Show liek like illie LIKE llen A few days since a lady entered one of our dry goods stores on merrimack tand and wished to examine examine some blue blueTh ibets she shwas was ip formed that the tw A lavt last of ithone those blues had heen been sold the day previous llast liast us but they had some preen green which was a really splendid article icle and would suit her just as well if she only tholf go i i but I 1 wish for blue said he the lady yes maarn gaarn but b tit you had better try tills green it wll will suit buit you just as well isyou if you only think BO so th thi storekeeper stoie keeper evidently thought he had struck a br harght idea and in about the same language the lady finally concluded the would accommodate the gentlemen ane and allowed him in accordance 7 with his earnett request to cut oss off oine some of the green when the package was duly prepared the he lady moved towards howardi the tte door with a smiling good good gond mornin marnina mor nina jr sir six I 1 4 you yu vou have forgotten to pay pie sie me said C the he storekeeper f that s no matter maiter replied the lady at it will lilt sult suit you just as well vell if you only think ibin k so to yand band and she be actually walked away leaving the gentleman pondering on lle ile lie effect of his own wit an and the remarkable facility facil lly ily with which she toie tole his thunder the general opinion appears appeals to be the lady was not gren gr en inthe if the thabet was we go in with the majority t lowell news |