Show how ilow COAL GAS is MADE madic the process of making coal gis gia li much simpler ill in ill many people nielma giue glue bituminous codi cedi is thrown ihlo a hot liot cylinder of iron the mouth of oi which is ix closed carefully by an iron door with the edges edams edg eda s cemented by soft clay rne vapor arising from the coal is ia received into a tubes tube by menns menus of which it is permitted to cheape ccapa into a series bei ber va of vessels where it is cooled and de deposits dep esita ceita much of its impure matter it itla ilia M then pad pa d into another serles series of vessels con can containing turning quick quicklime lime ilme which robs roba it of its iti sulphurous and other intermixtures inter mixtures from hes this his receiver it flaws flows purified re va we flud find it iti enuse rie lie ile into the and is rom thence distributed distribute dp en an it may bo be needed through inthis mains ghis nod service pipes into various parts of the city the highly charged oua coals aro found bat adapted to 0 o tbt purpose of gat gas making in the tur tura of g s from Newe bede bedo coal coul a chadron weighing 27 cwt cat 13 found to yield yi ld culla cutic deft deet of g gis is 14 cv cwt cat t of coker coke 12 12 1 2 gallons pallo gatio ris iid am moping il liquor 12 gallons of hiek hick tar cannel loal boal will yield upon cu an average cubic geef of gis to the tile |