Show WASHING FINE WOOLEN ARTICLES tiia th gall of oxen and cows hawseen used from time tima imme immemorial morl mori al for removing ing grease and dirt from fine woolen goods of delicate colors its action is the same as soap in while it is almost inert regarding the colors in the hands bands of skillful skill ful fal persons however boap soap is just as safe and is more plea piea pleasa pleasant ot to usg use because the gall has an offensive odor to use the gall it should be mixed with just jost as much rainwater rain water as will allow the woolen artig artic articles les ies to be squeezed and had bad bandied handled died freel freal freily freely A it requires c considerable onside rable rabie handlin the articie article in the liquor before the gall acts acta thoroughly thorough IU li after the dirt and grease are demov removed the dress shawl or whatever it efty be that i is washed in it should bo be thoroughly rinsed in clean soft water it will take three or four fresh supplies of water to remove all traces of t the h e gall from the goods and none must be left in 0 on n account of its offensive smell this is a very safe process of washing ane fine woolen articles of light green blue and various other delicate colo coio colors r a C childrens if il drens dresses of fine merino cloth may be safely washed in this manner one gall will trill suffice for a small dress dreas another plan and a better one for wash washing in r fine articles of dress is to disso dissolve ive lve same some nipe nipa nia nna a soap in hot water and allow it to become quite cold then wash wasll the article in this thib taking care not to rub it violently the should be ye quite 1 ite strong or the soap will be I 1 by the grease in the article articie to be washed the suds ends must be thoroughly rinsed out ont of the articles in cold soft water scented soap is the tha best beet to use for such delicate operations because it imparts an agreeable perfume to tha article of dress washed trashed another r process for washing fine oc of delicate colors is to take some wheat tran about two quarts for a ladys dress and boil it for half an hour in some soft mft wrate watery rf then allow it to cool strain the liquor and if im it as a substitute for soap suds it removes dirt like soap is inert re girding the colors and requires to he be rinsed on out in vj e c clean lea iea n wat water ar and starching is unnecessary thi this thia is I 1 is 8 ta the best method of washing fine mullins muslins and MY cali call coes boes A great number of beautiful dreares are often spoiled in washing by the discharge of their colors from the use of warm sum suds in all cases the suds and ains rinsing water for colored cio lored articles of dress dresa should i be used as cold as possible scientific american |