Show 1 the london times the ilia london quarterly review for july inan article on advertisements contains conta i ns some interesting information respecting the london times they show in the editor editors room says tila the article a biri alli singular galar diagram which indicates by an irregular line the circulation day by day and year boyear by year on oil this sheet the gusts of political feeling and the pressure of popular excite excitement me ut are as minutely elv indicated as te tile force and direction of the wind are shown by the he self registering apparatus in lloyds rooms thus we find that in the year 1845 it ran along at a pretty nearly dead level of 0 copies daily in 1846 for one day dv the of january that on which the report 6 of f sir robert peels reels statement respecting the tile corn laws ap appeared e ared L it rose in a tower towering ing peak to a height heigh t of f and then fell amin again to its old number it began the year 1848 with and rose to on tila the of february the morrow morro of s the french revolution I 1 in 1852 its level at starting starling ws and it attained the ilia highest point it has yet touched on the lath of november tha day of the memoir of tha great duke when copies coples were sold in january 1854 the level had risen to and at the tha comm of the present year it had stood at a which has since increased iner luer eased to copies coples daily notwithstanding in all iho disturbing causes which malm mako tile tiie line of 0 f its circulation present the appearance of hill and nes rising into alp like ilke elevations its ordinary leveldt level lesel at tile the beginning of each year for some somo time past constantly goes on oil advancing insomuch that within tell ten years its circulation has more than doubled by daily this vigorous growth is tile the true cause of that wonderful won derM determination of advertisements to its pages which have overflowed into a second paper or sup plem lyt lit as it avns ws form formerly erly etly called that this this success baa been boen fairly won we ve have nevar never ourselves doubled but a fact has come to our knowledge know ledga wilch wh ch will pretty clearly prove that this great paper piper is conducted on principles which whip it aro ara super superior i or to mere money considerate consi considerations derat ions lons or rat rather er its op pr allons are arc so large that it can afford to in inflict iet let U upon pon itself pecuniary losses stich such atwould as would anniti annihilate ate afe any olier j journal burnal in order to tike a perfectly free course it in the tile year 1845 when tile the railway mania manla was in its height tiie the times advertising sheet was overrun with projected lines and viany lany a guess was war made mada we remember at t the he tf tame me as to their probable halup but high as the esi esl ates gener gene aly aty ivere evere were they came far short of the truth we give the cash aud and credit returns of advertisements of all kinds for nine weeks sept G 6 50 0 at t 11 25 Is 13 00 18 00 go 90 20 87 is 25 0 8 62 27 75 1 87 oct 4 50 darl diring daring ina ing the tile greater part of te time atiat the tiie proprietors prie tors were reaping this splendid harvest from the ilia I 1 afa t nation f the people the ilia heaviest au guns 11 wera were daily brought baroug t to bear from the ilia leading 0 columns o upon the bubbles which rose roee up so thickly inthe in oie hie advertising sheet the effect of their fire may bo be measured by the tile failing falling effon nearly fifteen thousand dollars in the returns for a single week As to the receipt of the times for sales of the paper at its present rate of circulation a day the tho price of each paper being ad they amount to a week taking its average receipts for advertisements at per week its total yearly receipts would amount to in hunts fourth estate if our recollection bottes bottea us the yearly expense of conducing the exclusive elusive of course of such add additions ions alons as an event like tila the present war m may ny cause is s slated elated to be of pain or I 1 r on the advent of a disaster 1 r to coall all ail bui but those who are gifted by nature or hive have been disciplined in the chool school of affliction they th ey a are 1 re about as effectual as whistling in the teeth of a their utter impotence in the storm of pasion reminds me oe of the directions given by a good new england deacon to his choleric son whenever you feel N youn your our oun dander rising 1 5 said he be sure to say the lords horts prayer my son or else the alphabet clean through nii gli and long iong ong before you get et to the end ont be he as cool as a cucumber curri currl far gir or an iceberg prom promise ise lse me faithful faithfully lys my son P 17 yes es daddy 1 1 I promise orf off trudged u gj jonathan to school carrying his bread and meat witha small bottle of molasses in his hi sacket lacket pocket and his late firm promise uppermost in his mind A boy who owed hm him an all old grudge met him and after calling hin birn the young deacon ly and other nicknames caught him off h ats Is guard and threw him to ite he lie ground tearing his jacket and breaking ins irs molasses 4 bottle now it assaid is said sald by cen con censorious serious southerners that a yankee will vill take a great many matly hard names with the patience of a martyr h his spirit p irit is word proof but tear his clothes or cheat his belly and ho he will fight to the knife knifa up jumped Jol Joli nathan malhan his eyes wolfish and his lips white with rage but there was an oath in heaven and he did not forget it so 0 he proceeded to swallow his alphabetical pills an antidote to wrath not mentioned in the regimen nor recognised recognized by the british college A BC B C youve my jacket D E EF F youve spilt my rov lasses G H I 1 J K youre outre a carnal rascal L al N 0 P elj vi Q ill lii j larn I you xou oil better manners you scamp you 11 S T U V ill 1111 s spile dil vil e yer picter eryou you 0 old oid iou jou d wall eye vj X Y Z ampersand now ill pound yer insides out of you vou you encroach encroaching in willain willai nill and with that jonathan whose passion had been mounting alphabetically through all his fathers prescriptions of vowels and consonants caught the tha young scapegrace and throwing ti him down was proceeding to off each of the deacons d twenty six anti pills in the shape cf of a dozen hearty fisticuff i which abich might perhaps have brou brought glit alit the poor fellow to the omega of his days had net the timely approach of a passenger interrupted the manipulations so much for rules to control the passions knickerbocker |