Show improvements in the south in washington county john hamblin and company are building a stone fort on the tho santa clara and intend e entering at once into rai ral raising sing i cotton in iila tha warm rich bottoms borde boree bordering rim on that stream and probably at an early day sugar cane olives and other fruits of or warm warin alixes cli cil nes pes jehu blackburn co have erected a splendid saw mill in it pine plue valley about 25 miles mile SW from cedar city and near an extensive tract of p pine ine lne timber of or superior quality equal to that at I 1 pdro liro wan peter shirts Is erect erecting iney a grist mill at camarra Ca narra the tho above named substantial improvements improvement speak well for the energy of tiie tha settlers in our most southern county I 1 in iron county J G C and S simpkins I 1 imp are hurrying forward the work upon their carding machine and woolen factory in cedar city and anticipate having it in readiness for this seasons clip crip of wool another saw mill on an la Is in progress at cedar and the tha iron aroi on ai hand ti i dib dih is being cast into flatirons flat irons irous and other useful articles the iron Company havo have cast some beautiful machinery intended to tosu super cede the tho use of coal creek for motive power and are accumulating a large largo amount of material in a readiness for future operations ro cal col het bel P as ml 1 lai lat ita it A laon fsr frel fren up u tareo months and the snow scow in its kanyon prevents getting at lle ile lie file coal tile tho winter winter has been unusually severe though the eattle rattle look remi rems well and but few have been lost and it Is said none need have been if all the herdsmen herd men had attended 6 strictly to their duty bread dread stuff and seed lg grata ra 1 ui are scarce iasi in beaver county ou on tile the ath of offee I 1 eb mcshan M I 1 S eon F howd llowd finished a house of entert entertainment ution ert ent at the point where the military ro ia on 8 bea ver creek which will be a great accommodation I 1 to the traveling public ross R rogers and edward thompson are engaged in erechin erecting a saw saw baw mill a few rods above where the military road crosses big beaver and expect to have it la in wa mithi within 1 a a few weeks elder elden lorin W babbitt probate judg Jud gaTof of ilza 1122 beaver counte expects to leave this cil oil at date Mar march marylib clib 1 and proceed to a t ilat county ww and i engage nt once in forwarding r the a wo work k on a grist mill that it may be ready for the coming harvest harves i I 1 many hands are now busily ln getling out fencing material for the various vanous tracts of r farming land surveyed and being surveyed jd arby by col IV V 11 II dame on the beaver success to the energy and enterprise odthe settlers in our three southern counties and if ii 12 no 6 untoward event happens it is easy to foresee mit adt aliat ere lona iona long iong our brethren in that region though no not t occupying a cand rand flowing with honey 1 will cause causa their chosed locations to blossom with the lae lne vine ind i nd tile the olive and abound in a varied abundance of or the rich products of the soil for stones will bring brill iron and dot the surface of or heretofore naked wastes with tasteful and commodious buil bull buildings dins dini for the habitation of men and for the success 1 prosecution of or the purposes for which we are placed upon the earth |