Show FURTHER REMARKS by president Brig hain toung young bowery cowry reported BV BY G 1 D WATT I 1 wish to say to the brethren as many as are here today to day ilay who come across the plains with the hand band carts ai I 1 ia ai i I 1 if feel pei pel 0 to o bless blas you and you may be sure hat lat lat you have my nay best fee feelings lingi all itie ilia time while brogli brothen brother r E 1 worth was speaking about the split it a aid id the ilse splits si it its that were around theno them the ibe pint ciril that he seemed to have to contend with ami and lle ile lie the spirit I 1 at the people had lo 10 contend with I 1 wanted to tei te tel i oi on ip ecret secret hiie while hile those brethren and sisters were faltering 11 and iii ili did lit not know whether to strip ot po go a iong iong long there was faith in in this i valley alley th it t blind them to that journey and ahe y were to pei rei form it they could not heip help it who bad that faith tile the people heica hei hel c k d the spit it of the lord was all tile the time tir g lil bifid w mid arid the I 1 ilet liei tel iel hren hiren who ho led ltd led them they wi w i e 9 many are now they were prompted to aas a s timy iid ild lid they could not do 10 ele eie i i P god goi woul wl I 1 I 1 not let them do anthi r els eb tie hlo bio thren and cind sisters caine came across the pi duie auie they could not stay that is the he secret r L ip trl tri wernent bit let the devil deni have his bis will ill lil i u i do lio you vou suppose that any adv of them aoud h e ci coi ased ed the plaid plaint no not n t a person ever evel woi wot v f ive artie ve start stait td but they did start nid and ni aid d the they v i T fx i med mcd tile he journey we aie zie do ii u i ej put many I lings and joseph jospph d d a gren grea in v tn tw ie because the pint sahit of the llie lord ptiip poi ip ii i t do them as it prompted hi him in joeph joeph co ild lid i uit hit anything nit hil hii elte eite irle flie irie irl e than what he did didat it i ittie lttie tre tte il m w h us luil sill the time theford the lord prom prompted pled d the thi I 1 1 icart cart c ft comp companies arlies all alt the time in tile llie t of a 1 P l i c r to prepare f for tor or antl anti slit t I 1 and they only had fa fath thairl and power f 1 lie day and arid on the morrow it seemed a tbt thi h ie ip i 1 iley hey stop but when tg o morr w c cime ime twe they had falth faith and power to pei pel f rm the jou ny of that lay day and cro so 10 1 they aeve h ave been pt anu u i t h d lay day by day to this point god 1 is at tie lie t ie h in of this tins gr great at ship and ind that makes me fel fei 1 g d when I 1 think t li ink about the world and the ei ej ibes of the cause of god I 1 cai cal e no nommie more abou ai i in ihan I 1 do for a maicel of mu keefe all h hll hlf li 11 may howl 1 and arid they may run up and d wn le tLe earth earlb and seek leek whom hey they may destroy b bit it tiey cannot move inove tile the faithful and pure in in bf hial hit ai t let hose apostatize who wish to but god wal w il save sue all who are determined to be saved brethren an isle gle a I 1 bles bies blesy you ou in the name of jesus christ amen alneil |