of forbearance and the exercise of christian patience mingled with sundry hints about the sovereign rights of the sex and the best method of managing man aing unruly husbands with now and then a half halt expressed S sympathetic apathetic mpa pity for her she could not for ier her ter life understand this meant aid alid ald attributed it to e ever ery cry cause but thi the right i cne nor was mr pellow pel pei low to escape this new and to him unaccountable change of the current of feeling among his neighbors towards them the first symptom he saw siw ws s a coldness an and d shyness on the part of hs h q cifes relations some of them e even en refusing to speak to him the ile female part of his acquaintance scolded at him and what was worse he thought his bis customers began to neglect him day by day it grew worse at last his bis creditors began egan to he was alarmed jie had hat neve never r before elish aen fen en asked for moneys money his bit credit had been perfect lie he wondered and waited the issue it came in half a dozen prosecutions judean en ts and executions I 1 w 9 r t w i 1 0 r As these s N f ii lit pi p 1 ii sh 4 h ed to be in ute utter 1 did ad to mey ley i tin tit i 11 i v N ith perfect te incredulity being scarcely jill to believe belleve liev llev the evidence of his hia benges senses now le be demanded I 1 ca i i ii i treatment and with i ir J i 1 11 ti 11 I 1 ik 1 d that it arose from be I 1 iiii hd Appy A IV S about to take place beti beave een n lii ili him in and it id el ile lie deman demanded led the althor of the stor story an iii 1 i was wab refined ed to an old g gentleman e rit leman ieman who had bad t tn i 1 his informer the old oid 0 1 d man gave ave his wife hib hie wife her neighbors NN map mop ze J th tale taie was traced down through alo alb d ou U it i i r i 1 twenty growing rather less 19 1 9 ct t i tuti it caiato calato miss polly gaw she h n med that A b heard keerl mr din mir pellow fellow and his iii lii in lit a violent quarrel and i even ilca lica heald 1 I a affirm affirmation suto adio on oil her ber part that ab bhe she e w 0 1 1 I leave ii laiu ilta it i mr pellow pel pei ow now dow lit ht upon an ex expedient adient to ing matters matteri to a clos close at once lre lye he invited I 1 such of lis his its and hs cifes relatives his i ins hig ere cre creditor titor ac as aa were within j li s reach to meet at h lis ils i honse house on business by einess of tile ire utmost about twenty asi i b ambled a atno ainu I 1 n 0 g ithem them INT ma a gaw and half a I t dzen of the principal mouth pieces in the v liage ilage I 1 lie he then stated sti ed to them thom his briness bi siness rec anted the tho ries he be lini heard traced them rit ril I 1 down to ll 11 th ir origin demari lied of miss P liy ily lly her for the ibe she bhe had I 1 11 I 1 i leed cornered so and 9 sid bid denly she i candidly conah ed that ehat tiie the only fou fon foundation dation for I 1 she ti 11 LI tid lid was that en on the afternoon she had pill pait ii i i visit fi hil hll i mentioned ned nod she had i liard hard as she sile i mi M 1 i pellow pellom say well I 1 1 sir I 1 can tai tik care of myself and she shed to ko LLO 7 if julia pellow would deny ils inis julia rep replied ihil akil ikil f fhe be fhe donld bidd not she barbecued barba cued apal apai d pair r of fil iii i quai quails Is for her bu husbands sands sup I 1 r and hid had L b n helpin him to a choice bit ile tir kad lad had preg breid ed lier to k ki rp it be berela relf reif saying slie she was too t L 14 i and kin sin it did on the occa occasion siou u ier ler er the oil oti ii ve woi wol ds wen woh sir ican take icare care of my act net J A burst of succeeded miss ran out i t f the room like a woman who hd had lost her hor r les leb ies i the worthy cm uple aple le received rec ived the congratulations eions tic rig of all til anest honest people present and though the arnes es prete lied leed sied to be 3 9 ad the tha truth had rne me ine out it was with N R it a grace th ali it but hali half sorro sorrow w there I 1 er not n ot a s si 1 il l ibie ible was i ver lisped about the b before e fore much ti ta lied of but thur thus it i gentle rm rader ider iler that one half c ct f the tej stories ls originate and who N uld thlik th til ee i were s lil lii ill as man mad many y ready t to believe theiu and trumpet them about as tl tire there re were in lit Aies alesbury bury ii lit polly gaws time |