Show indin lewber lember and dititta parchal percle li WILL vv ILL the brethren bring their worn T 7 out india rubber shoes thoe gutta percha bet and such uch ucb ilk like lika to the tithing offices office and receive pay on ou tithing WB we want themas as soon foon as poh pot possible isible jk 4 P D 11 II WELLS TEETH I 1 WE teetai IV WK K AITKIN surgeon dentist V T late from Edin edinburgh burghi burghl scotland offers Ms ids kofes lonal servi services cei to those who may r ri qu quire lre ire them and feels confident con alent from his long experience kiil bril ul machol koawl edge fdge in every department of demal dewal dini dihl nr r 1 that ha tie can kive give entire satisfaction to hia his patr pair natron patron rif the perfection or of his bis combined with bis his own ow n suii kill in the me use of thom them guarantee almost painless rainless operations in n the most caws cams teeth childrens teeth deci tee teeth sto pyol ac e ac charges moderate mode modi rate at jarels iba general trading store score 33 23 3 2 pay your city lix asid save s ave cost c c st ALL LL persons interested are especially especial y rib rit Maed that thet I 1 am ready to receive city cry taxes at my offley ofia cie fie duct b ba paid on or before the day of sep ory ony wili will be with cost cott bofty county orders order flour and grain will be tai tor for tax tas tg J C LITTLE city Co collector connector office at resilience residence in irth ward if T B I 1 trave been lenient heretofore with the collection in of the biard biord trues lines but will positively col lma ift all in indebtedness thia this fall the tax as notice notices are forwarded to the bishops of the several they ara zia X ed to dis kibwe BUSINESS NOTICES lle ICE REMOVAL GREER has removed JOHN y eagle mansion corner of state stale road and emiera tiou street streety and will continue to manufacture jeans plaidy lansey weave to arlera orter or ter ler manufacture on slid fild and change exchange ex for wooly wool wooi cheats wheat floury flour corny corn potatoes buttery butter ac 33 3 NOTICE LL concerned will take notice that i a ALL aa a SPECIAL SESSION of the county court for G S L county will be held heid in ae Council house houge in G S L city on the day of november neaty next commencing at 10 am 33 2 J W cumminns county clerk NOTICE NOTICE antion OTICE is hereby given that a petition will be presenta resented at the he special tf cf we lue county court for great sait salt lake county to be held on saturday Sa turdy the day of november next nest for the privilege of making a dam elam in jordan river at a point between the hous houst of george allen alien and the upper elid end of the robinson farray tarra farra for fir the purpose of taking out water to irrigate the land ou on the wust ast bide of the 33 2 livingston RINKE kinkead ril KIi nead KEAD AD CO coy 2 W WOULD respectfully notify their friends and the citizens in lit general throughout the thi territory who are arc in want or staple and goda groceries nall nail glass glam oils oli paints ac ac that their train of ag heavily loaded wagons Is at hand and ani bringing all ail allot of the above with many other othir r desirable articles of merchandize merchandise dize suitable to the wants of the people and which have ben selected more expressly to meet the demands of fit the marketa market than with any re rete fenc tenc rence e 1 to c cost 0 b or 21 3 am NEW GOODS IF E EVI evl I 1 STEWART CO would res J ils als pec trolly roily announce to the citizens throughout utah Terri territory torr thai that their far fir airty first ty second and third trains of NEW AND STAPLE DRY dlly GOODS GROCERIES OILS PAINTS NAILS GLASS hats lists and caps bots byots riots and anil shoes ac have just arrived and are now opened and for sale at silt salt lake cily city and provo all who are in want of the above articles will find it to their advantage to give us a call berei before purchasing elsewhere as our stock block was bought at low rates and ami expressly to meet the demands of the market N B all persons indebted to the late firmy fann aann will please c call all ail an and settle heir their accounts and save costs wheat tand and flour will be received in payment 30 tf L S CO duming CUMING nghe undersigned undersigner under signed 0 have established a JL JL llero lierd GROUND in rush valley and are pre par I 1 to take stock to herd and we feel frel confident in saying that the range ranse Is equal to any la in the territory the vast amount of stock stocke lost heretofore through the negligence of herdsmen and the severity verity sr of the weather in other valleys has induced ns us to locate said herd ground and enter into ohp bunness business of herding for the benefit of the people maid said valley having proved the test and safest surest ronge range r axe for stock the past winter whiter there was in to the territory and we shall hold ourselves re responsible to parties partie for all ail loses looses through our neglect of stock placed in our charp chary the convenient location of said valley to fi S L citi city will enable us to receive stock en on the and 31 Mn mondays dats of each month at the tho he pound la in said city we will also be prepared to receive stock on monday mondays dinst WILFORD CLAUDIUS V sprncer SPENCER oer JESSE C LITTLE i J W Cini Cuso lINGS R 11 II PORTER i X KB xii 13 the company ilera brand la Is S on left side sat LOST STRAYED 9 ac STRAYED oil oll stollen STOIN FROM prom the premises of the subscriber ward one dark brown fony eony branded S ou the leit irk hip and has lias a brand on the letl lett hualmer s ca tb 3 whoever will give information shall shail bell heil be be rally raily rewarded johs JOHN COTTAM igla ward LOST sosa ABOUT bour six weeks ago between the eber and a carved SILVER from irom the cap of a c cd triage wheel information that will ill lead to the of the ibe same pame ameto to chancey channy IV west 0 ogden osden dan city will be rewarded warded esl cil 33 3 LOST r nehe I 1 HE subscriber during his absence ji from irom his reI rel residence dence at utah county losa a pair of sliver silver mounted spectacles enclosed in a tin cas tile the end of the mountings Is cut off tr if the finder will return them to the subscriber he be rhall receive two dollars on the delivery as a reward rew artly ani awl receive the thanks ol 01 33 2 AARON JOHNSON jonnson FOR fon SALE ahalt FARM in G S L city one and hait halt miles alleq fr arm orm m temple block on the east bank ot of conlan river consisting of 38 acres of ladd land with a house and well atta attached c hed bed for f urther further particulars enquire of R n H porter weber river or to G B WA LACE 17 th ward wois FOSS SALE SAIE DART kant lart of a city lot 6 rods front in r 5 great salt lake cit city ward wani 2 mocks hocks west wet of tabernacle til bernicie also alm a five acre laj it 2 miles souto east of the be council house will take for pay work cattich cattie cattle cows C ash cath wheat store cooil ac for part colars call on thomas day pay ward or 25 ah W W BIG fea ama farmington F eon FOR 0 U S SALE sane A LE abend A FARM lying between the county and terri territorial tortal roalia roads on both add mra mrs s of littie little co cot tonai oti oci ome come 10 nille tolles south mch nuh of or the eity city contafi ning acra of axce lent fanning farming land which will be sold entire or ID i lots to tomtit suit kuit purchasers pw chir chy arti h arrain rafn cattle or hows tialen in payment 0 of the subscriber or oz the premises pre mis 23 tt tf JOTIN jonn V W TO capitalists CAPITA az OTHERS TO e 10 be sold oid old ali ail all ill that truly valuable B newly erected well and ant substantially laly ialy built dwelling I 1 ilonse alonse se and store known ai as parvis JARVIS jAfe vis GENERAL TRADING STORE situate 2 blocks west of temple tempie block blk first tae rae rate premises and dign either for tor or private real dence also a good gd furm with arwe and and all necessary arming farming implement the tile above art prients a rare opportunity for fon any an gentleman po hessed of the necessary means ot of for further apply to 33 1 J JARVIS eddin eddi tons naif half FOR SALE WANTED at the desei DESE 14 i RET ilet STORE immediately after the fair and during conference con terence ference flannels jeans cloths claths Clot ciot lisy ilsy alln sey blankets tarn carpeting boots shoes leather leathery HATS CAPS ac t ii 53 persons contributing to the fairy fairs fair fain and wis wishing hing to leave their arnvid artl arti l ri on the premises for sale will please notify W gmills G mills the receiving clerk accordingly IMPORTANT REMOVAL FARMERS QUIT SELLING YOUR WHEAT AT 81 PER BUSHEL I 1 IN N consequence of the premises now occupied by W on ot est fist fast east temple st behig taing toos tons too ton small malland mailand and in order orden to mert meet interest in ot of the agricultural in Sa cleties together with the requirements of the people W ehas E hs obtained the grant ta to open ali att that extensive rane rang e of building known as the DESERET STORE immediately after tho the fair and which building will be hereafter designated the DESERET stort STORE AND E EXCHANGE FOR iii lii gome HOME lil ill E manufactures etere all kinds of PRODUCE P R 0 D UCE AND HOME HAVE manufactured GOODS will be received for sala and exchange manufacturers take courage all you want Is a market for the products of yon you labor fanner farmers be wise watch the spirit of the prophet Prop bely belp keep bli hl counsel conniel and exclia exchange nwe your yow grain for horre botre tures only except suca such in artices as have wi not as yet been manufactured in the terrt Terri territory and to meet those a stock of states goods of a cert certain liin itin class will be kept on hand band for a time it would be ridiculous to mention what class of home manlif altures will be required for sale saley or what quantity for the fact facets as we want every article fram from a mouse trap trap to a steam engine and the quantity unlimited G good fat beet beef taken in in exchange changa ex for goods the cattle are wanted in order to procure fat rat for the iha soap snap factory fact ory ort holders of stock wont you asset in this important banch of biome manufacture dome some have lave prophesied aphes ed you will wui not I 1 say sav you will for there are yet many righteous mm men in irael israel endeavor Endea or to communicate with me and maie make your arrangements as early as possible 28 am W E manufacture manufacturers lis its J I 1 hev HEY WOOD HAT M cap and muff manufacturer d S L olly oily continues coni inuss to keep BD on hand band the choicer te assort inen ts of artiel articles in the above brin brancher ches cher suitable to the wants wanta ol 01 the tho for which he will receive r e la in exchange all ol 01 iura tura gral kril and aad ac tire fire wood woodi home manufactures tit blog orders ort ori lerg ierg wr ten rit orial county and anif city cily scrip 33 ara gim S YOUNG S ag saddle saddie addle addie bridle and Il harness arness manufacturer would inform the pubic thy th I y continue 4 at their old oll door ol 01 council bouce house noure in tit basem basement mt work done well and anti charges reasonable 30 NEW Coo COOPER dior dion shoe SHOP REMOVAL mas was ABEL LAMB has now hi hl shop on west eit eat temple streety street one door smith south of or C 5 IT 11 tin shop directly opposite townsends Town sends iong long row where he will make to or dar drand d rand and keep on lka lia annil rid barda tubs eeg erg wah wali tub tubs pail q churns a aal nd every other r art cle in I 1 n the line of I 1 will all kinds of gonn conn try tny produce store ply cat cal caell ll I 1 to sell adl cooper ware cheaper than it has baa usually been swid in this valley vailey 29 am haw HAT THE subscriber has established the A isao above business on his premises in the fifth ward one block north of tempie temple block G S L city whore be Is prepared to execute orders for tor or uch such ucb qualities and styles as may be retired de hired tired J L WANTED in exclia nee for otter beaver wolf musket musset fox pox and mink slink pelts pelt ALSO firewood datter batter egg rort port lard lardy wheat lumber etc iff lt aln OSSI OILS OILS OILS lalit THOMAS will pay 1 B BLAIR blain per buthel for castor oil bea bean or will titre on sharps shares our oar oil tok took the first prize at the stae srab fair fain anti antl ani Is 1 pronounced by our ow tanners good for ailor leat it liei livi and we warrant it ir for lighta the hair fin yin anil all ali lubricating purposes pur poes and we have proven by experiment exper imi nl that one pini pint ol 01 oun our oil Is sufficient to grease of woo wool mool ready for carding ca nil nii anz bring your beans forthwith forth ath to our oar m manufactory anu factory in the ward danl 11 S 01 01 1 in exchange for produce ot of every kini uini and the chea cheapest pest ever this market 32 1 4 SOAP T g lie lle lie undersigned undersigner under signed are now engaged T j in the manu mann manufacture facture of this useful pre y to the exten extensive sive sire production nt of ether ar arlel lela of corral and have now on hal ham ani anti ot of GOOD SOAP I 1 AT 33 35 CENTS PER BAR ilyn which we are ablin la to exchange tor fot tallow tatlow suet larl lari nutter butter oil oli ai in n the th olty jt at the house leitte li itte umme of we W C Sr alnes alnee or atlee atthe sugar corkil wit 0 3 J V VV vernm KnON 11 25 3 n WM FRANCE save your T tailors bills fohn rohn EVANS tailor and Scour scourer ers ery ej jf rp offers otters his ser ier services vices to the citizens of 0 3 L city and vicinity from const tn in tiie tire above branches he hopes to give elve entire entime satish act iori lori laities latties lar Lai tips ties cashmere or woollen ladled and genfi bentle mens mews cloaks coats coals kr c cleaned in the mott mott moi t approved style tai Tal tailoring loring and anti cutting on reasonable term come and see ser one door north ot of tta tin tore store 27 ena 2 godbe quarter OF WITH a large and complete assortment of the graffenberg Gra Gw efenberg fenbers conion tar far famed tamed FAMILY REMEDIES the increasing demand for fur which having baving considerable sid erable increase I 1 in this seasons purchase also alo a vast variety of B and other everyday every day necessaries fit lit the medical lint with many miny of which the territory has hillier to been but meagerly meager lv d and others almog altogether ther overlooked by ger get iral dealers dr alers W S G has asu aso made a lai lal laike ge purchase of GLASS PAINTS OILS and a selection of CHOICE LIQUORS WINES and CORDIALS CORIALS CORD D mgt of the h first quality for medicinal purposes with an et extensive variety of s an and other dother goods usefull and tancy lancy which you must call and see sie for your seve selves the soan soda r still flows cool ziya kiya ana and as zis ever the are recommended mended to the inform Marhall marchalls Ma rhalls ls uterine dr libby pile ointment t Consumptive ls balm vegetable pins health bitters fever and ague remedy eye lotion lotton green mountain ointment children panacea sarsaparilla compound como coro pound jound of health 9 s quarter TIN win AND fag nove KOVE dapo JL r EQ C J whitehouse donld respectfully an to b his bis friends frien ls and the public generally that he has opened reopened re in hib hla bosi bosl busine business ness nets s on east tt tropie trople mple street opposite townsend where lie off omm rs to supply every eve article in his line on the most reasonable term lie he also tenders thanks tor for the libera patronage heretofore received and would inform uie tite public that be he hason has on hanu for saie sale a large arid anil splendid assortment of 0 COPPER TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE also brass and japa Japp japanned J panned nned wre together alth with a large quantity |