Show A 1 iv ri ja n A massachusetts di int tnt 1 I Correspond enci bf the evening posta post 1 ia 1 t v BOSTON jany 12 1853 1855 TROUBLE I 1 is X THE Wid wali our oun legislature is hard at work to convince its constituents that popery and foreigners are to receive no quarter quart erat at its hands already several orders have been introduced beaning bearing iiga a f dinst the catholics th olics I 1 there was an order adopted on wednesday instructing the J judiciary ciary clary committee to 0 o consider the expediency of reporting a i bill lia iia aking making convents ai or nunneries nunn eries and roman catholic schools a as open and free to public visitation and inspection spec tion as protestant institutions the committee Education on Edo cation catlon the same day nas was waa instructed to inquire into the expediency x of altering laws lads so as id td provide that thit every child between the ages of eight and ano fourteen whether of native or foreign buth firth be compelled to attend the public schools at least twelve weeks in in the year hardly come to anything as it is calculated to play the very deuce defice with the truest and bluest protestants in the state the passage and enforcement ofa of a law containing such a a provision would break up all the private establishments for education in massachusetts BO so far as they are attended by children between the aces ages of 6 eight ht and tw e iv years the interference which this order bontem plates pia pla teson on the part in the private affairs of families may be suited to the latitude of prussia but it will not answer for foe this bieak bleak part of the world i the reformers will find much difficulty in hitting catholics hard without cutting down five times limes the number of protestants 1 1 perhaps it is as well that it should be so in order to prevent us from be becoming rampant A third order contemplates the daily reading of the common english version of the bible bibi d in all odthe of tiie tile public schools orthe of the state oral least of br restricting the school fund appropriation of the state stale to such schools and only such as shair comply with such daily practice this is a bringing tip lip oran or of an gid question and one out of which the whigs made mads a great deal of capital in 1853 when the new constitution was voted down principally because the irish Cot catholics holies did hot like a provision pr providing ovidiO ag against ainest the public support of or sectarian schools and which way wab not inthe body of the instrument atiq it is a L queer sight to seeth at of a gentlemen who called upon the catholics to vote against the pro vision vision named now demanding that such people shall be excluded from voting and be cohl veiled to send their chil chii children fren to protestant schools their opinion and their practice have been wonderfully changed perhaps they are resolved to ke keep eillis his excellency strictly in coun cenance ite te nance yesterday the Jud judiciary clary ciary committee were ordered to consider the expediency of reporting an oil amendment to the constitution providing that any man owing allegiance to any foreign power either civil or ecclesiastical shall shair not be eligible to any office in massachusetts the object is to place the catholics on the same footing jn hat that they now occupy in in new hampshire the ignal signal given by the governor for war upon 69 th catholics has been heartily responded to ifo we seem to b on the he eve of civil andje and religious troubles like those of which we have read in history j without deeming r it possible 1 1 libat that such things would ever threaten the peace of an tin american state the reports of mr J A lowells lecture in in the daily ad advertiser vertisell yer ver tiser are made from the authors th orys manuscript by a distinguished ait Jit gentleman gf if Camb cambridge e and can therefore be depended upon for correctness less and finiak finis ji the first lecture was admirable prid the V whole hole hoie course will probably be odthe of the tame same character |