Show A avd AND ad LIBERAL ASSI assistance in iti to the tilo lege number of men nien avd and ai d teams ami and the llie liberal a huou nt of flour a ta I 1 clothing already forwarded to aj ail tim the immigration yet 01 oi 0 i tile the plains pigs ill in obedience to the tho cail cill of the first pr sid nicy on the tile many more mor feare frare atre tire waiving their previous arrangements for alie tile the w inter filter and starting at tit the word with their teams furi furl foric and more clothing for the destitute would not the w word ord like lo 10 know upon what principle men forsake at a moments tile tiie pursuit of their ludia individual bidual 1 lins hns and freely and alid chee cheerfully rully go forth to aid their brethren incurring much hardship nce nee expense and pecan cundry ry less it it Is it simply because they are influenced fluen ced by the split sprit of the almighty abin alln gaty which cause causes then to listen to the tiie counsels of 11 his hib is servants and 1 ve religion whereby t they thes are enabled to rightly tightly esteem aud and u use nce aie the blessings 1 of this tills cimelli melli ti liine iu view of the tile re recompense of reward we do not often institute comparisons I 1 but out among what other people cana can a person find so bo much actual practical benevolence and charity and andio so much planning and expenditure for the comfort of the and needy especially when wilen the difference ili iu baci facilities and means is taken ito to the account |