Show correspondence CO rite RILE SP HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU march 3 1856 a letter to robert campell campbell from eizler elser john T calne caine I 1 preach in this placa on sundays in fit tile tiie english language my congregations are arc not large by siny any means they have lave varied iram tram 5 to 30 or per lops hips more but let few or many come to hear I 1 have llave always endeavored to fill tila the appointment I 1 feol that in so do doing ng I 1 h b ike ive I 1 ve been beet greatly blessed blesse d not so much with sheaves for my hire but with dihe the spirit of or the lord testifying to me that my labors a re acceptable although but one ins ims been hided to our little foreign branc bran brancil cli ji since last au gilst glist yet our public pubic meen meef meetings ings have not been vold void 0 interest nor without good gool results among tile the foreign community during summers this place la n R great resort for tho ilia whaling Vh aling fleet of the pacific ocean tiiu tiny bring a great many men here bere and aud a large amount of trade during the past season we had llad more or leas los of those men to attend our meetings and I 1 hope that the seed thus scattered among those sons of the ocean may not be without its fruits oar our native mission is fi it as prosperous a condition as can reasonably be expected there are not bis 03 many being baptized as in former years yet the progress pro gres of mormonism is still onward und ganv mans many are eive elive to the work and rs re faithful as uny people could be situated as they are for my in own part I 1 am well satisfied with my miss mlis miwon migon 0 o it and if it I 1 can only succeed in doing all thit Is required of me so as a to receive the approbation of god and of my brethren who sent me i I 1 sh shii shil 11 feel greatly blessed the elders of our mission are all in the enjoyment of cooj good health and spirits and ana are arc laboring faithfully falth laith fully rully in our common cause the tile spread of L truth luth uth on the etli of april we shall meet in general conference on the island of or lanai at the gathering cathering cli gli place to transact business b pertaining to the ilia mission and to enjoy each others society for fora a few days for although our kingdom is not very veo extensive yet the elders elderly seldom or ever see uny any liy of those out put of their own conference except a at t general conference con frence hence it is always looked forward sard to with considerable pleasure as a season of great greit rejoicing I 1 am about to make a tour around this island hold my island conference moc fee after afler which we shell start for the general conference hilo KILO dec doe 23 21 1855 1835 prom prom from letters to bishop blet biot T D young toung frombois son ohn lohn R young there appears to ba be little doing among tile the people and I 1 must say that I 1 never even dreamed of seeing so lifeless a race of people lo 10 as s are aro those wih wili whom aiom my rny lot is at present cas cast t their idleness is not however so much to be wondered at for there is nothing to enczur encourage ige them to ba be industrious common labor can be had for four or five fiva dollars a month carpenters and mid stonemasons stone matons masons in are great demand their averaging from three to five dollars a day however tile tiie country is well suited to the tile natives the god of their forefathers has not been bulof of them but has hits given them thein a landphere land where they an can almost live b by y sleeping bie Ble grows wild in fit considerable a abundance and with kalo and poti potatoes toes ii is the staff of or jtb with tho ilia iiara ihns government is not or does not appear to be abla aile alla to give that encouragement to industry which ii 1 necos sary sany lo 10 advance the tile wealth and prosperity of a people the natives are generally poor and from all 1 that appears at present will always remain remail so tile the common people are of medium bit slie but tho tle chiefs area are a large and noble class clau of or men in color they resemble tile the american indians Indi ins have high cheek bones and rather flat flit noses and m many a ny of them haye have curly hair they hive a mild va cant looking eye expressive of the bump of sleep iti Ill veness which I 1 is very prominent oil on the arani lime time of hawaiian I 1 haye have seen many a native drop into a sound sleep during an interesting and lively discourse A person with willi the good old tong tone tone could mesmerize mes meriza a and transport them tham to a paradisiacal slumber with but little trouble they wiley are ara easily excite excited dand daud and continually on th the move ike like iko tho tile various bands of indians that roam over our mountain home they are harg hare today to day aay and there tf tes morrow monrow for this reason it is a liar dand perplexing task fetha fatha elders ciders to keep track of the members ili IIi LoJan jati jail 1 1856 my health is still good and I 1 am in glue flue spirit spirits S br 11 P richards is heri herr and we are spending the tha houlday together tog etther the saints at this place have ilava commenced cutting timber limber for a meeting houie houle the click of the th axe sounds like music to my ear for I 1 fancy that I 1 see Mormon mormonism lim taking 9 a fresh start in this quarter to T 0 daiy diy is a general fast throughout the kingdom kingdo do M by of the king whoredom adultery murder aal a nf drunkenness appear to walk hand handin alq hand in honolulu while the laws of the tha land are trampled under foot fool by ef tIghtened americans aud civilized iad englishmen the alele a fia fla hawaiian wailan wallan paper piper 13 calling loudly for something to ba be dono daiya to keep christian hawaiian wives wires ahil add daughters from being prostituted prostitutes by uncle sams pious seamen upwards of 43 have recruited at the iulanda this winter they have as a general thing met with poor in liy iky lining in in oil CAPT A 0 SMOOTS COMPANY ten TEK MILES WILES EAST OF or LARAMIE may slay 19 1856 NEWS NE vvs I 1 we have just met the mail in company with which was elder smith from south africa in god good health and spirits we arrived arriva at laramie yesterday about dooni noon obtained a supply of provisions tacon dacon rovis lons ions from the post by beying 15 acts for or kacon bacon flour and pilot bread the commander colonel Huff huffman nian treated us kindly I 1 and all parties about the fort showed us marked respect on the fourth of may the snow fell at this fort two feet deep since which the ground round has been bare only about one week the weather for the last two days has been excessively hot a change the more severely felt as the day before yesterday wo we were riding over snow banks all of the camp are enjoying excellent health I 1 have rode for the past week alt alf the time on horseback a considerable feat for a man weighing two hundred and fifty pounds grass for the animals iris his been plenty and they begin to show allow the effects of it we were informed at the fort that the sioux are all at peace the Che yenes want to make peace GEO glo A SMITH |