Show v i san sak swen A writer I 1 tho tile fact act ital th ithome oine errors are ate lifted into import ancia p v morts eti etl arts to refute them v hen they need to fit fi t greated treated with whole wholesome doses of contempt and ridicule ridicule observes that all the blows inflicted by the li y cubean 1 club of cottain wa na coutil as a box on the ear of ofa a celebia ce lebra led athe i attl th the I 1 hand hard dof of beauty after hav j inin in vain in preached 11 h d to a circle ft 0 ladies ladles he lie attempted to revenge revenge 7 himself by a aiding 13 1 ing i my rny errall erroll em ivies leies alvies la lv les ies idi I 1 di did I 1 not in azine that e in an fn a honse lyher e wit ivil vi vis quitis w iu grace 1 I 1 akopp 1 I 1 0 1 q bivie the honor of not be lievin gi in G 12 1 1 yoi agrenot alone sir answered the m mistress 1 bistress 6 JR he houfe lit h r rs arseny ie eny s iny dog mf mv cat i tK honor wih Miti you only these poor brutts brutes have th soo koo goj I 1 se sense n sp not to boast of it i I 1 us wi of what A a few yearb years ago on c one olour western rivers A thing in in the thee sha elia e efa ra man m 3 n was wag glorying gron ing in his ath athelma fishi sa s1 riv viv t t the he I 1 dree pree r P IS I 1 I 1 ft was as all of a man til thit thil it ile lie ha hadano no foul an and 70 no hereafter here herf afier after and eo to zoua xouA hati hall e no soul soui 1 asked a gentleman in lle ile lie the ers gri r vide yide desiring desi rinar to io wah w ih flim film him on tile file s u eino iino no replied the athe atheist tift i nut at not t a whit mor wor ethan a pig pier the gentleman wast was about lonter on an in argument with him win 1 at an ae derly elderly I 1 scotch lady spoke up y sir I 1 hope you will not spend your breath reasoning reasoning with ih creature cre clure sture ly ty h his is ain am confeson confes yn lie he i tas as nae mai mal ioui foul thina a p pg f and jt yr w ad d nae virdue argue uvia ivia va pir |