Show ADVANT AGIt or OF M awell i known metropolitan printer uter once told ns us that on oil one occasion an old woman from tile the coll coli country dame into his hid printing office with ith au an old uld bible in i her tier hand blind I 1 want said she that you should print it over I 1 again its gettin getlin a lettle blurred ort urt ol 01 0 p and my eye eyes what they was how much dp you ax i fifty cents I 1 can you have it done don in half an hour wis wish you would want to be gettin getlin home live a good out uit tit of town when the old lady idy went out he lie sent split round to the office ofte of the Ameri amerl american can cun bible society and pur puri 1 chased a copy for fifty cents leory forsakes bakes sakes a masay massy exclaimed the tile old lady chork she cume came to look at it how good youve bouve fixed il t ena most as good as new I 1 never see ee aily ally thin so curious as that priti till is |